is One Piece irrelevant? while My Hero Academia is the next big thing?
Is One Piece irrelevant? while My Hero Academia is the next big thing?
No and maybe so
Both are shit.
If you piss on one of both of them, one of them will continue to drink cause they're a retarded brazillian nigger.
Fuck off.
Black Clover is the next big thing and rolls over those two like they were nothing.
Black Clover is literally a meme.
wan piss was always irrelevant
>If you piss on one of both of them, one of them will continue to drink cause they're a retarded brazillian nigger.
the only thing retarded here is you. What are you even trying to say
MHA probably. It's about the quality of naruto and bleach which ended and normies seem to love it
So are the other two.
mha is tanking in the rankings
MHA is decent but would be 10 times better if Deku wasn't so frustratingly nice and understanding to everyone.
Dragon Ball was is and always will be the next big thing.
Why do people try and argue this?
>this post
I had a small laugh thanks user.
Spotted the beaner.
If he was a beaner, wouldn't he be praising Saint Seiya?
it's a much worse naruto without any good arcs
It's definitely better than naruto, more like HxH lite. It's pretty awful this arc but Black clover is the new naruto.
1. Dragon Ball Z
2. Saint Seiya
3. Ranma 1/2
These were/are the most popular shows on Mejico. user is definitely a beaner. I know this because I'm an evolved beaner myself, a Leguminosity.
My Hero can easily go to shit as anything else can but if we go by popularity and sales then yes.
Oh yeah, MHA is easily on it's way to becoming a big leaguer, whereas One Piece while still popular is definitely gone done in both sales and popularity. I can even speak from this because I flatout dropped One Piece after the Dressrosa Arc, whereas a few months ago, I read the first few chapters of MHA and was immediately hooked and read all of it, and the illegals series.
i........ what?
MIA fags became super cancer in the past couple months for some reason.
I'll take black clover over them any day.
Did you just enter whatever your phone predicted next
BnHA reminds me more of FMA:B than of the big three
This. And I like MHA, the fanbase became so fucking cancer that I can't even look at the threads without wanting to drink a gallon of bleach.
And you know because of this people will start calling the series shit without actually watching it because the fans are cancer, ala JoJo.
the execution was kind bad, ameritard
Are you sure you're not a retarded brazillian nigger?
Glad im not the only one who had to mute the anime after hearing him first talk.
Yes, mein nigger academia is gonna be the next big thing even tho it can't sale more than 600k before dropping from the top 50 after 2 seasons.
Slit your wrists
I've been thinking about starting My Hero Academia lately. Should I watch the anime first or should I start with the manga?
>can't even sell as much as HxH
Its been irrelevant for years, you are right in both
I'd suggest watching the anime then pick up where it leaves off in the manga, cause the anime makes a lot of the less entertaining parts more enjoyable, like the final exam arc which is fucking garbage in the manga but pretty enjoyable in the anime.
Nah, FMA was separate from the big 3 because it didn't follow the same story structure. There weren't really clear arcs, escalation of powers, a plot guided by combat, or the whole "power of friendship" thing going on
BnHA has all of those. One could possibly make an argument that SnK is the FMA counterpart of the modern era, but if you ask me, BnHA is the only clear member of the "new big 3"
As for the rest, no clue. Shokugeki no Soma? Boruto? Nanatsu No Taizai? One Piece again?
I recognise that line of thinking.
Some of these series are established popular manga in the last decade.
Honestly the world building is what keeps me reading OP.
There are so many characters and factions in play that it's a delight to see them reappear and see how they've progressed.
Also the way Oda uses "superpowers" in his manga makes combat creative and interesting.
MHA is alright but reminds me too much of Naruto or Blue Exorcist. No matter what happens the world still feels small and the focus tight.
I also had high hopes about Seven Deadly Sins but that devolved into asspull power showcase.
Don't watch it, it's garbage
>BnHA is the only clear member of the "new big 3"
I thought that the big 3 supposed to be the best 3 seller at some point
Black Cover is so fucking forced
Dragon Ball is for people on his 20's
Saint Seiya on his 30's
So is bnh
Sales where?
I think it's the forth in sells ranking.
After one piece h x h and haikyuu
bnha will never become as popular as op, db, bleach, naruto
One Piece will take the lead again when hollywood pushes for a worldwide release of the new series in a year or two.
Shaggy deja a la ranita que esta bien bonita
>Dr Stone and Neverland are already way more popular
It's getting canceled soon
bnha is not bad but its kinda boring
there I said it
>Boku no faggot academia
>Next big thing
I read through this post 3 times, and I still don't get it.
I think he means that "if you made both of the fanbase upset, one fanbase Will drink alcohol because you pissed them off"
And I think he refers to one piece fanbase
You know what? Deku being the protagonist doesn't really fit Shounen Jump. Most protagonists in battle manga in SJ aren't wimpy. Some of them are clumsy but they're not a faggot. I'm willing to make a bet that BnHA would get axed in the next 2 years.
>bet that BnHA would get axed in the next 2 years.
I wouldn't go as far as saying I will get axed, but my bet is that its popularity will hugely decrease
Big 3 is a meaningless phrase used to describe the meteoric rise in popularity of three shounen that all came out around the same time, especially in the west.
Trying to desperately search for series to "replace" Naruto and Bleach in the Big 3 is retarded because 2 series would need to have that crazy rise in popularity. BnHA is close to that, but not quite.
Are you retarded? As long as it continues to sell like it is, and I see no reason for that to change, BnHA will continue.
How is Deku a wimp? The kid blows his own arm off every fight just to win.
>BnHA is close to that
Not really, it isn't even close to the popularity of SNK and OPM
>male main character
>Boku no Hero instead of Ore no Hero
Bnh is for faggots, OP.
>le epic madman meme
this needs to fucking stop. all consequences of his ability were a very very temporary thing, solved in literally like 3 chapters and haven't even been brought up in like 80
>bnha is close to big 3 in popularity
underage-kun your underageness is showing
>le epic madman meme
At the very least though, he's not a wimp.
Why the fuck is boku hero so fucking popular among millennial anime fans? It looks generic as hell.
Nigga wut
he may not be a 'wimp' per se but he's a whiny cunt nonetheless.
especially considering he can't talk to girls.
HxH sells more than 99% of series, since when is that the standard for popularity?
He can talk to his mom! Checkmate.
>Space Brothers in the third spot
I really need to read the manga since season 2 is never coming.
since hxhfags and bnhafags are currently in the midst of the most intense series rivalry they've ever had.
on one side you have
>hxh is an intellectual's series
>bnha is for plebians
and other pretentious faggotry
on the other you have
>bnha is a deconstruction of the shounen genre
>hxhfags are pretentious faggots who know nothing about literature
so on and so forth
Not only millennials, I have a couple of normie friends around my age who are annoyingly autistic about it. I can't wait for this shit to be replaced by another useless shonen manga and so on.
> Popular series sells more
> How does that make it popular?
New chapters of HxH are an annual event. Sales wouldn't be that high if they were constant.
Also, he was saying that BNHA isn't popular at all because it's not as popular as a manga that sells more than 99% of series.
Stop speedreading the thread.
A mom is not a girl checkmate
All I see in here.
I don't know what you're smoking, but I want some.
>Sales wouldn't be that high if they were constant.
Actually, the longer the wait more people will lose interest, look at yahari sells for example.
>Sales wouldn't be that high if they were constant.
Nah, if it wasn't so well liked it'd just be forgotten. A lack of promotion doesn't benefit a series.
In 2016&2017 , how many front covers did bnh get in SJW magazine?
BNHfags actually think that way
>tfw the next big 3 are those 2 and Dr stone
>tfw dr. Stone is better then either one of those but nobody actually cares about it because it's not terrible meme garbage
>tfw it will never get an anime.
Are MHA fags really that deluded that think that series is even close to fucking Bleach?
MHA is fucking Toriko tier