
Are there any circumstances where abortion should be legal?

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i pray for that little girl


no god could save that monster
but at least it looks like shes kind of smiling

Imagine staring into her eyes as you fuck the shit out of her.

( . ) ( . )

jesus fucking christ how did that even happen

What? Abortion should be absolutely mandatory unless the child is to be born to a married white couple.

>I will go to any lengths necessary to justify me being an irresponsible mother since i heavily drank and did drugs whilst pregnant. l-look at how beautiful my little queen is.


Abortion should be mandatory in all cases which further the interests of the white ethnostate.

Abortion should be legal and encouraged for non white. Illegal in al circumstances for precious whites, each one is a miracle from god.

It looks like a retard wanted to cosplay for a zombie movie convention.

Sage. Only your mom can have legal abortions.


>Are there any circumstances where abortion should be legal?
at least one, and it's pic_related
it should a crime to inflict that on society and force us to play along in their sick charade


id actually watch the walking dead if this girl ended up gnawing on someone

still smarter than your average liberal


yeah, medical reasons

Whats going to happen to her once her parents are dead?

I prefer it being forcibly removed from the parents and donated to scientists so that they can learn how better to combat genetic mutations like this and bring an end to the retarded. Of course, I would only approve of this if the scientists disposed of said creature once all experimentation is completed.

I'm ok with post birth abortion if it's as an extreme case as that. I do not see anything wrong with removing absolute genetic degeneracy from the world. It's doing the Lord's work

niggs and jews

>You think I'm strapped in for MY saftey?

Is it aware of what it looks like? I mean has anyone handed it a mirror? It's a shame really, but fuck if that was me, I'd want to die.

She'll be put in a home where immigrants who hate her can change her diapers.

She'll probably die before them.

she is whiter than most of you mutts

black people, retards and deformed monsters.

You know these left wing fuckheads tell her that she is beautiful too. Sad.

You are a sick, sick man.

To allow a child to be born like that is the cruelest thing you can do as a parent.

>says the argententian
why don't you ask her for a blowjob, Pedro?

She's a big girl

I hope she's at least mentally deficient so she isn't completely cognizant of the trials she faces.


She's a libcuck too. Fuck this evil bitch.

She reminds me of the vampires from Blade 2.

for you

prior to advances in medical care, specifically for pregnancies, weak children and mothers would not survive childbirth and weaker/(most) disabled children, and of course abortion was much more difficult

However both with the introduction of radical medical innovation many more weaker people could survive and due to the decline of labor intensive work, there was a greater opportunity for weaker humans to contribute to society. Abortion has been called immoral due to scientific illiteracy with regards to conception, however there is something to be said about women being able to have sex without the consequence of pregnancy. Severe genetic disabilities like Trisomy can be a living hell ,so there is a good case for aborting children with known severe genetic defects, and there is something to be said about controlling the black birth rate with birth control and abortion.

>gonna kill the mother
>is it really alive at 11 weeks?

They should have given an exception for you OP as in you shouldn't have been born

If you'll permit be to be a blog posting faggot for a moment, this reminds me of something I once did. When I was in elementary, I danced with an ugly chick at a school dance because I felt bad for her. Some guys made fun of me and some others (including school staff) told me I did a good thing. Only now do I realize I did more harm than good. She took it as a sign of interest in her. She'd always message me and ask me out and I always turned her down. It went on for years. To make her feel good for a day, I made her feel bad for years. You can't let empathy make decisions. You'll feel good about virtue signaling about letting something like that live only to condemn it to years of torment. Its not right.

yea... when i dont want to pay for the kid


>She suffers from Rett's Syndrome
>Symptoms include slowed brain growth, breathing difficulty, impaired motor skills, and a decline in social and language skills.
safe to say she doesn't know what the fuck is going on

poor thing. best of luck to her in life. she should have been aborted though. seriously i feel bad for her miserable life.

I guess that's the silver lining. Image being fully cognitive functioning while living like. Guarantee you will die a virgin

What the fuck does the dentist do when the kid starts flipping out and screeching in pig noises?

She also has fucked up flipper hands. What causes it? Old mother and father syndrome?


Guarantee there's some demented orderly somewhere who would jump at the chance to rape her. People who "care" for the old, crippled and retarded are usually the scum of the earth.

Yes, if the child is below 90% white or otherwise retarded.

but being a whore isnt one of them.

She feels for you too, frogposter. At least she has a good excuse.

>so that they can learn how better to combat genetic mutations like this

We already have a solution. It's pre-birth screening and abortion. Not even the most devout Christian should want one of these, or any kind of child with a bad trisomy. Having a kid like that ruins your life. You'll need to spend a full 25 to 35 years taking care of it every fucking day. It's going to consume all of your fertile and productive years.

Think your can just have more kids alongside it? Nope. Your normal kids will hate you for it. They'll eternally resent you for having to devote all of your time to the defect, and they'll think you a terrible parent if you mostly ignore the defect. You can't win.

No matter how much you oppose abortion, no one with any sense should ever be opposed to aborting these. They aren't fucking human.

>Despite being caused by a gene mutation, Rett syndrome is rarely inherited.
having an old mom increases the risk of genetic mutations I think. but Sophia has 2 normal siblings. Just random chance I guess...or cruel fate

What astounds me is that the mother of this kid knew that her child would be like this while she was pregnant with her, but still decided to have her.
I can't understand why she'd want to put a kid through this.
source: twitter.com/Nataliew1020/status/967417660320505856

>Think your can just have more kids alongside it? Nope. Your normal kids will hate you for it. They'll eternally resent you for having to devote all of your time to the defect, and they'll think you a terrible parent if you mostly ignore the defect. You can't win.
Sophia has three siblings and they seem all similes in the photos mom posts to twitter.

It should be illegal to birth a child like this. This woman should be ashamed of herself for bringing someone into the world only to suffer. How incredibly selfish.

>Sophia has three siblings and they seem all similes in the photos mom posts to twitter.

They hate her and they hate their parents. You can be certain that they're going to be going through careful screening when they have kids and aborting even minor defects.


I should add that the mom doesn't seem to be that old (to the point where her kids would be at an increased risk of deformity)
of course they're gonna smile for the camera faggot. But one day they'll get older and they'll feel resentment

I thought libs were supposed to be abortion fanatics? Congrats to the mom for shattering stereotypes though. She represents the worst aspects of the entire political spectrum. An absolute shit person.

That post and that pic combined - good lord, you'd NEVER forget that experience..

If the baby is
>severely disabled

>Whats going to happen to her once her parents are dead?
she will stalk the night


the DNC approves.

To choose that someone deserves death for existing is crueler still.


god she is fucking ugly. kill that monster

It should not only be legal, but sexual education programmes should be expanded in minority communities to encourage abortion and protected sex to influence a reduction in minority birth rates.
Cut the welfare incentives associated with children.
Make having children on welfare impossible.
Abortion is a tool of population control.
Learn to use it for your own ends.


Should be optional anytime it's known the child is gonna come out fucked up (disabled, drug addicted, etc).

So only the (((wealthy))) can have children? No thanks, shlomo.

>scary stories to tell in the dark 30th anniversary edition


Who will take care of her disabled daughter, then?

Just not those on long term welfare.
That's a low bar that any motivated person can hurdle with relative ease.
Don't you want less niggers leeching your taxes to create more niggers to further leech off of you.


How it feels to chew five gum

As a parent its difficult to say this.....you could argue its cruel to bring a child with such issues into our current world. But you could argue this mother has an unconditional lover for her child and wanted her to experience the joys of life no matter what. Either way its not an easy decision.


Amen user.

Words like that you better hope you are right.


>experience the joys of life
The kid has less agency than a slug. She ain't experiencing anything.

This would be the ethical reason for abortion.


Would you abort your child if it were a midget?

I am against abortion as a way to subsidize the poor choices of the bottom caste of society.


girls getting prego when they’re way to young or women that have mental issues and end up being awful moms?


Looks like Lena Dunham!

Looks like Lena Dunham!

Looks like Lena Dunham!

Or single women that couldnt possibly afford to take care of 3 plus kids and end up on government support that can’t in anyway compare to having a real income.


Read up on Rett.....its not diagnosed until the child is at least 6 months old....altjough I think they can spot the MECP2 mutation in the womb, this mutation is found in other issues/syndromes...some less severe than Rett.

What even causes this?
Smoking a pack a day during all pregnancy?
Drinking as well? Doing hardcore drugs too?
Getting kicked in the womb?
