Now the dust has settled, what was the better manga

Now the dust has settled, what was the better manga

>kimi no iru machi

Suzuka, but that's not to say Suzuka was actually good. KNIM was some of the most rage-inducing shit I've ever seen and had an MC that made Ichika look likable, and Fuuka is just an endless string of retarded twists. Suzuka stands out as the least terrible of the three. The original Half & Half remains the best thing Seo ever wrote, though, and Princess Lucia is also better than those three.

Suzuka was better than KNIM. I dropped KNIM after THAT page and stopped reading Seo's shit, so I didn't read Fuuka.

Easily Suzuka but it was retroactively ruined by Fuuka.

Asuka best waifu imo

Even looking at that image reminds me of that fucking scene from Kimi no Iru Machi. God that MC was terrible. Fuuka had a pretty quality start, but went down the dumpster with truck Kun and Fuuka 2.0. Suzuka actually didn't have much wrong with it, so by process of elimination Suzuka was the best.

The legend continues....

Do people here still read Fuuka?

Fuuka would have been better if notFuuka had never entered the picture desu

Half and Half was his best so none of the above

Yes, but I'm mostly just keeping an eye out for cameos.

I do. Nice to see Koyuki came back, even if just for a bit.

Kimi Machi.
I liked Yuzuki and the slice-of-couple life was great and so rarely done.
When re-reading, oh yes I do, I just skip the drama shit and go to the good parts.

Don't give a flying fig about the others.

>I just skip the drama shit and go to the good parts.
I keep a list of chapters for rereading. Thank God for the second half.

>the slice-of-couple life was great
It was one of the two good parts of the manga, along with the countryside part.

they're all crap, but Suzuka probably has the least terrible story, it's not as meandering or needlessly drawn out as the others
Fuuka had the best heroine and Kimi machi the best girls(or at least the largest number of characters I'd like to have sex with) though

Suzuka >>>>> Kimi no Rage machi > shit > Fuuka

But Fuuka's still kind of decent. Then again, I may be biased since the art is hot.

I mosltly just skim it for things to masturbate to

That's hardly unique to Fuuka. Seo knows one of his main selling points is T&A.

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Why did the OVA look so much better?

did it? I didnt think either looked much good

Also, were there different translations for that scene or something?

I didn't say "good", just better. Subdued colors look better, I would say. And if you can't draw lips, it's better not to draw lips.
I downloaded the Commie release, so

I guess for me it's something like

-Top Tier--
-High Tier-
-Meh Tier-
Everyone else

>Kimi no iru Machi
-Top Tier-
Nanami, Mina
-High Tier-
Akari, Kiyomi,
-Good Tier
Mana, Miyu, Rin, Shiho,
-mid Tier-
Nao(superfluous lesbian)
-Bottom tier
-Meh tier
Everyone else

-Top Tier
-High tier
Sister with glasses, fried skewer girl with accent
-Good tier
Sara, pseudo-loli sister, motherly sister,
-Mid Tier
blonde groupie girl
-Meh Tier
Everyone else

How does everyone else rate them?


You're damn right she is.

All 3 stories are frustrating as fuck so trying to pick the least frustrating one is pretty difficult.

>The original Half & Half remains the best thing Seo ever wrote, though, and Princess Lucia is also better than those three.
I think what half and half & Princess Lucia have in their favour is that they're shorter; a lot of Seo's stuff starts out OK, but he eventually ends up doing something dumb that sours people on them.
Also, Princess Lucia's just plain-silliness that rarely takes itself seriously(and when it does, it's pretty innocuous).
I did sometimes feel disappointed with it though,I thought it should've used the supernatural angle to bring up much different scenarios from Seo's other stuff, and wished they'd spread the focus with the supporting cast a bit more, instead of putting so much on Lucia

I couldn't make it through Lucia, but Half&Half is probably my favorite of Seo's works. Maybe even of romance manga in general.

I honestly thought the original Half and Half was the best thing he did, which is a little sad because it's also the first.
I never really bothered with the remake, because Kimi Machi had really soured me on his work at the time

It was the other way around for me. Kimi was the first thing of his I read. And I found my waifu in it, so I have to read all his other stuff to look for more of her.

I'm okay with Fuuka 2.0 winning, the other two girls I hated, so Fuuka is the better manga because I'm not raging as hard.

Kimi was the first thing of his I read too, I just meant that Half & Half was the first thing Seo made.
I thought Kimi was OK to start with, but hated it by the time it finished. I started readin a bunch of his other series while it was still going.

Who was your waifu, by the way? Rin? She seems the most popular around here

>Who was your waifu, by the way? Rin?
>She seems the most popular around here
I always felt that Asuka was the most popular. But these threads often intersect with tomboy threads, so that might be why.

You're waifu a shit.

>draw a slut
>call her a virgin

every time

>Do people here still read Fuuka?
I was disappointed to see the tall, handsome, more successful and fairly dick-ish rival band guy who took Fuuka2 back to his hotel room seems to have deteriorated into a bit of a failure

were these files deleted by the posters, or the mods? They seemed innocuous enough

Suzuka. Still crap but considerably less crap than the other two.