Does this double standard annoy anyone else? I don't care how sexy/cute a girl is, it's creepy...

Does this double standard annoy anyone else? I don't care how sexy/cute a girl is, it's creepy. This is the kind of girl that would steal your used condoms/tissues to get herself pregnant.

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It's hot so I don't care. And males and females are not the same, so double standards make sense.

They're not real. If they do that in real life nobody would like them.

If it was a girl I was already fucking, I really wouldn't care, I try to be open-minded to my partners fetishes. But if I found a female friend doing this, I would cut that bitch out of my life.

>secret crush breaks into my house to lick my dirty, cum-stained boxers

Sounds like heaven to me - what the fuck is wrong with you OP?

I would let her smell my wiener

he sounds like a man with something to lose
he's not like you or I



>This is the kind of girl that would steal your used condoms/tissues to get herself pregnant.
I thought that wasn't possible 99% of the time

Where are the LN spoilers

What kind of double standard? In real life girls are mostly grossed out by panty sniffing men. If you feel disgusted by a girl sniffing your underwear, then there is no double standard. Although I would be very pleased if girls actually had this kind of fetish.

stop projecting

>bringing 3DPD into anime
There's your problem, brah.

I actually really like it.

Back to Sup Forums you go, I think they're in the middle of planning their next nazi rally

The dude whose clothes she's sniffing is a deviant who wanted to write a fucking light novel about eating his little sister's panties. You may find it creepy but I doubt he'd feel more than mildly annoyed.

Soiled underwear abuse is one of my least favorite manga/anime tropes. And panty shots just ain't that sexy in my apparently unpopular opinion.

Speaking of double standards, did anyone else watch that sjort about the student who gets into an an arranged marriage with his teacher and fucks her? It was made for a older female demographic and it had:

>explicit french-kissing with strands of saliva stretching between their mouths
>Implied fucking (they literally say they're fucking but don't show it)
>MC fingers the teacher and licks her vag juice off his fingers
>MC then goes down on the teacher

I was just thinking about how illicit it was compared to ecchi shows for the male demographic. I thought it was really weird.

The first volume was translated before it got licensed.

Did it seriously already get licensed?

I hate how Sup Forums will sometimes judge the merit of a show based off a single scene. Now I'm sure people are gonna jump in to this expecting similar scenes every episode and are just gonna be disssapointed when it isn't like this.

If she get off at your underwear why would it bother you? It doesn't affect you in any way. Just make a deal with her to wash your clothes in exchange of her smelling them.

>in my apparently unpopular opinion.
Sup Forums is full of raging fags, so who knows.

>double standard
Implies men and women are the same. Fuck off.

Licensing is the only way to stop filthy gaijins from translating and reading LNs.

It's not just Sup Forums, or even a white devil thing. Look at any moonrune blog that covers it.

It's just how the "game" works. Getting nerds to watch the first episode is important for sales. Especially when so many series are so similar.

This. I seriously think Yen Press is ran by some rich troll. License fucking everything > Release the first 2 ~ 3 volumes of each > Nothing for a year > slowly release the remaining volumes whenever they feel like it, or drop it completely, but keep the license. > Repeat every year

I'm all for the original creators getting paid, but Yen Press is absurd. If they aren't trolls, they are extremely incompetent.

body scent is a reliable guiding factor in finding optimal mates, although fetishizing it like anime does sometimes is somewhat degenerate.

I do this to my boyfriend. He thinks it's endearing even though it's kinda creepy.

die fagnorm


>This is the kind of girl that would steal your used condoms/tissues to get herself pregnant.
She wouldn't have to steal anything from me.


Kill yourself assblaster.

wew lad

Is it really degenerate if it's love?

maybe if she's sniffing the brown side of my boxers

>Does this double standard annoy anyone else?
Some people sure, but the majority of men like when a girl is so irresistibly attracted them them that she'd sniff his underwear.

Same with studs vs sluts. Some doublestandards are simply the way the 2 different sides think and you can't change them.

I chuckled a little that she called him a pervert in the same scene.

No, STOP, you're making it weird! And it was already weird, stop!

all this normalfags think their waifu's would smell their undies.

Some might.

seriously though you can see in the image OP posted the button fly is on the opposite side of her nostrils user...

I jumped into this show expecting nothing but what the intro delivered, but I was pleasantly surprised with what I got instead.

She'd rather him also be a pervert so that they can indulge in their sick fetish together.

College-aged people having fun. It's honestly quite refreshing.

You just sold the show to me, thanks.

Is this from the haganai author?

Is that the one this season?
They had all that in the first episode?

How can you say she loves you when she won't even sniff your poop?

>normalfaggots posting on Sup Forums about seasonal anime
I bet CR did this.

>Can't even format text properly

It's not even summer.

why is this sensational material to you? you can't seriously expect me to believe none of you anons have gotten horny over underwear before. on a cross-country trip in high school i snuck panties out of the bag of the girl i liked and fapped with them on my face. big deal. if you aren't kinky you're a boring person.

Stop bringing 3DPD into 2D.

>don't like someone during june, july or august
>"wow sure is summer in here"
>don't like someone any other time of the year
>"wow summer sure is lasting a long time"

Ever considered the boogeyman might have just never been real at all?

You sure are new.

Sure is summer in here.

It's just a pic related friend, calm down.

It's easy to be a slut and it's hard to be a stud. Double standards exist for a reason. Welcome to the real world.

I remember the pun but don't remember where it's from and it really bugs me.

We've been in eternal summer since at least 2010, or earlier if you belive yhe text boarders (RIP)

Do everyone a favor and leave so it can be over then.

kill yourself

It does happen. That is why you must throw them in the toilet.

What a fag. I'm a heterosexual man and even let a gay friend do this because he bought me alcohol.

No prob

That took me a bit to get.

I don't think people will misunderstand what this anime is about after that first episode.

They fucking spent a majority of it playing some god damn conversational game.

>why cant we get anime girls pregnant yet

absolute pathetic, the fucking STATE of the anime/manga industry
>Please watch my animu , i will show pantsu!!!11
Shit is going to be worse and never get better

This. Just more proof Sup Forums is colonized by reddit.

Wrong boogeyman.

Stop being a sissy fag.

I don't own any underwear, good luck to any anime girl fiend trying to find some to sniff.
She'd have to go to the source.

>I don't own any underwear
Fucking why

I dunno, what's the need? If your asshole is leaking or something you need to lose weight.

Oh yes I see. Very cool and edgy of you.

Just recognise and appreciate the best girl when you see it Sup Forums.



But I'm not supposed to like sluts.

I like her hair.

But did you consider that this is my fetish?

Healthy people wear underwear, stop being unhealthy.

How about it's fucking uncomfortable wearing trousers without any underwear on?

It feels great, no idea what you're talking about. Right now a box fan is blowing a pleasant breeze up the legs of my shorts and aerating my junk. You won't get to partake in that joy, underwear plebeian.

>used condoms/tissues
>implying i don't eat all of my cum

Don't give him attention, he just wants to brag in his autistic little way about how he doesn't need any dumb normie clothes like underwear. You can practically smell the pepe images coming out of his harddrive.

>using condoms
>not impregnating that as soon as possible

nigga u gay

Not sure how you came to that conclusion, but I don't wear any underwear either.

I don't know, I would want to have sex with her at least a few dozen times before that.
Pregnancy is a long unsightly process.

i cant really imagine there'd be much enjoyable abiut sniffing a dude's boxers. a girl's underwear would already be pretty bad, since now that many people actually keep themselves pant-sniffing levels of clean down there.
dude especially. it'll be a weird mixture of a day's worth of farts, a few drips of piss after using a urinal, and sweaty balls


I have never seen someone instantly seize an excuse to get pseudo-political like this

There is suddenly a "pro-underwear" and "anti-underwear" faction in this thread?

My junk smells like acrid musk and sweat, she would have to be a freak to enjoy it.

No, just one faggot that wanted attention and blogged about how he doesn't even own underwear because he never leaves the house. This kind of person always has pepe the frog images saved on their computer, which they post frequently while talking about "normies".

People with very active sex drive will love the kind of smell that crotch area of the opposite sex leaves on underwear.
I would know.