Sup Forums still believes the "white features" meme

>Sup Forums still believes the "white features" meme

>Shills think facts are beliefs

The only true whites came from England, every continental European has animal blood mixed with his human blood,
The Spaniard was conquered by the Arabs and have Saracen blood mixed with theirs
The Slav is mixed with the mongol, the Eastern European mixed with the Slav, the Balkan mixed with the Slav and the Ottoman!
The Anglo on the other hand has never been conquered, his blood is purely human and he can trace his ancestry directly to Adam. And nowhere does a branch in his family tree contain an animal unlike the rest of the worlds species

>black skin
BOOM argument deconstructed

>The Anglo on the other hand has never been conquered,
Well the anglo saxons themselves were conquerors and displaced the celts and then there's Danelaw, but we're a pretty homogeneous breed from the top left hand corner of Europe.

>Sup Forums creates insane amount of value in the past 15 years
>shitskins are attracted to value like flys are to shit
>shitskins come here but get severely triggered by stuff white people talk about when there is no censorship imposed on them
>for a shitskin this must be the first time they get confronted by unfiltered white opinions
>the cognitive dissonance they experience is SEVERE
>sometimes they can’t sleep for days(I’ve spoken to several pol-shitskins)
>they get addicted to this place because all these things they hear make sense and explain many things in their lives
>they do not admit all of these things but become angry at white and thing that’s it’s just a game to make them feel bad
>they think the world only revolves around them and whites here do the things they do as a way to trigger them
>so they start to playing the game that they assume is being played here

>start posting things explicitly designed to trigger whites
>white purity spiral (causes division in the whites)
>white women hate (causes whites to hate their own kind)
>nigger dick posting (triggered white people’s sexual insecurities)
>attack representatives of white interest politicians&e-celebs

Spaniards and Slavs still look more attractive than anglo women though






The Anglo is a race of conquerors, the European is a race that gets conquered.
This mohammedan invasion is nothing new, it's just a new cycle in the Europeans blood being muddled with an animals


Okay, you like animals good for you but if you lay with a beast you have to be put to death according to the bible.

those pictures of people from places alexander conquered really prove your anti-white point


>directly to Adam
"never been conquered" except in spirit, mind, and religion it seems

look at her prognathism, big teeth, concave nose root


False, the Anglican Church is the oldest church in existence, Jesus Christ visited England and spread the Gospel, the very first Christians were from England