Make this date ours


>Mixing based alpha conan the barbarian with muh I need a special day to feel good about myself beta incel shit.
Ok m8.

Get fucked aussie. The day women got right to vote. It's a crusade.

It needs to be the 17th

Why 8/18?

Wouldn't 8/8 be more appropriate?

It would probably be too on the nose.

Every day is our day,faggot.

Anniversary of Charlottesville

Idiot we dont need a date every day is our day.

Bad optics.
8/8 is better

January 1 - December 31 National Straight White Male Day

Also my sister's birthday...

>tfw white men are such null betas that they actually need a day just because women have one
this is why exist.

We're not niggers or women. We don't need a day.

We already had our day on 11/8/16

arnold is gay

>whites want a day
>blacks need a whole month

Yeah, and both of you are fags!

Men already have a day. It's called "Labor day".

Missing the point. You don't think I want this do you?

Special days are for fag-tier demos.

We don't need to feel validated with a day that's all about us 2bh

Women are children with tits, so they feel the need to have a day