nicely done, Trump
Nicely done, Trump
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link or bullshit
Top kek
Good video, enjoyed it.
Oh shit, I gotta boot up Sniper again.
i miss the good old days when i sprayed gore images in counter-strike and everyone freaked out and left
>most of the victims are niggers
When will you faggots stop crying?
>that shitty fallout 4 inclusion
I'm dead
he's not grabbing your guns, he's grabbing your games.
our president shitposted
this is awesome
our highest office has now officially said
Lol MW2 was intense. WaW was more brutal tho.
Why does this exist? If it's unlisted, who did they intend to watch it? And who leaked the link? Was it the Russians?
>windows classic theme
hardcore, holy shit
Holy shit, nostalgia'd hard
remember, no russian
also ogrish
Lol notice how most of the video shows nazis dying? BASED
all those thumbs up
Gamergate!!!! Gamers, we have been betrayed!
>tfw the only bit of edgy Web 1.0 left up is Maddox's site
>and he's about to literally be proven a cuck in court
this was stephen miller
COD *is* degenerate propaganda designed to groom goyim boys into believing its 'hip' to fight endless wars in the middle east for israel.
most of those games look fun as fuck
speaks volumes when LA can turn even maddox into one of the biggest cuck pieces of shit there is. at least dick masterson turned out alright.
That and the nazis getting shanked in the video seemed like interesting picks.
bahahaha what a fuckin hero
Holy shit!
FUCK. this would have been memelord status if they posted anything from HL2 ravenholm.
Fucking LOVED MW2
Hopefully they don't totally shit on the re master.
Windows classic LMAO
>you don't scare me. Communist piece of shit
Can we take a moment and realize that Trump knows exactly what he's doing here?
>"oh sweet, no homework and the computer is free. i think ill play warcraft3"
>log in
>join random game
>it's a fake game with tubgirl embedded on the map
Holy shit, it's the actual WH channel. Wtf. We're losing the upvotes tho, you know what to do Sup Forums.
Poor guy. He used to be the funniest shit on the web.
>shows violence against nazis as bad
Our president has the best autistic gamers who helped put this video together.
fuck i remember that
>1:24 like to dislike ratio
holy fucking worked
More documents out today. Rekeita starts livestreaming in like 15 minutes.
>The Biggest Cuck in the Universe
The saltmining from leddit is going to be mind numbingly delicious on this one
I'm just curious, do you guys all suddenly hate video games now, or does this one get you just a teensie tiny bit
Let's be honest here, Americas entire culture is centered around violence. She was founded on it, expanded on it, and will eventually tear herself apart by it.
Everything from their music, music videos, TV shows, cartoons, toys, movies, video games, and even porn is all centered around and even encourages violence. Is it really that hard to see why they have public shoots en masse regularly now?
It's time to begin establishing a morals clause on a lot of this stuff to minimize the encouragement of such actions.
>opens with a communist bashing a niggers head in
wtf I hate video games now
video games are a net negative to downright awful for the average person, but it has nothing to do with violence, its the dedicating hours of time and attention to a fruitless endeavor that doesnt give attention back
i just like that someone is calling attention that video games arent this harmless passion dweebs have. I dont want any sort of governmental involvement and dont agree with the violence in vidya increases violence on the streets, but large swaths of the population have thrown their lives away over it
no commentary
no music
I wish.
>no russian
the rare double self-own
Maybe violence sometimes is okay. Better than being a nation of pacifist cuckolds like modern day Sweden who invite in invaders without a fight who turn the other cheek when their women are raped.
got it, so you suddenly hate video games now
lmao this scene too
Those comments, someone save the best ones before they gone
Shitposting king
what's the last game ?pls respond
Vidya is like any other vice out there. I'm addicted to vidya like a lot of other people but I wouldn't care about vidya so much if society was worth checking into. I see loads of guys playing fortnite and uploading it to snapchat because that is more fun than doing other shit. Vidya is a symptom of men not plugging into society.
The short answer from me is I hate what they have become. What used to be a hobby that, yes, could pull you in for hours, required skill. Games now are:
>grinding the same mindless activity over and over to advance
>an irrational need to beat a high score of whatever nature (level, score, rare items)
>pay to play elements for shortcuts
>payoff for playing is short films of absurd violence
>single mothers who fucking suck and never should have had kids having gaming systems babysit their young children, UNSUPERVISED, where pervs message them dick pics, they play age-inapproiate violent games, etc.
And that is a very short answer.
evil within 1 or 2
Sup Forums BTFO
says unlisted
idiots have also said what you're saying about books, music, and other such fancy technologies. snapchatting fortnite may be sad or not but you're projecting onto an entire medium.
trump is brilliant
this is almost better than Ajit Pai
I dont think the issue is that videogames cause mass shootings. Its just that there is a level of desensitization. Kind of like browsing Sup Forums
NPR (shut up, the only alternative was Michael Berry saying not to criticize Jews) had some psychologist on this evening, who said aggression studies show video games do increase violent impulses. It seems plausible to me, considering how other media affects people (porn makes people slutty, rap makes people degenerate, etc.), but I think its effect must be very small. If anything, it's a distraction to give people something besides the 2nd Amendment to attack, and to make it look like they are doing something about the shootings.
so you want to go back to what period of time in gaming exactly? pong?
leftfags are extremely against the video games are degenerate meme
After playing Skryim for more than 2 hours I feel the urge to depopulate a school yard with my ar15 every fucking time.
can someone explain this shit please?
unofficial? troll account?
its faster
Yeah. I don't get it either.
Both at the same time it would seem.
You gotta admit Trump is getting things done
What the fuck is he suggesting?
I'm gonna raise my kids to be Hitler living warriors and there is nothing you can do about it.
This is the universe, the timeline we are currently residing in for the moment. White House released a frag montage and say I ain't scared of you communists.
>unlisted video
How did you find this
>Violence in Vidya
What is this 1995? Who the fuck still thinks Video Games are violent? No wonder neocons are a joke.
FPS games actually prevent people from doing shootings because it controls their anger and bloodlust.
Got it, so we should play nothing but Nintendo games or do something boring with our lives? Without video games you'd have far more shootings then there are right now.
That your time is up
Someone at the white house is doing a poor job, e.g. stealing other channels content, leaking the link early, leaving comments open
Ahhh the late 90s was good. That's the first place I saw lots of pictures of niggers trying to steal copper from power poles.
Trump's got all the connections.
Which Trump, hard to say.
Probably not the old man himself. After all he's "bad with computers".
Gaming up until mid 2000s was peachy. Mostly everything afterwards is a gaming skinned slot machine designed to extract as much money and time out you as possible...your enjoyment is not factored into this equation. Its a dopamine chasing drug at this point. I have many friends that have thrown away their entire lives to this shit. 10s of thousands in the hole to micro transactions, college funds emptied on video games and now theyre forced to work minimum wage for life, my peers that have no idea whites are being replaced because theyre more concerned with getting the next prestige in cod. Its fuckin sad and pathetic. I used to scoff at the nannying against gamers, but I now see what it can do to a man. If you play anything post 2006 you're a faggot.
The modern gaming companies have figured out their primary markets are stay at home stoners. Grind, fuck up, but it’s okay lol no perma desth, enjoy your violence, keep grinding, get texts from people in game lul hahahaha. This is not good for kids.
I have no problem with violence in vidya. Honestly, it the kids parents fault for letting them play volennt games in the first place.
I can relate to Trump on this. He's an old man, he doesn't play video games. When he sees violence in video games he finds it disturbing and thinks it could have a bad influence on some people.
id have loved to be the white house intern tasked with making this video
THE LEAF GETS IT. This is what I’m talking about.
They hate it because now Trump made the old dumb ass argument of violence in video games
lel nice montage
Without violent video games you'd get a generation like millennials who grew up with nothing but Mario and you know how they turned out. Banning them would only make GenZ nothing more then a coddled mess that does nothing import with their lives. I'd say we should ban stuff like Nintendo (except for Star Fox) over first person shooters or survival games. The latter helps with coordination and could help with people become soldiers in the future. Kids shouldn't be forced to play stuff like Mario, you'd get nothing but a generation of grown manchildren when they grow up.
Trump - you get the xbox
Pence- ya, you wanna play zombies
Trump- k
>thrown away their entire lives to this shit
>10s of thousands in the hole to micro transactions
>college funds emptied on video games and now theyre forced to work minimum wage for life
It's their fate that they deserved. Thankfully the gene pool will be cleansed of that TRASH