(((Fuck your cousin there's nothing wrong with it)))
(((Fuck your cousin there's nothing wrong with it)))
Fucked mine many times. She’s fucking hot (well she used to be when we fucked). From as early as I can remember we touched each other. Finally fucked at 15, did it probably a dozen times the next 10 years.
There really isn't anything wrong with it. Pretty common thing for most of history.
They used to use this as an insult against white rednecks.But I knew as soon as it became a prominent thing associated with muslims they would try and retcon it. The formula is so easy to predict.
Muslims have been doing it for years and they're all well balanced, reasonable individuals.
I know a woman that married her second cousin and her daughter has disabilities
and before the europatrol says hillbillies they were both europeans, only ones I ever knew, nice impression
Science.. pick related
You're supposed to use the Confederate Meme flag for this kind of post. Fucking burgers always screwing it up.
>Blaming the jews
I would expect a Muslim or an American to peddle this horseshit, not a Jew.
Lead use was also common for most of history and caused brain damage. Just like 1st cousin marriages.
Consanguinity can lower average IQ of a population by a clinically significant level over time.
>if all morality is relative to culture, and a majority of muslims are inbred, then inbreeding is a cultural norm
theres enough genetic distance between you and your second or third cousin to have offspring.
many non related people have children with disabilities. It's a plague today
frog bantz best bantz
My 3rd cousin is a countess
Should I?
Fuckbuddies, yes.
Reproduction, fuck no.
How many of you guys have hot cousins? I do.
Lmao found the article
>It’s estimated that 4 to 7 percent of children born to first cousins are likely to have birth defects, Popular Science reports.
>But even children whose parents are more distantly related have a 3 to 4 percent chance for birth defects.
Lmao the article itself says first cousin marriages results in 2% more birth defects. How the fuck do you interpret that to mean it's fine to marry your first cousin?
I think the only argument I find somewhat convincing to apologize for incest is that we allow 40 year old women to get fertility treatments and old women having kids results in way more birth defects than first cousin marriages. However even if there is a double standard, first cousin marriages still do result in webbed feet kids.
Fucking disgusting jews
nice OP. Nice
Yeah? What is wrong with it too you?
Science doesnt say that lol unless you want birth defect nigger baby
this cant be a jewish plot because jews do this themselves out of necessity
>100% increase
>it goes parabolic the closer you get
A couple of my cousins are bretty hot desu
(subtle kek)
In a culture where cousin marriage is NOT common the OCCASIONAL first cousin marriage only raises the risk of birth defects by an insignificant amount. But when it happens over and over again the disabilities start piling up fast while the IQs start falling like a rock.
You can see this in action when comparing Christian Arabs to Muslim Arabs. Muslim Arabs who first cousin marry are 10 to 15 IQ points LESS than their Christian cousins who do not. That's nigger territory IQ just from inbreeding. Also the rates of physical and mental disability (INCLUDING mental illness) are massive more common in Muslim Arabs.
They really are as crazy and stupid as you think they are.
Based "No!"se poster
i smell jew
Muslims are just rednecks on steroids, I wish libs weren't so soft on them.
This is why they're trying to make it ok.
damn...how did I not think of this
The science does say that... if you don't have a ling family history of incest or doing so. However this probably isn't aimed at the logistics or science, and more aimed at being an Islamic-Apologist. They have a long history of doing this, which as stated previously, will lead to problems. Problems that are apparent in most modern muslim populations from their infant mortality rate, birth defects, and health issues.
All of these things that Jews want imported into healthy European/North American countries mind you.
you share 0.781% dna with her
what the fuck, pol thinks incest is a jewish conspiracy? how does pol think whites came about in the first place? if anything, it's the only hope for the white race because literally everything is dominant to white genes, even dog sperm kek
Pls die.
Holy shit, I fucked your cousin too.
If we’re talking about the right kind of flags we’re posting with, yours should be white, considering the state your country is in right now.
>ten years later
>Science says its fine to fuck your sister.
>implying science has a voice
Why do ebin leddit and facebook "i fucking love science" faggots speak like this? Why do people say that science "said" something?
Why are (((they))) pushing incest so hard lately? On every porn site now half the videos are degenerate mother-son shit. At least that's what my porn-watching friends tell me.
Okay, dad that is going to Washington DC.
>your id
>how does pol think whites came about in the first place
Darkies dying from rickets.
It is, you fucking brainlet. Something like 30% of the worlds marriages are between first cousins. It's a great way to keep you lineage pure, but some small-minded halfwit like you wouldn't understand.
The Hapsburgs say otherwise
>complete cephalic development is a PRIVILEGE
Most muslims are inbred, they want to impose that tradition as well
No it is fucking not, first cousin marriages have a proven detrimental effect, this is apology-making for fucking Arabs.
>ten years after that
>it's okay to fuck children, (((science))) says it's Ok!
God I hate Jews so fucking much
3rd cousins and so on are so genetically different from you that it's never going to directly cause a problem. Going far enough back through history most people were at least this closely related to each other, I wouldn't worry about it. My girlfriend's parents are distant cousins and she and her sister turned out fine.
>Muslims are just rednecks on steroids
What a dumb thing to say.
"family therapy"
Science is their god.
They claim they have no god, but there is this thing they believe is absolute law, never question, and speak of as if its handing down laws for us to live by.
But heh, I guess they dont have a god...right.
>t. first cousin parents
Que? Hablo Americano, amigo?
Everyone fucked your ugly slut sister don't worry
Hillbillies are disgusting pigs for doing it but when Dunebillies do it all of the sudden the libs say it’s a-okay
نكتة مضحكة ، الملك.
>good leaf posts get ignored
>leafposting gets all the (you)s
there is no justice in this world
Great post. Shameful nu-Sup Forums would ignore it.
Ok muhammad
I'm waiting for it to be ok to fuck my daughter. I'll divorce my wife and marry my daughter. I have to knock off her kike husband first though.
Genetics and ethics are two different things.
>Science says
oh dawg , he came back swinging
Well you can use words like sister and daughter to find the younger fresher looking girls. Its a hack
You guys claiming this is from Jews to inbred white people?
Are you stupid...
White people don't even get married let alone a cousin or not.
First cousin is too risky for offspring. Second still is a risk. Third or fourth cousins seem to be the ideal couple for healthy children.
About time I got 3 here in Alabama lined up I've been waiting to marry.
Come back when you country is relevant.
Have a (you)
Never mind the low IQ, inbreeding problems they have
I saw this on my local news today. I live in the south so I figured it was just because of that. What is their end game pushing incest now?
It actually isn't bad as long as it's not intergenerational. The reason the Muslim world is so inbred is because they don't at one time marriage, they go for cousin fucking through several generations.
By pushing women into the work place, discouraging having kids, and getting immigrants so I'd have an economic boost in the short term?
No, thanks.
I mean, do you even have a history? Besides being a center for people to cut their dicks and become "women"?
>Besides being a center for people to cut their dicks and become "women"
I'm not Europe.
I find my female relatives disgusting. No thanks I'll pass.
Science Says It's Okay To Fuck Your Dog And That's A Good Thing
My first cousin was pretty hot too but I was too much of a sperg to make a move
Casablanca man.
Only once. Dude she wasnt hot, Att All!!!! It was the booze that made her hot. For you, um, i dont know....
Don't worry, there are people who've been taking note of more based leafs posting since the year started.
all the leafs got tired of memeing, it's not even funny how much b8 everyone falls for actually taking time to try to argue against leafposting
the european and ancient IE nobility used to do this constantly you dumb nigger
and the sound of many redneck rejoicing could be heard from miles
They admit that it increases the chances of having a disabled child right in the article
Grug think long nose tribe behind this
You gotta get them right after the quinceañera. They go from Abuelita to Arbolita real quick.
t. half Mexican
Dunebillies, I haven’t heard jews called that.
By science did they mean Einstein?
I've been fucking mine for years. I just wish the law would change so it is legal for us. If we get caught in this state, it's 25 to life for both of us.