He did nothing wrong.
He did nothing wrong
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>Fucked his cousin
He contracted tuberculosis. That was an iffy decision
I hope that Zionist tool spends the rest of eternity roasting in his goddamned wheelchair.
weak b8 m8
He fucked a pornstar while his third wife was pregnant of his 5th child.
He did everything wrong
He did everything wrong. He supported commies, he's fucking traitor.
He was literally more racist than Hitler, who congratulated Jesse Owen's Olympic gold, which FDR never even acknowledged.
He sold arms to the USSR commies and saved the jews.
the New Deal didn't go far enough
Wrong thread, Shariablue
Probably one of the worst presidents but everyone claims he's god status because WW2 ended under him.
>Charles Coughlin
Literally the OG social justice warrior
Papists are scum
He was born in new york and raised in texas. Of course that cripplet will be a fuckup
>After the 1936 election, Coughlin increasingly expressed sympathy for the fascist governments of Hitler and Mussolini as an antidote to Communism.[28] He claimed that Jewish bankers were behind the Russian Revolution[29] and that Russian Bolshevism was a disproportionately Jewish phenomenon.[30][31][32]
>Coughlin promoted his controversial beliefs by means of his radio broadcasts and his weekly rotogravure magazine, Social Justice, which began publication in March 1936.[33] During the last half of 1938, Social Justice reprinted in weekly installments the fraudulent, antisemitic text The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.[34] The Protocols was a Russian forgery that purports to expose a Jewish conspiracy to seize control of the world.[35]
lmao this nigga
>pic related
Didn't he round up a lot of Japanese Americans into concentration camps???
Decent wartime President because he did not micro-manage the war for the most part and let the Generals have the autonomy. If he knew/intentionally coerced the attack on Pearl Harbor, I hope he will be bedmates in the lake of fire with Lucifer after the final judgment.
Domestically was awful and his policies have fucked up the United States still to this day.
Political Progressives are cancerous to a civilization. They are a malignant plight within society and are at war against the Social Contract.
That EO guaranteed he would be President for the rest of his life.
The media did not promote "society of peace"/Politically Correct protections on Japanese-Americans/"Japanesephobia" at the time.
here is the guy who did nothing wrong
FDR filled his cabinet with communists and he permanently neutered federalism
FDR literally destroyed America
He did literally everything wrong. The vast majority of problems in this country can be traced back to him.
Spits on grave