>Did they see a sudden rise in img src searches? >Is hiding the results going to help us track down pedos?
Anybody know what happened?
>Did they see a sudden rise in img src searches? >Is hiding the results going to help us track down pedos?
Anybody know what happened?
pic related
What in the hell this is fucked up. Tried it with yahoo and this is seriously fucked up.
what comes up when you search it?
Do it faggot. Really makes you think. Funny how all the search engines know all about it and that's the first thing that comes up when you type a completely generic HTML tag.
What the fuck are you people talking about. What is a src file?
What the hell is this? Why does this come up when you type in img src?
Really fucked up. These sick bastards need to be found and purged.
Ok, now I'm 100% confused. I did it on Dogpile, why would a search engine return this for an html markup tag?
Peado shit comes up it’s revolting
>what comes up when you search it?
Nothing now. Earlier today it was shit you can't unsee. There might be archives of the threads from earlier.
Try typing it in all caps on DuckDuckGo. This stuff is depraved.
Be careful what you consume
>oy vey goy search this
no thanks shlomo
>tfw you only now found out about this
Just tried this on google. What the fuck?
SWAT teams will be at your house shortly. Reminder they can recover deleted files, and thumbnails are all it takes to convict.
I ain't looking at this shit. Someone tell me what it is.
It’s just pictures of small children dressed up?
You can see harder stuff on YouTube
I don’t get it
you can track down with microsoft bing............for now
Probably cheese pizzas
Is I'm img src something pedos search? Why? Not a pedo here
I really want to click on that link....
>no thanks shlomo
I didn't tell you to search it. I said they removed the results, which is good but also doesn't allow anybody to track the fuckers down. Apparently the results are still there in caps.
Why is this shit showing up first in searches for common image tags?
Some explain wtf src ing is right now!
what was removed specifically.
what the fuck even is "it" that he is talking about?
>SWAT teams will be at your house shortly. Reminder they can recover deleted files, and thumbnails are all it takes to convict.
Yeah. Not downloading that shit. That's fucking sick.
I would like to know how the government can spy on whoever they want yet they haven't found whoever is hosting that shit. Is it not a valid question?
>Some explain wtf src ing is right now!
Semi-nude and nude children. There was a thread about it yesterday.
This shit is revolting. These people need to be shoot on sight.
I've been doing this for years. google images used to have straight up child porn back in the day
Why would it come up when you search for img src?
*doorbell rings*
WTF, this is some fucked up shit, almost as fucked up as the Youtube CP that stayed up for months after YT was notified
Why does this feel like a ruse?
98% facebook images
on a good day u might score a 14 yo gymnast doing the splits in highschool gym
You should be perma banned for making ppl look at pedo pictures fucking brainlet. If this does somehow remove all the search terms, which will get surpassed anyway, then maybe, just maybe it will be good, but it will cost thpusands of people look at sexual images that may misguide them.
the unavoidable answer is they do know and dont do anything about it.
so this search term is uncovering faceboks posts? Like how Openbook used to?
>Why would it come up when you search for img src?
No idea. It shouldn't... unless those are the files that have the most links and clicks. I mean that's how regular SEO works (except for news) - So we know they can can manipulate the results - Are they manipulating the results here?
I hope I wont know any fucking pedo near me.... those things could make me beat him to death
>know how the government can spy on whoever they want yet they haven't found whoever is hosting that shit.
Did you forget pizzagate, lol?
>the unavoidable answer is they do know and dont do anything about it.
Seems like it. So, what is the motive for that?
I don't know. Maybe the people who post that sort of stuff online have certain search terms they use, that people in the know understand.
>may misguide them.
How exactly would somebody get misguided by this? There's no "misguided" about it. It's beyond degenerate.
-a bizarre bureaucratic or legal problem
-maybe they are but it's not public
-they actually dont know because they arent capable of what we think they are or are incompetent.
-An intentional design in the way they operate that prevents or incentives them.
>Seems like it. So, what is the motive for that?
Well one possibility is it would be a handy way of blackmailing people.
it's a real shame all the sites are being taken down. Librechan and lolinks were my favorite. I used to fap to cute JCs all day long. the best was the lesbian porn between cute girls. ever single day I kick myself for not downloading every video on the fucking website. I only managed to get 4 before the sites were brought down
they're all 3dpd op
fuck you
>Do the search
No wonder podesta pas on the news.
Please come soon dotr
fucking pedos are always innovating cute ways of leveraging internet services to share media. Every new service gets analyzed for exploitation and most of the time they find it.
because the site hosting all these jailbait images is imgsrc.ru
I just get no results, what is this supposed to be?
No they didnt. Type it in caps
It is cheese pizza.
A whole lot of it.
Knowing this this exists is, for me, more of an ironpill.
These motherfuckers need to be shaved, sterilized and destroyed.
Ovens are too good for them.
People need to know this exists and they need to see consequences.
I doubt it had anything to do with a spike in search numbers and a lot to do with it being posted here yesterday
If there was proof for a global pedo conspiracy imagine this site revealing it and spreading it all over the internet, 4chinz would make the world explode
Type in caps :IMG SRC
jesus christ thank god i wasn't baited into searching that wtf
You can go to xplay on Tor and download webms of cheese pizza right now. You can literally find imageboards dedicated to pizza posting on the clearnet if you lurk enough. I've been banned from most of them for spamming gore.
like I said earlier , companies and governments are starting to catch on, so it's much harder to find now. all the good ways to see jailbaits and JC porn is being brought down. the only ones left are on the deepweb which are behind layers of paywalls
If you want to see it, type in "img src ru" or img src ro".
I remember fapping to this stuff 8 yeas ago.
Poor Sup Forums always late to the party.
It is a search term to find raw images. Src, Img, DSC and others.
Bastards mines them to find Captain Planet.
Others sites like 4shared work like this. Kids keep the autouoad feature on on anything.
Not for me.
(((they))) found out we know but bing has yet to catch up
The other day I looked up droopy with guns and got some fucked up shit. I was looking for the classic cartoon character droopy with a gun because it reminded me of the Texas shooter and boom. Crazy hardcore porn out of nowhere. Guess I'll use moderate filters from now on... or will I?
i dont wanna see that pedo shit no thanks
what was in the pastebin that guy posted? not going anywhere near clicking that link.
the fact that people are finally talking about it in the open after five thousand years makes it a good thing, even if this is the most tragic topic of discussion it must be brought to light
fuck off creep
What creeps me out is why are the first results creepy shit? It's like some pics are just normal people but then creepy girl pics.
Not all Russians host cp, but all cp is hosted by Russians.
so it was cp websites? report that shit to pastebin
literally nothing. there's only a few good images in there. nothing like the good old days of lolinks
A finger box all though it may seem to be a relatively simple device, it is not on the contrary of being simple a finger box is more than a box with a hole in it, it is a massively complex device containing more than a thousand separate components per box, usually with nine boxes per set that makes over nine thousand separate components, but the device will work limitedly with just one box.
Finger boxing is also known as fingering and boxing and is a massive fad among teens aged 13-18, the device in a simpler form were first invented by William John Trolington over 100 years ago in Australia.
A Finger box basically simulates a feeling, originally this was accomplished with mechanical devices in the box with some extremely cruel pranksters putting item such as glass and nails in witch would often decapitate the finger, this led to a act of parliament in 1919 by the UK banning the devices, which was quickly followed by the rest of the world.
Although still banned the “underground market” of finger boxes saw a boom in sales during the 1980’s and was redeveloped into its current electrical module in the mid 1990’s by an unnamed Chinese worker.
The device works on the same principals as electrical prosthetic limbs, an electrical impulse is shot up the nervous system that will make the hand think that it is feeling something; anything can be simulated such as stroking a cat or shaking a hand.
The finger box costs around £50 per box and are usually sold out within minutes they have reportedly have gone for over 200 per box on ebay.”
stfu pedo
pedo shit is how the will false flag this site into oblivion.
who got the video of the DEMOCRAT asking if Russians can hack your computer and put CP on it. gave him self a nice little out for when he's caught.
Its just facebook type pics. Nothing depraving really, but its just all kids, kids, and more kids...
Capitilize IMG SRC. It will work.
Pedos are some of the easiest faggots to troll. Just fire up delayclose and spam gore. Most of the clearnet sites I've found generate top buttmad material.
Y'know, I'm not sure about these new e-fingerboxes. Sure, they're pretty, but a 250-year-old teak fingerbox made in England, Germany or Japan will do the job just as well, and has got tons of potential for upgrading. I've got a collection of all sorts, and I must say that one of my favourites is a 170-year-old scrimshandered palm fingerbox from Rehoku which feaures part of a dendroglyph and was crafted by British sailors stuck on the island from HMS Prophetess. It's a gorgeous bit of work and is so beautiful. The overall feel is very good inside too, as it was lined with lambskin and felt. The mechanism is in tip-top condition because even though it's a wooden Heidelburg design the actual wood used is, like the case, palm and thus can be kept beautifully clean and functional with palm oil, which also brings out a lovely dark finish. It's locked with an ivory key (cut from whalebone) engraved with the intials A.E. and in a niche inside the lid is a Gold Sovreign, which I only found when examining the fingerbox just after I bought it - I was looking at the hinge and I noticed a tiny button, and click! Out it came. It's a wonderful piece of work, I had it insured for £17,000 but I think it would make several times that at auction... implying that I'd ever sell such a wonderful object, of course.
type in "img src ro" that shit used to give actual CP, but now it's just jailbaits. still good tho
thats just most pictures that are taken.
Just don't tell Sup Forums about hurtmehp or secretm4kz.
I don't think their little virgin hearts will be able to handle that.
I remember a video of these cute cute little JCs kissing eachother naked and it was the hottest thing ever. wish I had saved that shit while I had the chance
Most of those images are pulled from the pedo infested honeypot of imgsrc.ru
trolling the non-pedos, epic style
I wish one of you faggots would track me down
Haven't had an opportunity to shoot anything recently.
Just download tor dude. There's plenty there.
Stop fapping to kiddies OP
fuck me this is some shit
are the Sup Forumstards into this?
I dont have bitcoins for the paywalls. I've just been making due with the CP on xvideos but it's all weird looking chinks
Isn’t img scr really common html? Can someone explain why I should care about these search results?
You retards don't realize that every image is hosted on a glow in the dark honeypot server. So it's really entrapment. You can't find real cp using search engines anymore.
You don't need to pay shit. I already gave you all the "clues".
Isn't this a honeypot?
As long as you don't download anything you should be fine, right?
Idk what sick fuck would be attracted to kids. They're loud and weird and smell like shit.
haha yeah you can't