Eating a raw egg on rice

>Eating a raw egg on rice
>Raw egg

Why is this allowed?

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Japanese chickens fold their eggs over a thousand times so they have no salmonella like filthy mass produced gaijin eggs.

man the fuck up cooking is for sissies

The rice cooks the egg.

They're pasteurized, probably.

>not eating raw eggs

where did this meme come from that you can't eat shit raw? people need to man up. if you can't handle some minor bacteria you'll die when you go outside like a fucking beta.

If you haven't tried this with rice that was freshly cooked (like out of the pot/rice cooker), then you're missing out. Haven't tried it with soy sauce though.

watch this


I've eaten a raw egg at least once a week for the past twenty years and I'm still perfectly healthy

No, it can't. The only way to have the egg cook is in very hot porridge. Egg on rice is as disgusting as balut.

Even if the rice just came straight out of the rice cooker there's no way it's hot enough.

>using green text

The rice is fresh and hot. Usually you stir the egg, so it's a very thin spread over the hot and still steaming rice, cooking the egg by the time it is eaten.

there's even raw oyakodon
> raw chicken sashimi
> raw egg
> veggies over rice



oh bois

Rice gets pretty fucking hot.

So it's good.

Can't you go and be ignorant about food on /ck/ like everyone else

that was cool

I dislike the taste but I thought eggs are sterile. Otherwise the fetal chicks would die becaude they have no immune system.

The eggs are pasteurized and can be eaten raw. No, the rice doesn't cook the eggs. No, this isn't like carbonara. The whole point is muh yasashii egg taste.

Eggs are a specific problem in the west because there are certain strains of Salmonella that can pass the shell barrier and infect the egg itself.

Cooked to temp it's no problem. Even raw, it's of limited concearn, the primary outbreaks were due to impropper cooking, and holding food at bacterial-breeding temperatures in industrial or restaurant settings, though young children, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems are at a higher risk.

You can easily sidestep this by using pasteurized in shell eggs if you want in things which call for raw or undercooked egg like mayonaise, salad dressings, icing, or other more esoteric recipes.

>balut is bad
Try it first user

Stick your hand in the rice cooker and see if it isn't.

I've eaten raw horse meat when I was in Japan. Didn't get sick. Also, raw egg over rice is the shit. Best way to enjoy white rice in the morning. Maybe you should try duck eggs if you are too worried about chicken eggs giving you salmonella.

eggs cook very easily

>Q-tip sized hammers hit the egg 16 different ways to check for cracks

Goddamn Japan...

Rice and eggs both taste like nothing anyway

Balut is bad though. raw egg mixed with fresh rice isn't, though.

>this thread again

Get a new tongue, user.


Thanks for the info, I didn't know that.

More like get better rice and eggs.

it's called Tamago kake Gohan

Eggs need around 150 degrees Fahrenheit to cook. I'd say hot rice out of the rice cooker would probably be around 125. So if you leave the egg on for half a minute you would begin to cook the egg enough that it would not be raw anymore.

It's not necessary to actually cook the egg's proteins, you just want bacteria killed off.
If the rice is hot enough to burn your hand it's hot enough to kill any harmful microbes. Hell, fevers are enough to kill microbes.

I do something similar with mashed potatoes sometimes, crack an egg into them while beating.

There's only so many foods in anime I can shit on. Steaks, eggs, hotdogs and burgers so far. I'll find something else in the future.

Eating raw egg is completely normal.
Americans are prone to histeria.

Mexican here, this looks tasty.

many athletes drink eggs as part of their diet.

Rocky isn't a real athlete, Juan

Egg yolks are really the best food that exists.

Has anyone here actually eaten raw egg or tamago kake gohan? No, you don't need pasteurized egg. Restaurants might use it if they're combining a lot of raw eggs or they want to avoid issues with serving people with compromised immune systems but normal people eat raw egg without pasteurizing it.
No, the egg doesn't really cook over the rice. You're doing it wrong if you're using such a huge amount of rice that it has the heat capacity to cook the egg or if you leave it sitting long enough for it to cook. It should be nice and raw and silky when you eat it.
I've made it plenty of times with unpasteurized American eggs. No issues.

How is it, anyway?

Do you buy your eggs from local farmers?

Don't knock it til you try it. Granted, the times I had it, it was yoke only.

You can tell this guy wants to die having to indulge with this teddy bear playing autistic manchild
Fuck, why are nipnongs so goddamn autistic

Nope, I buy whatever's cheap and convenient at the grocery store.

Also, I don't see the point of this dish when fried rice exists. If you threw the same ingredients in a wok or a pan (rice, eggs, scallions, soy) with a drizzle of oil for a couple of minutes, it's 10 times more delicious and it's also more versatile.

I tried it and it's not good enough for me to do it again. I like my scrambled egg much more and if it is only done partially, so that it's soft, you can get the best of both worlds. Not to mention you can add soy sauce to the scarmbled egg instead of the whole rice-egg mishmash.

I'd do it if the amount of protein was as good as cooked eggs.

They do this in Europe as well. When food's first brought to the table it's extremely hot, so you can crack an egg on your pasta or whatever and it cooks it.

Post THAT webm, you know, that one.

Because fried rice takes effort and you can't go easy mode and use a rice cooker.

No, /ck/. Stop it. I hate that guy.

Fried rice is a significantly different taste. I enjoy raw eggs so tamago kake gohan is nicer. Very different taste and texture compared to fried eggs. Just because the ingredients are similar doesn't mean the result is similar. Comparing tamago kake gohan with fried rice is like comparing raw onion to carmelized onion.


*fried rice

To be honest, I always found the slithery feeling of raw egg deeply unpleasant. Scrambled eggs have a much more pleasant texture.

And the presentation is completely different as well. There's something satisfying about cracking open an egg on a bowl of rice.


You can even use leftover rice from the fridge which compensates for having to wash and wait for fresh rice.

>Raw eggs


What a fucking waste. Sure, they can get "perfectly sterile" but all the processes probably discard a whole bunch of eggs. If you were living on a farm, you'd be cracking those up as soon as they got out of the chicken's back side.

You need to use musenmai rice. Shit's great. Put rice in rice cooker, pour water, go.

That's retarded

No, the primary reason, at least in america, is that we wash our eggs so they are white but this removes the protection eggs normally have so they become more susceptible to salmonella poisoning. Its the same reason why americans have to refrigerate their eggs while Europeans can leave then out.

>People still fall for this pasta

>eating animals

Filtered. Change the md5 and I'll fucking eat YOU.

You can add soy sauce to the rice-egg bowl too

>living like cattle

Agree. Put raw yolk as noodle topping. Hmm....

We're not talking about pasta. OP is about rice and eggs, dummy.

Mostly correct but washing the eggs isn't done to ensure that they are white, it's done to remove bacteria from the shell. There are plenty of brown eggs sold in the US that are washed in the same manner.
And really salmonella isn't that big of a concern with eating raw eggs in the US. It's mostly a concern for restaurants and places that cross contaminate a lot of eggs.

why can't western anime fans just all die

No the point wasn't adding soy sauce to the rice. It's about adding soy sauce to the egg while it's in the frying pan.

They have the same machines in every corner of the world, buddy.

Even America has the same egg processing facilities

Low quality eggs are still used, they just don't get sold at the supermarket. You would find them in things like pancake & waffle mix.

>meatheads getting triggered this easily

Every time. Maybe if you wouldn't eat rotting carcasses you wouldn't be so angry :^)

My canines are way larger than that.

Well, caramelized onions>>>raw onions.

That's a lot of rice, for so little egg

>being retarded
>using emotes
>being this retarded

Fuck off inb4


did the size of the rice suddenly change between angle? they seem so much smaller when he starts mixing the egg in

They're very different. Not every recipe calls for carmelized onions. You can't culinarily speaking use carmelized onions in every single recipe that calls for onions. It doesn't always work. Raw onions have their place. Onions between raw and carmelized have their place.

>no rebuttal

I accept your concession.

I don't want to know how many parasites I've gotten from this shit

Onions sure have a lot of layers

If anime has taught me anything it's that Nips love eating plain white rice.

>Onions between raw and caramelized have their place

Do you mean sweated onions, buddy? They have a term you know, caramelization refers to slow cooking the onion in order to bring out its natural sugars.

>cooking with dog
>you find out the youtuber's dog died recently
>now it's just cooking

It feels bad.

Plain sticky white rice is comfy, but it's always better to eat something else with it, or mix the rice with some good sauce
