So Tomoko is not only a normalfag now, but popular. And they are rubbing it in our faces.
When is this going to get axed?
So Tomoko is not only a normalfag now, but popular. And they are rubbing it in our faces
I don't know op, I really don't know.
She started her third and last year of highschool.
Lets enjoy it while we can.
What pisses me off so much is that they are trying to make it cool to be like Tomoko. I grew up very much like her and it fucking pisses me off with the new direction they are taking this series. It's not glamorous to be a true loner no matter how you slice it. You know what a real loner is like? It's eating lunch in a classroom because no one wants to eat by you. It's not having a regular group of people you hang with. It's about being bullied for a short period of time because even the bullies find you weird. it's about the school forcing you to go to counseling because they are afraid you will shoot up the school. It's having only one friend who can put up with your shit and only because you friends since kindergarten. It's being untouched by the opposite sex because you your standards are unrealistically high and the girls who are interested you find repulsive. It's working at a place you loathe because you didn't have the fortitude to pursue your dreams. It's about becoming a spiteful person who only wishes other people to be as miserable as you are. It's not about being happy because you don't know what happiness or love is. it's about knowing you are most likely going to die alone so you fill your life with as many meaningless possessions only you put value to. It's about not being able to comprehend normal human interaction so you force and pretend every conversation with another human being. It's about taking more than what you give. It's about being paranoid and wary of people, even if they try to help you. It's not about finding a solution but finding it easier to bitch about the situation than confronting the person you are. It's about your family giving up on you. It's about wanting to commit suicide, wanting everyone to die, and wanting to know what love feel like all at once. It's about watching anime well into your adult life because escapism is all you have. It's about browsing Sup Forums because this is the only social pipeline you have. Fuck Watamote.
Who gives a shit, she is a lesbo.
What's worse is that she is one of those tumblr lesbos so it's not even hot.
Are there other types?
Isn't this a good thing? Why would you want her to be straight?
Is this pasta?
"Lesbianism = hot" is a jewish meme pushed mainly by Western media. It's not attractive to men with un-warped sexuality because men recognize deep down that female sexuality is malleable and based on gaining status, therefore women can will have sex with just about anything that gets them attention and peer approval. So basically lesbianism is totally fake.
She even has a lesbian harem, what the hell.
fuck off poltard
Tomoko was always trying to have a successful highschool life, but had a very broken and backwards way of achieving it. Despite her failers, she keeps trying and was getting better without even realizing it.
It's a gross oversimplification to assume all female sexuality is a tool of their hypergamous nature. But, even if it weren't, we're talking about escapist fiction here. It represents an opportunity to modify women so that they aren't that way.
Personally, the reason I like yuri so much is because I've had to grow up around women who treat each other as means to an end in pursuit of men, or status. So, the appeal of a woman targetting her affections at another woman, looking at her as more than just a means of getting somewhere else, is deeply satisfying to me.
Stop projecting, Emoji.
Too bad she is such an idiot and doesn't realize that she is already popular and has people that care for her
You sound like a colossal fucking bitchboy, you probably deserve to be a loner.
But that aside, this series never glorifies being a loner, it's all about laughing at what an idiot Tomoko is. Of course she's right sometimes. A series that glorifies being a "loner" is oregairu, which is self-insert power fantasy trash. Watamote is a lot more mature.
New chapters when?
>You sound like a colossal fucking bitchboy, you probably deserve to be a loner.
Fuck you. where the hell do you get off telling people what they do and don't deserve?
dweeb general
Go to bed Gwen
But she was literally taking boyfriend applications.
Why are you so incestuous
You posted a wall text complaining about your personal life and insisting we compare it to Tomoko's.
You wrote a entire paragraph about your feelings, which honestly don't sound too different from those of a teenage girl, and then you used them as an argument against a gag manga that's all about lambasting the same kind of lifestyle that you claim it glorifies just as an excuse to complain about how you "rough" you had it back in highschool. You're talking about Watamote like it's some dramatic SJW trash about a brave loner girl, when in reality it's just a silly comedy about a stupid girl being stupid and making friends along the way. You are literally interpreting this incorrectly, and I would argue that it's because you're a bitch.
You're being a fag, son.
Are you joking?
In the latest chapter someone called her "normal" and she responded with
OP starts playing in the background
"As if a normalfag like you could beat me, let me show the strength of my training..."
All her actual friends showed up
And then she deliberately vomited spaghetti on everyone in the room
the only fuck she gave was a lingering scent of smugness
Sure she may be have transitioned from wojak to pepe a bit but I would not consider her a normalfag
Simone else can address the point you made about her becoming popular as it's a topic I am not qualified to comment on
What chapter was that?
Is this the birth of an ebik new pasta?
This is true and accurate, but if you should post this on /r9k/.
The latest one from w3
She'd look really cute licking the tip of a huge erection.
What does that have to do with anything?
God damn Tomoko grew up.
Jesus Christ, man, no one cares.
you should stop believing all the shit Sup Forums throws at you, japanese media isn't controlled by jews or something similar, so your argument holds no weight, I like /u/ because usually yuri stories are cute, not because I find them hot necessarily, I actually barely jack off to yuri hentai, I just like reading yuri stories and looking at fanart, why everything must be sexual now, I just want cute romance
>japanese media isn't controlled by jews or something similar
you are like a baby
Go be a fedora somewhere else.
It's revenge for rubbing your dicks in their faces.
I'd like her awkwardly (but actually not poorly) jerking me off and swallowing my load.
Optionally see her get a nice well endowed BF who gladly fucks her as hard as she wants every day.
I'd rub my dick on Mokkochi's face.
When she's sleeping.
Too bad that's not going to happen. Sorry.
Sounds like someone is feeling a bit threatened.
Can we talk about how short, lightweight and adorable she is?
We got a new chapter like 4 days ago, calm down.
I see where this is going.
Why do you take having friends as a personal insult?
Get a fucking life user-kun you massive faggot.
How else would it be able to all come crashing down?
She just wants physical contact, thats why she loses it when she gets some.
If Tomoko serves as a self-insert to a lot of people, why can't they take joy in her small triumphs, becoming bitter and angry instead? Why do they want their fictional self to continue suffering?
I wouldnt call her popular, people just know her, and after all the shit she has done its normal.
being a loner doesnt mean you have to be a faggot, go lift a bit
I know right!
Her progress through the story is honestly one of the most heartwarming and wholesome things I've seen in a while.
The fact people want her to go back to being lonely and sad hurts inside.
Not by Yukko, that's for sure.
I mean yes, but also in just an adorable sense.
This. Seeing her finally triumph after all those spaghetti moments puts a smile on my face.
Stop calling Tomoko a normalfag .
The drawfag-kun will surely approach her.
Would you rather the manga listed the entire infinity of ways an autistic person can suffer? Not that I'm not mad, but realistically it couldn't have gone any other way.
>le jews did this
Kindly fuck off back to your containment space
What needs to be axed are the /r9k/-tier cucks who think getting a few acquaintances makes you a normlafag, and being recognized by some people at your school makes you popular.
Exactly, Tomoko has, what, some people that know her enough to interact with her. Tomoko is still a hopeless mojo, it's not like she has a bf or is a slut like Yuu now.
I hope you're being ironic user.
Having sex with your only boyfriend is almost the antithesis of a slut.
So being known as 'that weird girl who looks at dick pics in class' is considered popular now?
She got some friends, sure. But those girls are weirdos too. The only thing that changed is that Tomoko simply doesnt give a fuck anymore.
Thats the most human thing.
Don't 'desu' me, mate.
I mean it in the literally sense, not being sarcastic.
Emoji is cute! CUTE!
I don't speak Japanese, please elaborate then.
Emoji is second only to delinquent in terms of cutest pairings with Tomoko.
'desu' means 'it is'. I meant it as in 'yes, you are right'.
Thanks. Was a bit confused, glad to see we were all on the same page.
Jesus. I'd almost say she's gotten worse.
Love you too user.
Funny. The same thing happened to me.
You got axed?
Hope you get better soon user, I've never met someone who got hit with an axe.
>not wanting /ourgirl/ to be happy
What the hell are you spouting on about now? Japan barely even has a Jewish community.
I think the actual phrase would be, "So desu ne"
>'desu' means 'it is'. I meant it as in 'yes, you are right'.
No, it does not.
Lipstick lesbians and some dykes that just can't look like a dude no matter what they do.
what is with this fucking pose it looks so uncomfortable
People don't like that, they'd rather she just wallow in failure like they do.
I want to fuck tomokos asshole raw
Real talk, because her being the female equivalent of that depressed loner male was her niche. Just making her attracted to girls as well seems like a copout.
Just a little tired of "we need to make males relate to our female MC so make her a lesbian" thing that happens a lot lately.
It's the same reaction faggots have when their favorite girl doesn't win the MC bowl. It's a visceral emotional response because they can't stop self inserting themselves into the story.
On a side, if otaku stopped trying to live vicariously through anime and instead take a more confident and active role in their actual lives, we could finally get quality entertainment again.
Blame the audience. They're the ones who eat this shit up.
Depressed loner males have a tendency of going down a gay path.
This, and even those shallow friendships will crumble after she graduates.
I recently reread the whole series (while listening to Shinsei Kamattechan) and it's definitely solid. Just like with Kurosawa, going for 100% cringe isn't entertaining, it's the progress from lowest to something barely better with bits of cringe, funny, and heartful moments.
I kind of expect the series to end at the graduation, but wouldn't mind seeing it continue past that and see her sink to new depths when she has to start dealing with real life.
t. Chad Thundercock
>So Tomoko is not only a normalfag now, but popular. And they are rubbing it in our faces.
So now this manga have character development?
I guess it's time to get back to it.
The hottest a lipstick lesbian can get is just above plain all lesbians are just a dumpster fire of awful to the vast majority of men.