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the all see eye has been planted by the gov to spy on it;s people

Did he just climb out a time machine from 1775?



do jooz - its their super secret signal to take over

He probably just saw his first dollar bill

it took him five years to go from this to the eye of providence?

The Eye isn't evil or good. It represents the power of those at the very top.

3 months later:

Jaden Smith found dead with three gunshot wounds to back of head in apparent suicide

Because there were 2 Jew and 1 Spic SWAT at the school shooting.

Well it wasnt on the original greenbacks (pic related)

>(((WHO))) are the federal reserve banksters?
Talmudic Satanist masons

>what are masonic symbols
How long until the WE WUZ crowd starts taking credit for them?

It represents that there is something above everyone, even those at the top of the social structure.

>Freemasonry in Light of the Bible w/scriptures on screen - Pastor Steven Anderson


When Jaden , at age 97, figures out that all world leaders are momoed and blackmailed, he will probably leap off of Trumposky Towers, CIAMOSSAD HQ

>how can eyes be real

Probably not. I think he is doing the "in your face" thing. The sign in the dollar is an "in your face" thing.

They love doing this "in your face" stuff.

hmm what could it possibly mean

Jaden is a good kid

im sure theres a merchant embedded somewhere on the reverse




>being real
not in this universe


Because the Jews want us searching through thousands of years of esoteric texts, only to read a 90 year old book that lays it all out perfectly. I had some fun along the way but man did the whole illuminati arc waste alot of time in my life.

Maybe he went back on an acid trip after the failure that was Neo Yokio.


is there anything worse than fgts who capitalize every letter?

you do know that:

Will smith
Jada Pinket

named their kids as the female-male version of their names as a masonic ritual....

Male of Jada...Jaden
Female of Will...Willow

their kids are to become the sexual opposite/borg like creatures of their parents.

His sister is of particular interest. Possibly on this board right now.
They will both soon realize who (((the really enemy))) is.

dunno why is there a Pyramid in Las Vegas? why is there a bunch in WASP cemetaries? weird right?

>Will we need you to ki-
>say no more senpai

She should read more.

It aesthetic as fuck

I have and believe it was intentional

You fool! You stirred the hornets nest!

How can we see if ours eyes arent real?


>"Use Free MASONIC lodges to attract potential public officials"



of course...especially that she is his beard (hollywood bride to hide the fact he is a degenerate homosexual)

The Great Seal was created in 1782.

Delete this. It’s anti-semitic.

Jaden becomes a my little pony loving Nazi in three.... two.....

it's a tribute to the kangz of egypt

what book

When you read it you will know.

He's half red pilled and half blue pilled.

So you know who is the boss.

That's called purple pilled you uncultured fuck

The ‘eye’ is a form of meme magic that’s why it’s everywhere. They use it to channel energy towards their goals


What language is that user desu? Towards the end where it goes on to describe what lies on the reverse side. I want to translate it because it seems very important


Muthfucking because it's a treasure that is hidden on the back of the bill

Because a bunch of Masons got together and decided to build up a front about it all and call it the reason that they are on this continent....

Jaden those questions are above your pay grade.

You actually follow that little shitstain on twitter? gtfo, faggot.

Cap stone is lucifer, pyramid is the masons.
The Masons work for the kikes which is why this country is the global HQ for Jewish subversion.
All the founding fathers sucked kike cock.

Because of the group behind this symbol right?


Because the Jews aka Israel aka the NWO make our money.

I have no idea what group of large nosed individuals you could be referring to.

>what are retweets

Well because I think it goes beyond large nosed individuals

MAYBE we might be dealing with actual demons

It's in all religions. It's a 2d representation of a cube, Saturn/Satan worship. Goes back to Babylon on some baby eating faggotry.

Ask your dad, Gayden.

Vegas doesn't count. It's literally a tourist trap Disney Land.


Protocols is more like 110 years since publication.


Nigger YOU find a better way to symmetrically and aesthetically represent the 13 original colonies in star form.

It has to be Satan and demons. Why else would they eat babies in these fucked up rituals?

What a relief, you're saying it's a (((coincidence)))
might as well be. but not in the sense we usually see "satan" in media. nigga does have horns though.

Not a chance, this nigga soft as panties.
In time he'll be groomed for the gay black illuminati just like his old man and Puff

You mean like this?

Damn. This nigger's third eye is OPEN

He said something about Building 7 and the Pentagon on his album. He’s probably redpilled.

It is the Eye of Providence. The Pyramid is the reverse side of the official Seal of the United States which was created before the federal gov't was fully established and the Eye of Providence was a symbol created by the first committee consisting of Jefferson, Franklin, Adams and a heraldry expert. The reverse of our seal has an unfinished pyramid made of 13 levels which represents the everlasting structure created by the 13 colonies in 1776. Above the pyramid, and seemingly completing it, is the Eye of Providence encased in a triangle which represents that God is the element that makes the country truly whole but he approves of our undertakings.

It is somewhat ironic because the further we get from God, our official diety, the less whole our country becomes.

the eye of providence is the symbol of the first american cabal

Are you a cia nigger?


The eye of providence is a depiction of the typical "all seeing eye" of a chief diety much as it was back when it was the Eye of Ra in Egypt. The Egyptian disk component of the Eye that represented the sun has been replaces by a glory while the closed triangle represents the trinity of God

becuz da (((illuminutty)))
Anyone remember when you unironically thougth (((The Illuminati))) controlled the planet and didn't know who these mysterious individuals were? And to think I thought I was redpilled back then. It's so obvious The Illuminati = The Jewish Mafia.

I know, but the reason it's on money is because white males self-organize into cabals and this specific eye of providence is the symbol of the one that had power over the design of currency at the time the change was made

Same for (((bankers))) there was a time I blamed bankers and thought I was redpilled all the while not realizing they're all Jewish.
"er meh gerd tha bankers and illumernatty control the planet"
There's people out there who say that and actually think they're redpilled


I remember when I thought Hitler was bad.

remember when Occupy Wall Street figured out they were protesting a bunch of jews and went home so as not to be too racist

so theyre not bad people?

Its supposed to make people think and learn instead they just go straight to sucking dicks.


are you literally asking me to spoonfeed you a list of people to hate? because that sounds like what you're doing

I remember when I thought I was redpilled for "joining" Anonymous

...but the official seal of the united states was created by 3 different committees over 6 years before being agreed on by congress. So you're saying all the people of the three committees and most of congress were a cabal? Maybe in the same sense as ANY group of random people are a cabal. The eye of providence was accepted at that time as a christian symbol and all of the other symbols suggested by the founders were even more overtly religious and anti-tryannical so it seems silly to suggest that their anti-tyranny seal actual symbolizes their tyrannical control



I remember when I didn't know The Annunaki created mankind as slaves before the Pleaidians came an forced them off the planet thus beginning the Age of Aquarius.

shit did we redpill Will Smith's son?