Other urls found in this thread:
>"White culture doesn't exi--"
>*scrambles to erase millennia of evidence*
When will this madness end
Link pls
have we a source
this is fake, right?
When people start dying for stepping out of line that far.
Thor if Odin.
fraid' not bucko
Not surprise, Sweden doesn't have a culture, just destroy those priceless artifacts & import more Muslims for real culture
The destruction is real. Angry Foreigner (civic nationalist I know) made a video about it
In the future,
Google "Vikings",
Black pictures will show first!
Erase History and then change it!
lol. Yeah sure.
>Sweden takes the first place again.
First of all, why the fuck does Sweden have a fucking black minister for culture?
I've said it many times before but I have to say it again: what the fuck is wrong with the Swedish people?
old news
You mad?
oh man the Swedistan meme is real, "Sweden" is a dead nation
For real or some bullshit from circlejerk websites?
>Having a white minister of culture in a country that has historically been >99% white would be ra.
You can picture Barbara Lerner Spectre with an ear to ear grin. VIKING DEATH SQUADS WHEN?
I unironically hope you begin doing the Blood Eagle on rapists.
kikes awakening a sleeping dragon
Its both.
Its real in the sense that there is not enough money to take care of all findings, and if no one takes care of it it will just be thrown in the garbage like any other trash.
Its fake in the sense that no valuable or unique objects are thrown away. Say viking swords or something are very valuable and they will be taken care of.
But whole towns are built on rusted medieval spoons and no one gives a shit about them. My neighbor dug up some medieval skeletons in the yard and asked the local museum if they wanted them but they just said "we have 4 full storage houses of medieval skeletons already so we are good". He just reburied them a bit further away but its that sort of goods were no one is interest of paying to collect it any longer.
Is there any country worse than Sweden?
Serious question. I'd rather go to the Congo. JFC.
dear lord please let me live long enough to see the multiple assassinations of people of this ilk occur in jesus' name i pray amen
Det är på riktigt ditt jävla nöt.
Enda gången de bevarar något är om det är av utländskt ursprung eller föreställer en kvinna.
>Its real in the sense that there is not enough money to take care of all findings, and if no one takes care of it it will just be thrown in the garbage like any other trash.
uhm I would gladly take them desu
why do they not ask if somebody wants them for free ?
This has to be bullshit...
Sure, you could probably grab some things if you ask anyone who digs them out. First the museum people will have to look at them and determine that they don't want them first.
Some museum people were also the ones that raised this issue arguing that their limitation in storage capacity lead to the destruction of items that have historical value.
Every time you dig in my city there is always a lot of things, as its been continuously inhabited for about 1000 years. But as said, most things are uninteresting, its rusted broken pieces of metal or fragments of pottery and such. Its nothing you can sell at auction.
The good finds the museum keeps.
It's a money issue. They don't have the resources to process and conserve the metal objects so they toss like 85% of them. Money is being spent elsewhere, you see.
such as on housing mohammad and his ten inbred children
Damn that video is an emotional rollercoaster ride
>Okay man and wife having the baby
>Oh shit the baby is black, husband looks pissed
>Nevermind he's happy. Must be a soyboy
>Black man runs in
>Okay maybe the white dude was completely unrelated?
>It was the black man and white man's baby the entire time. Woman was just an incubation sack
Is this what it feels like to go from vanilla to extreme fetishes?
Why would an American give a fuck about Vikings?
She has to die
in like 50 seconds flat LOL
Sweden is changing the game
That's barely the tip of the iceberg, Musashi friend
Is it just me or is it that the more atheist a country gets the more religion gets replaced with just pure hedonism/debauchery/narcissism.
Shits like a chaos invasion
There's a reason why Muslims keep their women on check, just see how "freed" women behave.
Specially middle eastern women, when they get fully "westernized" they become huge sluts for some reason, the middle east NEEDS islam to function.
Weve always been at war with Eurasia
yeah it is
You've posted this exact same thread multiple times now, and it's just as made up now as it was then.
Yeah because Muslim men are the pinnacle of society.
>rape little girls
>kill people with different religion
>wipe ass with your hand
The slut argument is completely stupid. You'd be a slut, too, if you had the choice. Incels need to stop being angry about sluts.
I know this was a joke but legitimately the american football team the vikings with two black players showed up for me
See as i said in Not only in the middle east needs it but the world in in general needs religion is a strong tool to maintain a population in check (women) without it they inevitably fall into hedonistic empty lifestyles which also lead to depression.
The middle east needs islam, Europe could use a more traditional version of Christianity (like orthodoxy or Catholicism as it's practiced in uncucked regions like Poland or by the SSPX)
Do you think that matters to people anymore?
when their country inevitably goes to complete shit i wonder who they'll blame it on
i mean whether brexit is thwarted or not they're fucked at this point
Atheism is just a consequence of a much larger picture. Turning them into bible thumpers wouldn't solve their problems. They need to be proud of their race, and that entails tribalism, defending each other. The key component here is that the Swedish have been told they're the white devil for longer than many western countries, and because they're the masterrace their supposed guilt is proportionally larger. Another contributing factor is they have grown up in a white society, they have no idea what niggers are like in the real world. Until recently, that is. But I do not fear for them, the kikes are awakening a sleeping dragon, and they will pay for it. The white race has gone through much worse and came out on top.
Btw, the profile in was obviously ((manufactured)), it reads exactly like the stories shills come spread here on Sup Forums. I share these memes in the hopes swedebros go full berserk, not because I want to call them cucks or any shit like that. I might do so every now and then, but it's because I want them to bring back the Blood Eagle, not because I'm trying to be a cunt with them. The same can be said about bongs and krauts. From my experience brits are generally much more arrogant though
Lol, all that just to sell some fucking juice
The lady is doing God's work, may history never remember those snowniggers.
I always like to come to Sup Forums every once in awhile from Sup Forums just to see you white fags scramble to succumb to the BBC kek. Black superiority will win and whites will turn brown in the next hundred years.
Get used to it. Inb4:
>le 56%
I'm full negress ;0
>only white women
i guess they're not even hiding it anymore
>google vikings
>minnesota vikings shows up
the future is now
He did nothing wrong. Please wake up, Sweden.
fucking tragic
If you mean they have a ton of viking shit, literally tons of it, and got rid of some that's not any better
open more museums and less immigrant centers
>hehe u mad wypipo we're going to breed you out of existence, sure we'll inevitably turn previously great civilizations into shitholes, but it was worth it cause fuck wypipo :^)
Why would an American give a fuck about the Romans, or the Germans? Why would Americans give a fuck about medieval knights and the concept of chivalry? Why would Americans care about Britain or any other European country? Because these are part of our history and heritage as descendants of Europe, and its erasure is a tragedy that must be prevented or avenged.
Sounds like don't care about Vikings because you don't have any reason to care about European history, culture, or people.
Nope. Digging up viking graves and throwing it all the trash because White people have no culture.
Muslim women are huge sluts you retard, they just don't do it in public not to be stoned to death. But if you talk to one in a private section they'll offer you anal within 5 minutes. This is about a people's identity, you can't expect a religion to create identity overnight. What places like Sweden need isn't a christian identity, it's a SWEDISH identity, just like England needs an English identity, Germany a kraut identity, so on and so forth. And together they must uphold their European identity. Religion doesn't magically replace that. Brazil has been a very catholic country for a long time, and look at this shit. Granted, younger generations don't follow christian doctrine, but up until the 70s or so most families went to church every sunday(or more) and acted very religiously. Still a shithole. Why? Brazil's identity is drugs and sluts. Some of our exports such as music often were famous abroad because of their "sensuality", so it sticks to the sluts narrative. The US and Canada worked out because they maintained their anglo identity until very recently. A religion that can be adopted by anyone can't replace that.
And muslims are inbred retards, while their genetics remains trash they will be trash. Identity relies on genetics, and Europe is still overwhelmingly white(and will remain so, as soon as niggers stop being led by the hand by government and NGOs they'll die in the first winter they face)
>la creatura
Then the Chinese invent a genetically engineered virus bomb, and the resulting black corpses could be piled till they touched the face of God. But hey, at least you showed those mean ol' whites, huh?
Sounds to me you're somehow trying to justify degeneracy.
Only americans are surprised because they don't have any history, but this is something who is very common in the rest of the world
Most of these pieces are broken and historians can't do anything with them, also, you need moneys and place for these pieces
Odds are you're brown yourself.
What are you talking about hickboi?
>confederate flag
lol grow up
How are you not appreciative of the fact that in a lot of countries, you would be whipped for your treacherous behavior? Do you not realize that in many other countries you are viewed as dogs (understandabley so) and you would be dealt with as such?
literally just sell them to collectors or other museums instead of melting them
There is no truth to this.
Swedes are insane about Viking artifacts, and "history" in general. This is only on bullshit web sites.
They're terrible at shutting it down
Keep doing this until our mutts learn
mathematically wrong
stop replying to this attention whore
The Fayum Protraits are from Egypt. So what's your big revelation? Egyptian people look Egyptian? Real shocker there, mate!
What are they gonna use it for, exactly?
Who wants broken pieces when they can have a gold helmet from a viking soldier for free in their location ?
You need money for transport
And nothing of value was lost
Sweden has tons of old nails and arrowheads of no historic value.
Stop replying to obvious bait
That's English, Latrina. You know, the subject you failed in school.
They will never learn, that's the thing.
It's swedencucks, I would not be suprised if they did that.
Damn, I would marry her
Point to me where I justified degeneracy and I'll gladly answer.
>germans dragging into a war unprepared and expecting us to win
You have a negative view towards muslim women, as if they are all whores.
>mathematically wrong
Post your genetic test then, monsieur?
Kek tu es une chatte
Shouldn't they heed his words?! He punched le ebil Nazis
It's a juice ad.
Reality is far worse.
ha ha ha
sweden is bitch
t. muh heritage faggot
I'm part European genetically, but it doesn't matter because I am American.
You think these sluts bouncing from guy to guy to try to fill the hole in their heart are happy? This shit is taught to them by the works of the current degenerate culture. In their natural state, women are happy being loyal partners and mothers.
>Weve always been at war with Eurasia
Weve always been at war with East Asia
Because they are? Saying muslim women are whores isn't justifying degeneracy, on the contrary, it's criticizing it. Are you some arab behind that flag? Both your IQ and your excuses make me suspect it. Mohammad's mother was a jew btw, so he was a jew himself.
How are they whores when they follow a strict religion and code of conduct?
>i'm part european
>muh heritage
People like you are why my country is shit. I hope the whites with a brain get rid of you when the time comes.
>Why would an American give a fuck about Vikings?
Yes, I agree, why would (((we))) care about white culture and history?