New World Order. George Soros, and everything else the libtards try to do.
New World Order. George Soros, and everything else the libtards try to do
>shilling your video with 0 views on Sup Forums
1 dislike for you
Awe. Is someone tiggered? Do you need a hug user? Or maybe stop being a faggot.
>posting your own vid/jewtube page on Sup Forums for veiws.
You are correct it is my video. However, I posted it here to trigger jonesfags, stormfags all of the other far-right cringe.
Rush Limbaugh rules, faggot.
>0 subscribers
>first second in see some cringe newgrounds face logo
and closed
You have to be 18 to post here, faggot
Qanon here.
Libtards are using black gurls to corrupt Good American Conservatives. THIS MUST BE STOPPED! Trump will use the code word "fake News" and you will know this to be true!
Yeah. I just launched an hour ago. Makes sense right?
Israel is the NWO.
Soros is a fall guy.
>launching your Youtube channel on Sup Forums
kys my dude
At least we have archived proof your shit channel started out with a shill thread
Retard it helps reading other replys. Also keep giving me those cringeRight tears.
Well, this is a new narrative. Do tell more.
Literally no one even watched your stupid shit video
The only cringe here is some amerimutt shilling his dead channel on a fucking image board
Wtf is an Amerimutt. Assume I'm not fluent in white-ISIS speak.
Meh New World Order..
B-b-but soros.
Now guys I'm no expert on matters of racial insecurity, but as I look around.. I think they might actually replace you.. :(
Like meme that claims whites in America aren't white so should blanda up some more
Pure propaganda. I am a white male not the retarded of spring of stormy and trump.
Tbh it looks like the avrg stromfag. I would hate pretty brown people too.
"I masturbate to limbaugh's voice you faggot libtard shill"