>We should be allowed to exploit our workers however much we want all in the name of profit
>We'll we want a union to protect our rights!
Why is this allowed?
>We should be allowed to exploit our workers however much we want all in the name of profit
>We'll we want a union to protect our rights!
Why is this allowed?
t. someone with less than 5 years workforce experience
Its more than 5, but what does it matter?
>okay union, protect our rights!
>give us most of your money, you cannot work these days, we will not compensate you. you do not get to choose who leads you. you cannot leave the union.
because it's the same things as some businessmen making an agreement between themselves to not pay more than X for their workers
it's anti competitive and they benefit themselves at the expense of everybody else
unions are exactly the same thing
keep chasing that bogeyman to justify your proven shit ideology fag
>Why is this allowed?
The answer is obvious.
The capitalists own or control the political, economic, media industries. So, they get to pick and choose what is allowed and what is not.
Innovators: i would like to innovate and expand
>masters: no, that would challenge me so WE will hold you back. You should work FOR me.
>slaves: no, that would make us feel inadequate, so WE will hold you back to keep us happy
this is really all there is, the system itself is not the problem but the symptom
unions are labor cartels. That's fine as long as they don't leverage state power to force people to patronize them, or force non-members to pay them dues.
Sure it has. Whatever conveniences you.
Dont work for a shitty boss then retard its that simple
but unions ARE allowed and have a lot of popular and political support.
Got I wish I could get a job but so many old farts unionized.
>complain about nepotism
>but muh union
fidget spinners are allowed and have a lot of popular support.
Turns out people rarely if ever know what's best for themselves.
>That feel when in Union.
>exploit workers
>who agreed to a set wage
i think the phrase you're looking for is "trade with"
No one is forcing anyone to work for anyone.
I'm trading you money for your time, you're free to not make the trade.
>This kills the commie
The great thing about unions is they end up putting people out of a job within a decade.
>dat ID
meant for
People like to treat life like warfare
Always have an enemy
Use strategy like a battle plan
Decieve the enemy
Conquer the enemy
No honor amongst thieves
We must take from the right nationalism without capitalism and from the left socialism without internationalism
The REEEE comes from the asymmetry of the situation. If business owners didn't face legal penalty for, say, firing workers on strike (which they should be allowed to do) then the union is no problem.
Only socialism requires nationalism. Free markets don't require protectionism, because there are no niggers flooding in for gibs.
>Oy vey! Workers improving their lot in life? It's another Shoah!
You are the cuckiest cucks who've ever been cucked. Fuck sakes you are retarded. Seriously gas yourselves or just stfu you're worse than fucking liberals.
Get a better job if you hate it so much faggot
>meme flag
National Socialism didn't need unions.
>I'm a le revolutionary
>no no no, I'm not going to kill politicians
>I'm just going to shitpost on Sup Forums and LARP with the proud boys
i dont support the status quo. I actually think we should be much more capitalist and not socialist at all. And I don't care to be edgy or subversive. Are you like 14 or something?
unions and 90% taxes on income over 1 million per year is what made america amazing in the 50s, 60s and early 70s.
fuck you morons who will disagree, you were brainwashed by the propaganda and need to research history so you learn the truth.
Sarcuck literally BTFO by a fucking commie leaf:
It boggles my mind that Sup Forums goes on and on about Jewish degeneracy but turns a blind eye to or even defends the interests of greedy corporations
>implying individuals aren't allowed to negotiate wages
>implying individuals can't fuck off to a different employer if theirs treats them poorly
>implying being in a union bolsters freedom of association
>implying implications
>Why is this allowed?
Not to sound like a broken record, but ... because of Jews.
>worked for refinery
>union demanded that all new hires were part of the union
>had to pay union dues
>union never did shit for us
>changed jobs, work at a casino
>no union
>break room has six TVs, free soda machine, free coffee/hot chocolate machine and a pingpong table
>all full-time employees get quarterly bonuses
>on-site gym open to all employees and a small cash incentive to use it regularly
>employee discount at all on-site restaurants
because unions aren't perfect moral arbiters who want only the best for everyone alive like some kind of labor jesus.
They tend to be just as bad for the laborers as the company if not worse.
Only retards think that people who voluntarily provide jobs to people who voluntarily accept them are exploiting them. Stop listening to kikes deconstructing everything
He immediately complains that he can't get a good job because he graduated from HIGH SCHOOL with NO PROFITABLE SKILLS.
He doesn't need free money, he needs a fucking skill.
meanwhile the casino is making hundreds of millions of dollars a year, and you're getting your little 45k or whatever, but at least I have a germ infested gym.
>ill pay you to do this thing
Freedom and capitalism is what made America amazing. Ironic that the era you’re taking about is when America started to turn shit
should the employees be billed when the casinos lose profits too?
It boggles my mind that leftwing faggots still come here
Literally no different than at the refinery with our "union". I'm saving on union fees and getting more anyway.
>break his legs! He's running faster than me, its not fair!
>we don't support the capitalist system
>ok lets restrict immigration so capitalists can't keep importing cheap labor and ruining the lives of blue color works
>earns massive profits based on the work you do while doing lines off a hookers ass
man, I love being exploited
Well don't work for dickheads. Nobody is telling you to stay there.
Warren Buffett's Berkshire Gains $37 Billion from Tax Cuts
S&P 500 companies expected to buy back $800 billion of their own shares this year
How much did you spend to build the place? Nothing? What a shock.
Unions are the biggest crock of shit out there.
From there inception they have supported racist policies to disenfranchise the poorest minorities from working and tricked stupid leftists into thinking that it was for a righteous cause.
Unions are only interested in maximizing dues collected.
Unions aren't perfect but I'm sure we can agree that workers should have some basic rights to protect themselves against corporate greed
Ah so you're sucking corporate cock purely out of contrarianism? Good for you buddy
oh look another thread discussing capitalism without the discussion of central banking, regulation, taxation without representation, inflation, and the men in black robes who rape and eat children in their secret society satanic grottos.
wow count me surprised.
>I just magically own this shit and never have to compete in the market with no risk of failure
>when le revolution happens of course I won't be working the factory, I'll be a card carrying party member
>tricked stupid leftists into thinking that it was for a righteous cause.
This sums up socialism pretty well.
Commies don't understand economics. They don't seem to realize that, now here we go; more people (this includes illegals and immigrants) the less resources and wages there are (less stuff). Now I know it is hard for them to follow along but it is real simple. Now they will say;
>But more people means a bigger economy
True, ONLY if there is equal or more goods of high value being produced. Low wage jobs do not count towards this and below-minimum wage doesn't hep either.
>But don't you want them to spend their money?
Yes but only if they can produce as much to keep prices low OR ELSE prices rise because the production hasn't increased (fewer goods) and wages have fallen (due to more people)
>Communism will work
Communism is even worse off with illegal immigration because there are TOO MANY poor people to lift up.
>Unions aren't perfect but I'm sure we can agree that workers should have some basic rights to protect themselves against corporate greed
they do. Ever hear of OSHA?
i mean fuck, read the fucking Jungle if you think we don't have protections.
I work my ass off, and can barely make ends meet, but at least I'm not getting black lung.
>Unions aren't perfect but I'm sure we can agree that workers should have some basic rights to protect themselves against corporate greed
So when we say
>unions are bad
we are not saying
>we should outlaw unions
we are criticizing them for being shitty at their function. They dont protect worker's rights they just work to justify their existence so that those who operate the union can have a cushy job where they do nothing.
Men working hard laboreous jobs all to give the good life to a know-nothing-lay-about.
you certainly need SOME protectionism. it is not healthy for your population to have them competing against Chinese sweatshops.
i'm in a construction union.
my dues are 18$ a month
i make 12$ more dollars starting then i would at a private company
i get a 4 grand check once a year for vacation pay, a pension, trust fund, and medical/dental
i can leave whenever if i want
and i can look for work whenever i'm off the job.
i think you're thinking of public unions, like teachers, which are fucking horrible and a socialist idea. they can't leave, they're forced to pay. public unions should be abolished
private unions are great though because you get a choice.
>Warren Buffett's Berkshire Gains $37 Billion from Tax Cuts
So what, try working for him so he gives you some money
>S&P 500 companies expected to buy back $800 billion of their own shares this year
Good, let them collapse so you can buy in cheap.
>be worker
>sign a work contract
You literally signed up for it. How can you be exploited, when it was your decision
were it not for government interference it would never have been cheaper to mail materials to asia to be assembled and then back to america to be sold.
Those worker's have no fucking rights at all and are getting paid shit. The reason they're getting paid shit is because shipping all this stuff costs a ton all on it's own. So they make up the difference by hurting their workers.
Get rid of costly regulations. Get rid of minimum wage. Get rid of income taxes. And it would be more profitable to hire americans to make things in america and then sell them in america.
Pretty much. I still think comparative advantage would play a role, but there wouldn't have been the overnight flight of basically all industry if it weren't socialism taking over in America.
the only job OHSA has is to investigate workplace accidents/fatalities and find the causes/make sure it doesnt happen again.
so in a sense of danger/fatalities, yes they do protect the workers. in terms of wages/benefits? you can get a union to do that for you or you can do it yourself.
in my opinion, what unions basically do is put pressure on the employer to take out of their own profits and give back to the employees/laborers. you pay the union dues for this. its simple.
>in terms of wages/benefits?
or you can get promoted and get paid more. Nobody is forcing you to work for minimum wage.
actually its globalization and the fact that you can set up manufacturing in a different country without rules to stop you from making the local water poison where you can pay people 5 cents per day wages.
A 1st world white nation without gibs or a hell hole without gibs?
I wonder what they will choose.
Yeah that worked out just great for the American steel industry....and auto industry.....and the thousands of rusting factories that dot the Midwest unable to compete with foreign factories.....or the us education system which is crippled by the teachers unions.....I'm starting to see a trend.
OSHA is used to find dipshit managers who try to cut corners on proper equipment. Some managers are fresh out of business school and put under the gun to perform and instead of cutting costs, they cut corners.
If you have a problem with wages then that is up to you and the manger. The way I get paid more is I have a job nobody else can do and the bad timing of inbound goods.
right, but then theres those people who work at wal mart for 10 years and get promoted to supervisor then get a whopping raise of 11 cents.
this is why unions exist and people unionze. the union puts pressure on the owners to give their employees a fair wage instead of fucking them.
People always do things in their own interest and not others. This is a cardinal rule. Hence, the guys at the top decide how shit runs obviously, so they arrange the rules to benefit themselves first and foremost. If you don't like it, become rich yourself and then you too can benefit from the rules.
Lower wages can only benefit you so long over logistical costs and that margin narrows every year as more people in say China are uplifted into the middle class.
>niggers in Africa
>actually migrating anywhere without 1st world socialist niggers bring them in
>niggers in Africa
>having any sizable population without 1st world socialist niggers giving them gibs
Walmart is a terrible place to work because of the the fact they are cutting costs like a dying company. Walmart is not sustainable. Now if you want pay go to Target or something a little more high priced. Places that don't lower their prices like Walmart do better because Walmart cuts on everything including quality.
its all part of it.
they drive the companies out of america with socialism and draw them into the third world with exploitation. In return the 3rd world provides the elites with children to rape.
What happens when some fat Kochs start importing 3rd worlders to lower wages?
I pay my union $1.50 a week and I can leave whenever I want.
Is America that oppressive? I thought it was memes
>Rich are so corrupt that they would defile children
>Poor are so corrupt they would let someone defile their children for money
Sometimes I feel like all this is a sick plot against those in the middle
Hitler hated unions cause they abused the workers as much as bad bosses.
That doesn't make any sense. If the wages are advertised and there is no law prohibiting a certain wage, like minimum wage, someone will take that job. No need for importing people (which would fall under the same laws anyway). Also cost of living would be much lower because you're not paying for welfare niggers, corporate or otherwise.
Some people don't want the minimum wage lowered because they fear that consumer prices would not fall with it. It all comes down to how much can your money buy. I would get rid of the minimum wage if it meant prices fell with it.
no hes just exggratteing like every faggot on here.
i pay mine 18$ a month
>That doesn't make any sense
>I don't understand supply and demand
Increase supply of labor and the price goes down.
For someone who promotes free market capitalism you don't seem to understand the most basic aspects of it.
>If the wages are advertised and there is no law prohibiting a certain wage, like minimum wage, someone will take that job.
Unless the wage is too low, the conditions too shitty, or the labor market saturated. You're a fucking retard.
>the rise of non-Western manufacturing and the push for "free trade" through the elimination of tariffs had absolutely nothing to do with the collapse of American manufacturing
>no, it was all the unions fault
The funny thing is that the 1900's through the 1970's which were some of the most unionized times in American history were also the greatest periods of economic growth in American history, so clearly unions have much less of an impact on the economy than you'd like to argue.
I also find it hilarious those talking about a "free market" dont include the labor pool in that market, or its freedom to collectivize for better working conditions, and in every instance in the past turned the state for help in squashing organized labor while simultaneously blaming the state for the economy's faults.
No you're the fucking retard. I'm not talking about labor supply suppressing wages. I'm talking about if you have minimum wage laws, importing niggers are still under that law, fuckface. So you'll still have to pay them that wage. Doesn't matter where they're from.
Without that law, you can pay natives the fair market price for their labor. If its too low and not survivable, nobody will take it because its literally unsustainable, niggers included. Don't forget to kys.
There is literally nothing wrong with a NATIONALIZED central bank or fiat currency
The problem is that central banks are run by (((executives of international banks))) for the sake of international banks that borrow money from international banks when we can literally issue currency without debt or bond currency that can be used to pay off owed government debts
>We should be allowed to exploit our workers however much we want all in the name of profit
Work somewhere else.
>The minimum wage is the only wage that matters
>If a wage is unsustainable nobody will take it, because making no money or living in a mudhut is better than getting 1$/hr
No, you're just an ideologue.
Explain how it’s exploitation when you yourself submitted a resume and agreed to work and can quit working at any time to risk your own livelihood starting your own business?
The best economic system is free market capitalism.
The worst economic system is socialism.
Minimum wage is literally what prevents people from selling their labor at fair market price and causes firms to export. If the wage is unsustainable then employees literally can't even work the job because they can't feed or house themselves and will go somewhere else and the firm won't have any labor for production and go out of business.
No, there is an asymmetric relationship in the power dynamics. You will work for whatever someone is willing to pay you if you cannot get better. Firms who have the power associated with wealth and capital will do their best to impoverish you to keep you their slave.
In all of this your considerations are that of a child. You speak of being able to house and feed oneself, but ignore that there are vastly different levels of food and housing. If you are able to earn just enough for a shack and a loaf of bread a day you will do it if there is no other alternative. We shouldn't allow those with wealth and power to encourage situations where that is the outcome. Importing 3rd worlders is one of the ways they are capable of doing so.
Even with a minimum wage (which at the moment is very low, below poverty level) importing people can still depress wages. Because a job that an employer may otherwise be forced to pay $10/hr to fill, can get away paying $8.25 after an immigrant comes to fill that position, depressing the wages for the natives.
Like I said, you're an ideologue who puts ideology ahead of your own intellect.
You literally can't pay someone in the US legally under minimum wage, it doesn't matter who they are so idk why you keep bringing it up.
>You speak of being able to house and feed oneself, but ignore that there are vastly different levels of food and housing
What the fuck are you even trying to convey here? That different income levels have access to different things? No shit.
>minimum wage is unsustainable
>it needs to be higher!
Why not make it $10,000/hour?
Cost of living is high in this country because the government is already stealing 20% or more of you money in taxes and spending it on other people. So products and services are getting consumed by people (or corporations) who aren't producing their own worth, they're spending YOUR money. So prices go higher and you're already left with a smaller check because the government took money from you in the first place.