Why White People Flight to White Neighborhood and then making the property more expensive?
The Distrubing History of White Suburbs
Why White People Flight to White Neighborhood and then making the property more expensive?
The Distrubing History of White Suburbs
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"Ethnically diverse" is just code for riddled with thugs and crime. Of course upstanding people want to flee.
Indians do the exact same thing. Why do you think you developed a caste system?
better do an hindu general
i have some questions
>white people move away
>white people move in
can't fucking win
Why are you fucking 3rd worlders always trying to live among us? Are you not capable of building your own cities?
This. Everything whites do is racism.
>crime ridden areas discriminated against
Go figure.
>Tom (((Jacobs)))
If those areas didn't turn into shitholes then why don't Hollywood kikes and the likes of JK Rowling move there?
They mean shit.
>Why White People Flight to White Neighborhood and then making the property more expensive?
LOL! are nigs and spiks really that stupid that it's not obvious that they don't want to live among nigs and spiks and raising prices ensures to keep those types out just like univ degree and or high school diploma keeps many of them out of work force!?
Cause sand niggers are subhuman locusts. 17 of them move in and refuse doing anything to maintain the place. Once their home has turned to shit they move to the next and repeat
It's almost like quality of life increases...! That may have some correlation...!
Who would have thought? White ppl like to live around humans.
Living next to shit-skinned non-whites is like living next to packs of plagued hyenas.
My Aryan lads,
You must follow your path as a Dalit and submit to the noble Brahmins as your masters who will guide you through your miserable existence.
“In the Vedic way of life, the king is trained to become a rājarṣi, or a great saint, although he is ruling as king. It is the king only by whose good government the citizens can live peacefully and without any fear. The rājarṣis would manage their kingdoms so nicely and piously that their subjects would respect them as if they were the Lord. That is the instruction of the Vedas. The king is called narendra, or the best amongst the human beings.”
The Brahmins are the Kings, and you are our servants.
I really don't understand why this happens though. We're yelled at for leaving, and we're yelled at for moving in. So do (((they))) want to force the existing white people to just stay there and take everyone's shit? What's the endgame?
there's no goal. it's just absolute hatred towards you. there's no logic behind it.
you do a thing and then they look for a reason to hate you for having done a thing.
it's ACTUAL racism. something modern young blacks have never really experienced.
This video is implying that Black's are competent enough to handle their own city.
That isn’t the whole story of white flight. I don’t have time to pick that video apart right now, but white flight is largely the result of a diabolical jewish plot to ethnically cleanse tight knit Catholic neighbourhoods. Once the Catholics were dispersed and alienated, they could be brought into the satanic judeo-protestant culture of the greater USA. You can’t blame fleeing whites for not wanting to see their children get murdered in the streets by feral blacks (the foot soldiers of the Jews). Listen to E Michael Jones.
I'm so tired of everyone being a victim and it somehow being my fault.
Michael E. Jones is a catholic, so he sees everything from that perspective. However I do think white flight causes more atomization in white society. I live in a suburb and nobody even goes outside. Are there even people living in these houses?
>be black man with family
>see my white neighbors moving away
>realize they're leaving because economy is going to shit
>follow them to new spot in colorado.
>denver is iberal shit hole with hiomeless everywhere.
>500k housing neighborhood. bronco players, lawyers, doctors live there.
follow the money my house is now worth 800k +
Niggers r annoying af. Live next to one and see for yourself. I've always had problems. I never had problems with my white neighbors.
>Are there even people living in these houses?
i think the same thing sometimes.... ive been in suburbs and went into someones house as a guest. the whole neighborhood was dead quiet but the house i went in to was booming with people. wtf? nobody goes outside anymore except to go from point A to point B
If niggers behaved like humans, we wouldn't have to move.
guess i missed the funny part
It's totalitarianism is action. What is totalitarianism? The "totalstaat", a society where the state has total control. Control over what you do, what you say, what you THINK. And every totalitarian state has shown this sort of arbitrary justice. A system where people were always guilty of poorly defined crimes. And there's a simple reason: Someone who is always at the risk of being guilty is always on their toes. They are always careful not to breach the guidelines set up by those in power.
The thought these people want to be constant in your mind is that you are racist. You are worth less than others. You should not have an opinion about things, and ESPECIALLY not as part of a white identity. It used to be simple: You were racist if you judged people only on their race. If you called a black man a "nigger" for being black. But that's much too clear. You have too many people who will know they're not racists, and can't be accused of racism. So these people have spent a lot of time pumping around these narratives. Contradictory narratives, that all seem to indicate an undefined goldilock zone between total prejudice and completely colourblind. They want you to be constantly questioning yourself. They want their ideology constantly at the back of your mind. And if not that, the consequences for straying from it.
Ultimately, it's about power. And the short road to power, is through fear.
Not counting the time I lived smack in the middle of a niggerfied bar district in college, I’ve rented next to niggers twice and no surprise I’ve had to call the cops on both neighbors.
First case was a 7:30 am domestic dispute that woke me up on a Saturday. I slept with my windows open so I just yelled shut the fuck up at them through the windows. Nig got all pissed and started screaming back at me threatening me for 10-15miniyes straight before I called the cops and they showed up to shut his ass up.
Second nigger neighbors had a dog that they never brought in from outside and it would just cry all day long being chained up outside. I felt so bad for the poor thing and I walked over to the neighbors, knocked on their door and asked if their dog was ok. Dude told me worry bout myself mofoka so I called the cops and told them there’s an abused animal without tags. Dog disappeared next day.
Lesson learned, buy the most expensive house you can afford in the most affluent white neighborhood. I swear I will never live near niggers again.
My home.
Now you're getting to their ultimate goal. 'Everything whites do is racist, therefore there should be no whites'.
Therefore niggers can stay in their own communities and countries but that doesn't give niggers white man superiority nor achievement nor access to worthless because they choose to be white nigger lover whores. Remember where you read when a woman get s hit they associate it with love... Call it nigger love!
I live in an area that is 3% black.
The blacks seem to make just as much disturbance if not more than the whites in public places.
Answer this Raj.
Where did the white people come from to get to the suburbs?
Why did they leave there to go to the suburbs?
Dam son was about to post this too
because my Hindu friend of pic related.
You want to live around that shit go ahead and may Vishnu watch over you ass.
It is a White Mans World! And the shit skins and commies want a piece or control of it. They want that superiority! Even if they aren't deserving! They would never want to be oppressed, suppressed,
and repressed in their own nigger shit skin countries and ghettos. They prefer pity turned hate for being sub human nigger filth deserving of ropes and chains. Just like their nigger ancestors!
Ungrateful and jealous as Cain nigger beasts and pets who should all be jailed and hanged!
because white people like to see the things they buy go up in value.
Niggers are ugly stupid and normally extremely sub human. They know it but never want to admit it. They leave it up to anti white kikes who would never want anything to with niggers and their libshit
pets to defend and hype their sub human race. At the detriment of every white person. It is the DNC's mission statement. Niggers know they are niggers. They don't care who they blame for it either since
they are fucking niggers. Part and Parcel!
There's going to be whites fleeing further than the suburbs soon.
This video is stupid as fuck.
>White people got better loans so they could get nice houses.
>Black people didn't get loans so they couldn't even make rent or pay their electric bill.
Do niggers really need loans to pay their bills and rent? Can niggers not accrue wealth without having a house?
This entire video seems to be skirting around and trying to avoid saying "black people don't work".
>racist white people
They're called taxpayers, you fucking imbecile.
>why don't white people want to live around niggers?
can you imagine how great this country would be if they had never been brought here
>(((disturbing history)))
[oy vey/deep concern intensifies]
Link to article.
The white man fears the black man's superior penis and musical ability.
Why don't we just listen to the south when it comes to "diversity?" They're the ones who have to live it every single day. Why do we always get lectures about diversity from white lefties who have never met a black person aside from a handful of tokens in their university classrooms?
That picture is in the (((UK))).
I think that is a human trait. Not all blacks are nigger just most of them and the ones that aren't can rule their niggers well with in their own Ethno States. Why? Because race age and creed will always warrent descrimmination from anywhere. THAT IS WHY AND IF MY AREA WAS 99% white 20 years ago and NIGGERS AND SHIT SKINS AND EVERYTHING ELSE HAS BEEN HOLDING MY LIFE BACK THEN THEY ARE THE FUCK UPS AND THE ONES WANTING TO BE WHERE FUCKING THEY DON'T BELONG!
yep can confirm
looks like a UK council house
>can't afford bills
>in a position to take on a home loan
pick one