Can Good People Not Succeed Under Capitalism

Capitalism is a system that rewards greed; therefore, people that are benevolent and not greedy are at a disadvantage under the capitalistic model. The system is set up so that greedy people are the ones that get all the resources, have more kids, and create more greedy people.

It follows that the capitalist system will produce a society of people with some of the worst characteristics of mankind, such as greed, lying, stealing, back stabbing, etc.

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Communist swine.

Capitalism allows for a competitive economic environment in which those with the better ideas and harder work are able to reap the sweat of their own brow.

There are greedy people however there are also just smart people who have risen to the top.

>thinks any system without a 100% inheritance tax is based on merit

The Moggster does a pretty good job explaining why capitalism is very much a moral system.

>thinks there aren't greedy people in in communism
>ignores entire russian oligarchy
>ignores chinese leaders personally owning entire worldwide corporations
yea good one OP

Capitalism doesn't reward the greedy.

What would you suggest as a viable alternative?

What exactly do you mean by "rewards greed"? If you mean that the people who like material wealth the most get the most material wealth, then isn't that a good thing? Why would you give all the resources and wealth to people who don't want it?

Go away, bootlicker.

The incompetent do not succeed.

One of the purposes of working hard to be wealthy is to secure the future for your children lmao

Communists are not trying to make a world without greed. We're making a world where greed is a perversion. Where grabbing everything for yourself instead of sharing is like smearing yourself with shit: gross. Wrong. Our winning doesn't mean you don't get to be greedy. It means people will be ashamed for you, will pity you and want to distance themselves from you. You can be as greedy as you want, but no one will admire you for it.

Your ability to succeed is genetic. If you’re not doing well now you’re a loser and your sexual partners will be thinking about other men. Sorry, you were born a failure who’s clearly unable to compete.

The deepest core of capitalism is greed. It is literally the foundation pillar that capitalism is based upon. Greed is the incentive in capitalism.

>Can Good People Not Succeed Under Capitalism
What if my definition of good is succeeding under capitalism?

>being this delusional

Do not reply to troll threads. Report them.

>Capitalism is a system that rewards greed;
Capitalism is a system that rewards people that are not consumerist retards

Your definition of a good person?

I see a giant ass

Greedy people get punished severely in capitalism. You can't run a company if you treat it like your private piggy bank. Most capitalists are cheap misers who wouldn't pay a dime if they could.

Tell me, do you really believe in this shit or you're just a troll?

Define success. Starting a F500 company? Probably not. You could become a MD or lawyer and have a successful practice. You won't have a nine/ten figure net worth, but you will be successful by almost any measure.

you are under the assumption that greed is bad. and that doing things for others is good. but its not. what matters is not for whom you do something but what you do. if I am not in a position to use force the best way to help myself gain more is to do something mutually benefical. people who do things just for others often have no idea what would actually help, they cant know its subjective in nature. so they follow radical courses like communism that promise to help all but fuck everyone.

>those with the better ideas and harder work are able to reap the sweat of their own brow.
>implying free market
>implying taxes that are not raping your asshole
>implying the better ideas and harder workers succeed
>implying regulations not meant to keep the top at the top and everybody else down
>implying legislation made in the interest of consumers
>implying implications
Amerimongrels still believe the "work hard and' you'll make it" saying, right?

the problems you describe, like high taxes, and regulation are what makes a country less capitalistic.


>are what makes a country less capitalistic.
That's every EU country and Western country.

there are no perfect capitalistic countries.
but some more than others. just look at a map of economic freedom.
sure taxes are high in europe but wealth is aswell. wealth generated by capitalism allowed due to economic freedom in other areas like business regulation. there is still too much. but compare it to the developing world corruption through and through, starting a business in india is far from simple. you need approval from every little shit and bribe all of them.

>sure taxes are high in europe but wealth is aswell.
We pay taxes for
-politicians getting rich from public money (parasites that produce nothing)
-useless, growing bureaucrats (lazy, entitled, impotent peasants that couldn't make it in the private sector)
-millions of OLD people (parasites that produce nothing)
-growing millions of invaders, illegals, browns

Tax evasion is an obvious moral duty because in these conditions taxation is theft.

When I was 22 I had zero dollars. In fact I was in debt in addition to having no money. I spent another 6 years blaming everyone else, partying, living on food stamps, and generally failing to grow up.
Today I am my own boss, make good money, and will be able to take care of my family and extended family no matter what happens.
The difference was I grew up. Eventually the excuses weren't enough, and I didn't care what was fair and what wasn't anymore.
Now I loath the person I was before. I hate running into people who knew me then.
If you apply value to things like time and effort, you will see who the truly greedy people are.
We all have the same amount of time in a day.
We can all expend the same effort (100%).
The so-called "greedy" people make better use of both.

>-millions of OLD people (parasites that produce nothing)
You disgust me

Google the laffer curve idiot, why do you think offshore bank accounts are an epidemic already?

Socialism/communism is just tyranny of the bureaucrats, replacement of old ruling class with a much more sinister one historically every time.

Communism denies basic human nature, and thinks as a body the state doesn't fall victim to the same exact pitfalls of the "captalist swine" they demonize.

>Socialism/communism is just tyranny of the bureaucrats, replacement of old ruling class with a much more sinister one historically every time.

Marxist-Leninist state vanguard is only ONE type of socialism.

> Communism denies basic human nature

How exactly does communism deny human nature? By not allowing serial killers to keep killing people we're denying them human nature.

Wow, a lot of retarded lefty fags today. Capitalism is a system that rewards talent, hard work and ingenuity