What does Sup Forums think about martin luther
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One of my personal heroes
I was raised Lutheran, an I still love my father- Mother was a Catholic-Anyways, I Baptised my sons Luthern and I REGRET IT. My husbands Irish Catholic Father had a fucking heart attack at the Baptisms! If that is not a sign from above of out so diabolical the so-called Reformation is and was then what is? The Renaissance and the Reformation are not what we have been taught. In truth, it was a genocide.
Absolutely fucking based. Was reading his greatest work today
Pic related
I mean, he did write this
He was a huge anti-semite, and wrote, On the Jews and their Lies
Terrible person, he shouldn't be talked about
Luther was right about a couple of things, there was a lot of unnecessary rubbish running amok in the church and masquerading as faith.
He was right to speak out against the semi-pelagian works righteousness of 16th century Catholicism.
He was manic, however, and possibly suffered scrupulosity, hence his fierce insistence on Sola Fide (which of course meant he hated the Epistle from James). He is also guilty of imposing the standards of 16th century Catholics onto 2nd Temple Judaism, which has led Protestants to a skewed understanding of Paul's attitude towards the law.
Ultimately his biggest flaw is separating the [moral] law and the gospel, when really they go hand in hand.
My view of Luther is that he lit the spark that became the Reformation fire. The true father of the reformation is pic related.
>Nails doctrine to door
I'm in
Good guy, not afraid of nuthing.
Made Christianity worse for everyone. If they stayed Catholic we wouldn’t be nearly as screwed in regards to the faith. Protestantism created the (((west)))
He's the grandfather of all modern cuck Western values. The idea that everybody can read the Bible, their individual interpretations (however crazy) are okay, and anybody creasing their own church is the beginning of Liberalism. Ironically, Luther helped create the Enlightenment period and skepticism towards religion.
Without Protestantism, the enlightenment might not have been as influential.
He posted his society's equivalent of "Its ok to be White" poster on a church door
Shattered the Church permanently, allowing Jews to subvert all sects.
If he honestly meant well then it becomes it tale of the road to hell being paved with good intentions.
Had some good criticism about the church. The religious wars that followed aren’t really is fault
jesuit jews who fake converted were already running most of the catholic church and now are completely
Jesuits took two decades after Luther's original thesis to actually form as an organization.
It was gross when he nailed his feces to that door.
The problems of the Catholic Church that he addressed were just the results of man screwing things up. The same happened to Protestants over time. It's not his fault, people just corrupt everything in time.
People like you are the reason Christianity is dying out in our country
/our guy/
Protestantism is a judaizing heresy
Definitely in the Schismatic circle of Hell. Has sown discord and confusion among God's flock and led to over 100 different denominations of whatever flavor protestantism suits your fancy or the zeitgeist of the era.
He should burn in hell
Why? I hope you're just memeing and you don't actually mean that.
No he's serious, croats are dumb and crazy and will commit multiple genocides over the dumbest shit
>wanting to deplatform someone because they talked about the jews
what the fuck is that excerpt?
No, i actually mean it.
He caused a great war in Europe which is a shame considering the Ottomans were invading and energy should have been focused on them.
All protestant churches are cucked and this is a direct damage of Luther to Christian faith.
Considering all western degeneracy comes from protestant countries it is more than obvious Luther did harm
Says the mutt. Good to know we fucked you back in 1943
Fuck him. Caused Europeans to keep fighting themselves rather than consentrate on Muslims. He didn't like Jews, I'm guessing that's what is giving you a boner for the guy, but lots of people hated the Jews back then.
I got it from a Christian thread
While it's not good to wish anybody to be in Hell it's true that Luther and other Protestants allied themselves with the Ottoman Turks (sadly even fucking France did so the weaken the HRE) and he was the first to criticize the Crusades as nothing more than a money grabbing scheme by the Vatican instead of properly seeing it as reclaiming former Christian land, stopping per suction of Christian pilgrims, and spreading the Gospel
purity spiraler
Catholics trying to make people doubt the reformation by making you question the founder. You see, how could Catholics be wrong about allowing people to pay money to get forgiveness for their sins (indulgences), if the guy who questioned called them out might have said this paraphrased sentence lacking context in the course of a discussion?
>it's true that Luther and other Protestants allied themselves with the Ottoman Turks (sadly even fucking France did so the weaken the HRE)
>he was the first to criticize the Crusades as nothing more than a money grabbing scheme by the Vatican
Holy shit I did not even know this. I am convinced even more Luther should rott in Hell.
I am convinced even more protestantism is a cuckold sect and the Pope was right when persecuting them.
At the moment when Luther comit his treaturous heresy the Pope at that time wanted to Call a crusade on Ottomans
It was bankers in the Church like the Medici's who he was responding too.
Jesuits took control afterwards. But you are absolutely right about the Jesuits, just wrong time period.
Yes. before Atheism and Skepticism were even a thing in the maiinstream there was Luther and other Protestants defaming the Crusaders. A lot of the common criticisms normies have of the crusades come straight from Luther. It's kind of like how people think Napoleon was short however he was actually taller than the average Frenchman but people believe in a Anglo lie. Protestants have always sided with Muslims and even Jews against the Catholic Church. The protestants are the good goyim and useful idiots of the enemies of Christianity
You aren't mentioning the part where the pope was literally getting people to "buy" their salvation. There are few things more blasphemous than this that I can conceive of.
From Acts 8 (KJV):
"18And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money, 19Saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost. 20But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money. 21Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God. 22Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee. 23For I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity. 24Then answered Simon, and said, Pray ye to the Lord for me, that none of these things which ye have spoken come upon me."
1 Cor 14:33
For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
Yeah but the Lutherans still worship a piece of bread and wine, (pic related), how do you explain that? I don't really have to explain the Catholic faith because people think Catholics are crazy materialist or something like that even though all Christians need water and someone else for baptism. Also you shouldn't be talking when Joel Osteen and other Protestant crooks make millions of dollars every year of their followers.
Catholic/Jewish kikes shilling in here.
God is pushing protestants by turning their countries in multiculti Hellholes.
Sweden, UK, USA are all nigger and Muslims infested
Circumcision is the mark of the old covenant, guess who has a cut dick ITT (((you)))
Survey says you are a lying mofo, papist.
basically a feminist
>And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.
>Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.
If you don't participate in the Eucharist, you literally aren't a Christian. The Swiss Guard should be retrained as a fucking Inquisition force to hunt out retarded heretics like you and skewer them on their halberds.
>where the pope was literally getting people to "buy" their salvation.
And the money was spend on anti-ottoman wars
The Catholics at the time were money grubbers using indulgences to absolve sins (past and in some cases future, lol) for money on a large scale. They also relied on a bunch of garbage made up by popes on the spot over the centuries and made the Bible itself secondary. Until Luther most people did not read the Bible. After him, most people did, and the indulgences practice was BTFO'd. He done good.
I would feel sorry for them but I have to keep in mind that a sizable majority of Protestants spread outrageous lies against the church and always have been and they're always hostile to not just Catholics but to God Himself it seems.
Well i'am lapsed Catholic but I know Catholics worship the Eucharist and when I return to the Church I would have to receive this sacrament. I just think it's crazy so many protestants find the Catholic Church bizarre and yet the Lutherans and other Catholic-Lite's worship the Eucharist. I just wonder why are Lutherans considered "Christian" in America while Catholics aren't.
Where did you get this information about protestants defaiming the Crusaders? Why would they do such thing?
It seems Luther and protestants were ignorant about Muslims otherwise they would not support the Ottomans
So is France, and Hispanic countries aren't even Catholic when you consider the fact that the retarded mestizos literally worship pagan gods still (not even joking, I dated a few South American girls). Italy is also well on its way to being cucked, and 90% of the younger generations in Spain no longer attend church more than once a month.
Christianity is dying, everywhere. Not just Proddie countries. So far, the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches are the only ones maintaining and growing membership.
Also, the Catholics monopolized on people's fear/love for their family by saying if you pay money you can shorten dead loved one's time in purgatory by X gorillion years, and no one saw a problem with this. Really a wonderful system that didn't need reform in the least, no siree.
If the pope told women to have sex with every guy they meet would your response be
>Those kids that were born in fatherless environments are going to be used as soldiers.
Nobody "worships" the Eucharist. I can tell you're a lapsed Catholic because you're clearly retarded. The Eucharist is the sign of the New Covenant. Most Protestant denominations take part in it as well because, as I said, you literally aren't a Christian if you don't. It would be like a Jew not being circumcised. Most Protestant denominations just have a different interpretation of the Eucharist. Most consider it to be the metaphorical Body and Blood, whereas Lutherans, Catholics, Orthodox, etc. believe it to be the literal Body and Blood, which is transformed when the priest blesses it.
One hell of a nigger. Maybe the greatest since Mike Tyson won the rumble in the jungle against King Kong.
I especially liked him in Men In Black 2.
Luther was pretty based, but /ourguy/ Calvin had a better systematic theology
The Protestant heretic Billy Graham said you dont need to believe in Christ to go in heaven.
I adhere to the Evangelical Lutheran faith as taught in Luther's Large Catechism and Small Catechism. Reading Luther is always informative and interesting.
Based. Fuck papists.
>Christianity is dying, everywhere. Not just Proddie countries. So far, the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches are the only ones maintaining and growing membership.
As for the Catholic Church it depens which national Catholic Church you are refering.
You are right for the Catholic Church in West but in Poland and former commie countries the Catholic bishops are based and practise true Catholicism.
You are also aware the current Pope is installed via a Color Revolution. Google catholic spring and see the Podesta mails
faggot that couldn't into Liturgy...
Nice strawman
>it's true that Luther and other Protestants allied themselves with the Ottoman Turks
No sweetie.
If I had a loaded gun with 1 bullet in a room with him and marching looting coon I would kill him
Are you sure you're not citing the pope and the catechism of the catholic church?
Well, I would check my sources again, i'am a bit rusty but opening one of my books I found this
>"The Roman Pontiffs and the European princes were engaged at first in these" crusades by a principle of superstition only, but when in the process of time they learnt by experience that these holy wars contributed much to increase their opulence and to extend their authority... [then] ambition and avarice seconded and enforced the dictates of fantaticism and superstition"
>-Johann Lorenz von Mosheim
Also a quick search brought these up
“The popes have never seriously intended to wage war against the Turk; instead they used the Turkish war as a cover for their game and robbed Germany of money by means of indulgences whenever they took the notion….If they had seriously wished to fight the Turk, the pope and the cardinals would have had enough from the pallia, annates, and other unmentionable sources of income so that they would not have needed to practice such extortion and robbery in Germany.” Martin Luther, On War Against the Turk, in Luther’s Works vol. 46, p. 164
for some reason 4chin thinks my post is s-p-a-m so heres the links
Those apologetics make me sick just reading one sentence
>b-b-but not all Muslims
The only way to heaven without Christ is if you never commit a sin, ever.
Good luck.
he's rat, fuck him.
Other monks trying to get drunk and get there dicks sucked and he tattled on them.
He was like a Sunni christian
Woke on the jq
I can't speak one way or the other about the modern Catholic Church(other than the current Pope the spineless heathen faggot), but in his time he was absolutely right about the problems in the Church.
They were selling pardons for sins, for fucks sake.
I am sure. Somebody posted a YouTube video where he explicitly states it. Protestants are a disgrave and will eventually end in Hell.
>muh liberalism
You do realize that Germanic Nazism was the ultimate end game of Protestantism? It's just that it failed to win the wars and become dominant?
Some places like Estonia never lost the old mindset and are still racist while being Protestant/atheist.
Here is it
4:50 m.youtube.com
You see niggers are doing Gods work in punishing protestants
Than ks. I meant is this common knowledge among Protestant in America?
It explain why Proda are jewish bootlickers who care more about Israel than middle eastern Christians
For some reason there's a lot of racist Protestants; they're twisted,
Oh yes, In America, the Crusades are largely seen as a bad thing that happened in the far past and further proof that Catholicism is evil. Not too long ago the Movie 'Kingdom of Heaven' made the Crusaders look bad, Obama gave a speech about how people shouldn't be harsh on Islamic Terrorism because "muh crusades were ebil". and beyond that Americans see the wars in the Middle East as a continuation of the Crusades. I don't know too much about why Protestants fucking love Israel though, its just lunacy form the looks of it
That's not a strawman. It's a legitimate question. Assume the hypothetical, then give your response.
He was an instrument of the Venusian Oligarchy.
>the Crusades are largely seen as a bad thing that happened in the far past and further proof that Catholicism is evil.
>Obama gave a speech about how people shouldn't be harsh on Islamic Terrorism because "muh crusades were ebil".
This is interesting. I though the Crusaders are seen negative there because of leftism.
This opens a whole new perspective for me.
I apologize for being combative, but you are falling into the "road to hell is paved with good intentions," with your post.
It is a stawman you protestant mutt. The Church sending money from indulgence to anti-ottoman cause is a well dokumented fact and not an imagination.
I would suggest you to Check facts.
>Yeah but the Lutherans still worship a piece of bread and wine, (pic related), how do you explain that?
its not true, sacraments are optional lutherans have eucharist only occasionally. salvation is only through direct grace of God. that being said, lutherans are perhaps the worst cucks on the planet
pretty much single handedly started the decline of europe into bourgeois decadence, existentialist horror and nihlism.
I'm not arguing that the church sent money from indulgences to the anti-ottoman cause. I'm saying that the pope coerced this money out of its members by telling them they could get forgiveness for their sins if they paid the church money. Do you really think God's grace is so cheap it can be purchased with money? Do you really think someone has the right to sell God's grace because it supports their cause even if the cause is good?
If the ransom from Purgatory scheme was meant for payment for the crusades, why didn't the " muh troo fayfr " papists be up- front and center with the serfs and oafs they were bilking the dosh from be straight up about it ?
It is nothing compared to a fact that Catholic satan worshippers sacked Constantinopole destroying a beautiful Christian city full of treasures and helsingi Ottomans much More than Luther ever did.
Not quite. Byzantines massacred catholic about 20 years before the sacking of Constantinople.
Also the reason why it got sacked is there was a Byzantine pretender who tried to use the Crusaders to acquire the throne
Prods were alling with Muslims head chopers back in the days. Today they do the same in Syria. How retard ed they have to be?