Reminder that there was a shooter in the crowd in Las Vegas, and that he used a bullpup--most likely a Tavor.
Bullpup used against Las Vegas crowd
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Reminder that Tavors are Israeli.
I already have a theory. This will be covered up because some of the guns Paddock used were illegally acquired on the southwest border. Some were of the 1400 or so guns that Eric Holder lost track of during the Fast and Furious scandal. Mark my words, its the only thing that makes sense. This will be covered up.
Thats not a gun nor a proper shooting stance and flashes from barrels arent bright white leds
Reminder conspiracyniggers should fuck off to /x/.
The whole thing was a hoax you fucking idiots
that's the spotlight going back through (too big for a flashlight), flashlights don't have stocks, the muzzle flash is separate lighting, and that is a perfectly normal shooting stance for close quarters
israelis shot up that crowd
>israelis shot up that crowd
No way, you conspiritard. When has Israel *ever* conducted a false flag operation against U.S. soft targets to influence U.S. politics?
Have you seen how Israeli's are trained to shoot? They use a modified weaver stance. They're still stuck in the fucking 70s and carry their weapons without a round in the chamber.
Totally plausible.
vegas reeks of mossad, has their standard MO smeared all over it, and they do ops like that all the time. they will even deny involvement for 50 yrs and then turn around and give medals to the agents responsible. so 50 years from now some jews are gonna get public commendations for shooting up a concert crowd in vegas.
>JERUSALEM - After half a century of reticence and recrimination, Israel on Wednesday honored nine Egyptian Jews recruited as agents-provocateur in what became one of the worst intelligence bungles in the country's history.
Anytime Israelis get implicated in things like this you'll get immediate shills jumping in
Yeah that is actually a really typical stance for an israeli. 2:10 in
there's more than 1 type of "proper" shooting stance you retard and besides which who the fuck said any of the shooters were trained?
I read that as “most likely a Trevor”
holy shit my almonds are activated
F&F involvement isn't mutually exclusive from Israelis being involved.
Is that FAMAS?
>israeli soyboys have to use a shitty bullpup because they cant control a real rifle
he was a responding officer and lowered to one knee into a standard holding posistion. Absolutely nothing indicative of anything unusual. No muzzle flash or barrel rise. IN USA many officers carry assault rifles.
I'm seriously entertaining this idea. It's mostly Jews in the US and their leftist shabos goyim pushing for gun control, and not even a day went by after Vegas before Jewish politicians had GC bills drafted and ready to go. The next major political push for gun control (again, by Leftist Jews) came in an area with a huge Jewish population with a Jewish Sheriff who literally quoted the Talmud during his campaign.
It appears that they're wearing visibility jackets of some kind. There should have been a ton of witness reports saying police were firing into crowd. Even if there weren't, there'd still be tons of witnesses saying there were people in the crowd shooting. Nothing of that nature occurred.
fuck you retard, you clearly see muzzle flash and hear 2-3 shots go off and the person in front of him falls. GTFO you glowing cia nigger
$10 wtf
That is NOT standard training for US police officers. I have trained with them. US police use an isosceles stance which involves standing straight on at your target with your knees slightly bent and your weight leaning slightly forward.
Earlier thread speculating the Florida shooting was done with same weapon.
>spreading fake news
Israel has various versions of the Galil, FAL, and M16/M4 still in service.
Yeah, but the Tavor is the standard issued rifle for the IDF and special forces.
security guard, not a responding officer, hence the yellow vest with all-caps lettering. Omar Mateen was a security guard.
The guy in the clip also didn't drop to one knee, he put himself in exactly the stance that the above videos show Israelis are trained to use
LVPD also doesn't use bullpups, but Israelis do
Ok, so how did he get a gun into the venue and why did no one stop him afterwards?
Did he and the gun just appear from nothing and then disappear into nothing again?
it does look like he has a gun, but the light is just the floodlight passing back over the crowd. Just strange timing. The gun shots would be much louder in the video as well if that man was firing. I think Vegas is fucked and that the government is involved, but I don't think this shows anyone firing into the crowd
it's only in select units
I've been to Israel and saw M16s and M4s
And remember goy. Israel had a number of people in the area that they claimed later were accounted for.
No need in using a meme flag Schlomo.
Thought it was Mossad, you fucking retard.
Select units as in special forces. It's compact enough to fit underneath a jacket in the short barreled version.
oy vey soyim
you made me take off my flag
>Not American officer stance
>(Off-duty cop?) Security guard w/a salt rifle?
>Flash supressor + friend w/blinding searchlight = minimally visible flash
Subsonic rounds w/supressor can be quite quiet, around normal conversation level, with the loudest sound being the mechanical operation of the firearm. Nobody mentioned a dude walking around in a gun free zone with salt rifle, or at least they haven't been heard from
Sounds exactly like an X95 mini tavor
Bumping thread. Considering all the Jewish involvement in US gun control laws, this idea needs more consideration.
Remember the cameras in the room?
These were feeds that were downloaded and then broadcast on a large digital screen as they happened.
The "Muzzle Flash" is actually a light being turned on in the studio, as the actor "steps into the scene" in front of the camera that is rerecording the whole event with an additional person that seems to also be blocking the view of the victims.
The video cuts out right after this....and the camera seems to have been still throughout the whole thing.
IMO this was a feed through a digital screen in a studio setting.....used to create the idea that they were multiple shooters....
IMO this is a stage scene on a closed set as the size and scale of the man is completely different from the appearance of the crowd.
Notice the angle of the ground in front of the man is different than the angle he is standing at, and he appears proportionally much smaller in size.
IF a bullpup rifle like the tavor, then it would put this down as a Mossad run stage mockup as the stream was happening from someone that loaded the video for them to see, and they immediately remastered it and set it out onto the net....
prolly through a plant on Sup Forums
Notice in the shooting footage he immediately zooms into the location to crop out the rest of the scenery?
Who takes a video on the site of a shooting RIGHT BEHIND A GUNMAN
Then escapes back to his editing studio to upload with a zoomed in edit of only a few seconds?
Remember the 12 missing members of their group that apparently were there that day?
There were no Israelis there other than their operatives on the ground
The 12 they are in reference to are their sleeper agents.
These reports made at that time would instantly arouse suspicion if during the commotion and the Israeli's would contact them all by phone
That is a load of crap....these are activation orders for their Sayan to catch wind of and begin in their ops....
They triggered them all through this one report
try harder shill lmao
What about this video
Can't believe it hasn't been taken down
>Jew accusing Sup Forums of framing jews
>Unironically accusing )))us((( of (((their))) crimes
Sup rabbi? Run out of baby dicks to suck?
Vegas isn’t even a real place. Just made up movie bullshit.
Proportions in that video are way off....the flash seen across the screen was obvious added effect and had a reflection effect on objects
Did anyone notice that the one security guard shot the other one?
Seems a little weird to me....superimposed scene over a camera feed from the show....
Also seemed completely off angle in relation to the horizon of the camera vs. the angle of the floor/ground
Two different scenes and were done as a mockup
OOOOH OOOOOH OOOOOH Just wanna put a shout out in the news for our missing dignitaries while there is a big commotion to cover our saud friends' escape....
Nothing important to the cause of finding our missing dignitaries, just part of our plans....
lmao shills gotta shill
No security guards carry stubby full autos.
keep trying faggot lol, what do you say about the helicopter using a plane callsign
Stoopid Fuck I See Your Games
I am accusing Israel right here of using this to leave a trail of BS in their wake .....including remastering a video with an added scene
I am accusing Israel of using the media to activate their 12 sleeper agents during the conflicts to plan other affairs here.
I am trying to talk about this to people that believe these were hoaxes and dont know why you would call me a schill?
Possibly Die Juden Talking Shit Again On Sup Forums?
i havent even read the jidf comments yet, just wanted to let it be known that I saw this footage *directly* after the attack, so theres absolutely no way it could be a fake produced after the fact, imho
remember Salman was there that night and there was a ku a month later. alwaleed bin talal owns a couple of the top floors of the mgm
Ultra Fag Bent On Chopper Facts
Obviously its Contractors (Black Truck + Mobile Home Spook in Black Camo Seen)
Contractors in Helicopter using airport where spooks leave from ......
Contractors selling Arms through Princes that are setting up deals for ISIS.
Israel covers in media schill spectaculars like the ground level shooter in reflective vest.
Contractors on Roofs, laying blank fire to confuse sound of shots
Contractors set up deal in hotel....told Paddock to deliver arms there to his room.
Contractors paid woman to dope him up, and leave him in hotel dead after setting up game in room for security to find....
Contractors ditch upstairs and leave Paddock dead .....leaving with Prince.....
Prince goes to Saudi Arabia with contractors and imprisons huge party of their investors to seize their assets and make them pay fines/bribes to be freed
Sauds pay off contractors and prince who runs ISIS connections with Israel, using this new extortion racket with stolen money to commit more ISIS related crimes.....
Woman tried to "warn" crowd, and fled to Philippines after doping him....
Photos leaked online of Paddock were taken while he was dead BEFORE THE SHOOTING BEGAN IMO
Then the firefight and escape through the smoky hallways to the stairs up......stairs down blocked
Because it's shorter it's not a rifle? Dafuq?
IMO the photos were never confirmed as being from the investigation showing Paddock dead
IMO that was leaked by the people that staged the whole thing, and the same people that were contracted to alter the video of the shooter on the ground
shit, they really were israelis
Shit, I done fucked up. I think I read the first half of your first post and the second half of the second, or something equally autistic. Can we just pretend I was drunk or something?
I have an ar and a x95 (new tavor). I legit couldn't tell you the difference. Btw. I don't see how that looks like my rifle.
delta get knee pads for this...
Thats a rent a cop with a flashlight. A burst happens right as he turns it on and that makes it seem synced up.
>Can literally hear two different rates of gunfire
Oh boy
You speak like a fucking retard kek
>guns aren’t real
Newfag need to fucking go
This and the video surfaced way back when anyways.
Nothing wrong with activating some almonds on Vegas, but this is nothing.
Doesn't look like a tavor stock at all. Looks like a SMG, which would be far more logical.
Tavor would be harder to conceal, for little gain. It's more accurate and consistent then a SMG, but you don't need accuracy when you're spraying into a crowed at point blank range. SMG could be easily concealed and gives you the quick burst fire you would want for this situation. Something like picture related, with a collapsing stock.
sounds supressed. which would mean no muzzle flash, and i think he had a flashlight on it? maybe to blind the people being shot from seeing wtf even happened.
guy definitely looks like he's carrying a smg.
>The gun shots would be much louder in the video as well if that man was firing.
Have you really never heard of a silencer? That is exactly what a silenced SMG sounds like. The people also move away from the shooter as the firing starts. Quit shilling, there's better things to do with your time.
just my $0.02, but these MDRs are made right next door in UT
That's cool but how is it relevant?
Way to big of a stock. It's an SMG, maybe an HK or something.
Find video of a muzzle flash. From anywhere.
You don't find that odd?
The answer is right in front of you.
You're typing on it
except it's far easier to just put a few guys in the crowd to shoot them up and make sure they get the casualty numbers they want. They dont need "newspaper articles" to activate agents. And Israel has attacked Americans in the past, including civilians, to effect certain political outcomes. See the Lavon Affair and the USS Liberty.. they do this kind of shit all the time with all kinds of countries.
the more I think about it the more plausible one or more Israeli shooters seems
>Find video of a muzzle flash. From anywhere.
Here you go.
Fucking kikes
thx, saved
YEah that muzzle flash was clearly a light being flashed on and off with the gun triggering it
the light appearing in front of the gun but in a much more spread out field of if reflecting off a screen in a studio
The Shooting hoax video seems to be created in a studio to set the conspiracy theories on fire and hide behind the doubt behind them....
The other part is that these vids were produced nearly the same day as the shooting, and were uploaded almost immediately which is suspect as the fact that the camera guy in the segments doesnt flinch a bit as the one security guard appears to lay down the other....
He appears to step into the frame of a still camera that is showing a scene fimed from the concert but the studio floor is not at the right angle to match the floor of the venue....and the people are distorted in size too
The camera is zoomed in with professional editing software and then repeated as its then cut off without showing where the guy went to during the supposed shooting....
Why the crowd appeared unfazed when the lights were turned on at them....
tons of reports that day of shooters at the gate
Nice spacing dipshit
So dipshit #2 can claim he reddit ok
want you
confused having to
read for once
play the full video.
legit, I wanted this to be real as well and thought it was but its clearly a cop who is making zero effort to hide and is just as confused as everyone else. see him later in the vid looking around
Also think of the sound of the gunfire made that close to a camera and the reaction of the crowd
Coverup : yes
This guy was a shooter:no
roof koreans
If high value target under protective security detail, then why are there two men in trail behind with nobody covering ?
One appears to be "holding the bag" and the other seems to be in stride as employee attache?
7 guards ?
no rear detail?
Palestinians say the same shit about Jews on a regular basis.
The best solution for Israel and Palestine is a nuke right into Jerusalem.
I'm not confused, your writing and english comprehension sucks ass faggot. Keep spacing all the way to the homo lounge ass monkey
God that guy is such a fagget poser