Mfw millions of patriotic teenagers are going to march on washington for gun confiscation and there's nothing you...

>mfw millions of patriotic teenagers are going to march on washington for gun confiscation and there's nothing you racist losers can do about it

It's so beautiful. Finally my generation has her voice, and they're saying loudly and proudly "NO MORE GUNS!". We will live to see the day when the second amendment is permanently resigned to the trash heap of history. We can finally live in a multicultural integrated neolibral paradise, and you drumpfkins will be completely powerless to stop it.

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New thread how’s operation banshee. Is it still a go?

this is garbage bait mate

come and take 'em, bitch boy

It's not bait. We're finally going to get gun control. These kids are actually pulling it off, the absolute madmenandwomen!

We won't even need to slowly but surely over a couple generations your children and grand children assuming you have any will realize how pointless gun ownership is and simply abandon your ideology. This is a the beauty of being a leftist we don't actually have to do anything because your opinions are shit and humanity as a whole will grow out of it.

how dare you assume their genders

I honestly don't see how the average American, no matter your view on guns, can feel truly safe going through our day.

At any second a person can decide to kill as many people as possible, and the best way to do it is with guns. That person may have already decided by this very second they're going to do it and now are planning how. There's nothing any of us can do. We can have guns or not, but if that random person wants us dead, we're dead.

Why do we all have to live like this so a few of you can have your hobby? I hope this is a time of change. Florida made a small step, but more is needed.

if you dont want a gun then dont get one.

The people are supposed to own the country.
How can they if they are disarmed?

this is why i dont hang out in gun free zones

Kids will do anything to get out of school for a day.

Outside of leftist Twitter bubbles no one is taking about gun control anymore. You guys had the momentum and lost. Even the media has moved onto other shit.

Demographics have fucked you, retard.

The West will either become an Islamic shithole or it'll be full of supertraditional Mormons and hyperCatholics who are the only people that have kids or teach them values.

t. shills

>Finally my generation has her voice,

>mfw millions of patriotic mothers are going to march on washington for gun confiscation and there's nothing you racist losers can do about it

It's so beautiful. Finally my generation has her voice, and they're saying loudly and proudly "NO MORE GUNS!". We will live to see the day when the second amendment is permanently resigned to the trash heap of history. We can finally live in a multicultural integrated neolibral paradise, and you drumpfkins will be completely powerless to stop it.

t. 1999

History is repeating itself, and the left will learn nothing....

Die screaming furshit.

>At any second a person can decide to kill as many people as possible

Yeah, that has stopped people before, hasn't it?

>Finally my generation has her voice

You mean 'it's' voice. It's nor 'her' or 'his'

the future is female. get used to it.

Guns are not the best way. Guns are not the only way. Guns aren't even the most likely way.

But hey, the war on drugs worked so well and brought us more drugs such as meth... let's see what the war on guns will bring in the way of more interesting ways to kill man.

lol you fell for the gun confiscation meme...
never gonna happen.
enjoy the frustration though.
>over a couple generations
haaaaaaa war is coming. enjoy your "muh future" meme

Once Texas turns blue, my friend. We will have a equal, diverse, and progressive society!

You shitlords had your time
now is the time for vaginas
"The meek shall inherit the earth."


thats not very trans friendly

pathetic cis shitlords

Shill elsewhere. The Jew time is over. Liberals are losing. Billions of dollars and you couldn’t win a single election, meanwhile your liberal cuckifornia becomes a polluted shithole, and the “progressive” European countries realize the mistakes of liberalism and refugees.

Get cucked.

Uncle Ted predicted this

ur mom gay

No one said the meek will have it for very long.


The disarmament hysteria drove me to take lessons on gun safety at my local range and I shot a gun for the first time ever yesterday. I am now likely going to buy an M&P9 so I can protect myself from grabbers and other disgusting demons.

Nice going, kids!

its kind of implied dont you think?

learn english you sad little beaner

>meek inherit the Earth
>their chad older brother comes in and "borrows" it
>they get hit by a bus the next day

screencap this post

no u
learn memes you dirty hippy

stay out of my generation fuck nut. I love my country, her people, and what we stand for, you just want to destroy it.

yeah but why your mom gay tho? prolly cause your dad gay to

>chads existing after god cleanses the earth of the foul

>and you drumpfkins will be completely powerless to stop it

Most people are idiots. Just say what you mean, user.

we want to save it from white supremists like you. That's why we need disarmament. We can't let white nationalist alt-right richad spencer kids like Cruz to terrorize our hardworking diverse high school students just trying to get a fucking education.

Why can't you assholes understand that? These are CHILDREN

Are the mudshits overwhelming you yet? The shilling doesn’t work here kike.

something tells me you don't know the true meaning of meek...

nothing is going to change.

You can get the same result with a large truck and recess time.

What’s your point.

No where did i state im a white supremist. I merely have a deep patriotic love for america my friend. I dont take kindly to commie bastards and little fags trying to ruin 200+ years of what hard working people strived to create.

The future will just continue to be like it is now for the time being where women earn around 70c for every USD a man earns, unless you give women special babby programs so they (govornment) take even more goods away from things men earned, like Sweden. King of like cheating in a way.

Speaking of which, the future can never be female, not just because of biology, but also because of the fact you're bringing in more middle eastern conservatives (Muslims).

You may have your guns taken away by then, but enjoy your acid, truck, and knife attacks, loser.

To top all of this shit out of the window, we're already running out of oils and metals anyway, so prepare for shit to hit the fan not long after we live in out thech owrellian tier dystopia, and good luck surviving in an actual brutal anarchist world that comes after.

This is shit tier bait kys nigger

kill yourself furry freak loser

I will believe it when I see it. Millions will be a few dozen with the camera shot up close.

things are already changing. State laws are popping up all around the country. The kids are energized more than ever. 2018 and 2020 are going to be an absolute bloodbath. We'll get a supermajority in congress, and then disarmament will come swift like a social justice gavel on the judge's desk of saving innocent school children from racist nerds who are probably virgins lol

Change is coming and you can't stop it. The left is motivated, has money, and will do anything they can to stop you. Rightwingers are a bunch of rural and suburban retards. You have no networks. You have nothing. You are losing and will always lose and we will win win win, big league!

Good night, right side.

That's not what they verse means. The "earth" in that passage is referring to the world once Christ returns and establishes his kingdom. When that happens there will be no need for guns, but I can assure you there won't be any "gender" confusion or fluidity.

>we win because left

Top kek, don’t even address the argument. Goodbye shill. Don’t come back.


mayors are literally using tax payer money to send these kids to the protests. There will be millions and there's nothing you racist idiots can do but sit back and watch your precious metal penis-replacement death machines go bye bye

BYE BYE, drumpfkins!

>right-wingers actually believe in demons

lol this is why you dumbasses will lose..

>left actually believes in more than two genders


>Trinity trips
Nice try, Satan.

>state laws
>when most state legislatures went red back in 2016

this is hilarious

it doesn't matter if they went red when moderates like Rubio are happy to bend over and get Hogged up the ass.

Florida has already passed gun control laws in the wake of this shooting.

In a couple of generations people will be murdering each other for rat meat in the irradiated burnt out ruins of civilization, none of this even matters

Only thing that's coming, is bigger surveillance as a tool for more control from the corperatist/banking elites that have been running our societies since (in modern times) the late 18th century, and have been gaining more and more power since. Dumb ''left and right'' wingers are the ones that have been unknowingly supporting these people that hold the strings while the dumb shits like the feminist/social justice crowds and the Richard Spencer/Cuckservative types have been thinking they're in some game of tug of war. Who knew, only idiots brand themselves within 'left vs right' without thinking outside of the box. Enjoy your polite slavery, if you aren't already now.

The DNC is almost bankrupt

Oh, my dear, dear Soros lackey. Not even a multi-billionaire Jew elite is dumb enough to directly meddle with the Second Amendment.

At any second vlad or donnie could be in a bad mood and press the big red button. Your chances of dying from this are far higher and I don't see you bitching about it.

well what's the solution? Anarchist revolution to own the neolibs? Not likely, my friend. What do you propose?

kekkity that story

>More then a year on and libshits are still salty


yeah, they've been meddling in your precious second amendment for decades now, dumbass.

ok, go buy a machine gun then? Oh it's illegal huh? Oh I guess that doesn't count. How about we go buy a bump stock, to turn my semi-auto into a fully automatic weapon. Oh it's about to be illegal huh? I guess that doesn't matter. Hmm, how about we buy extended magazines for my semi-automatic rifle. Oh wait that's illegal? Darn.

We will keep chipping and chipping away until you rural and suburban retards are powerless. Just wait.

Indeed, anyone who believes that all sides (left, right, and everything in between) are not 100% controlled are kidding themselves.

Go be a faggot somewhere else OP

Many of us just aren't dickless pussies.

sage in option field if you choose to reply

>Marching to make roughly half of the States felons overnight
>expecting this to even be remotely enforced
>Trusting firearms and the method of enforcement to the one government institution you vilify above all others, the police

>The future is female, goy!
>Has dysentery and bullet scars, but at least women can talk with one another all day

Well, to be honest there is kinda three.

>Defining an entire generation as female
You are mentally ill. Read more Sup Forums. This one's on me

for a little perspective, these same children who believe they fundamentally understand the gun control issues are the ones who were eating and vaping tide pods a few months ago

Tfw you can buy machine guns with proper licensing, and extended mags can still be easily bought. Fuck off shill, your efforts are wasted.

you think literally eveyone is controlled? Are normals just too full of flouride and xenoestrogens to organize and advocate in your mind? How long has everything been controlled? I always wonder how people unironically think this.




>nothing you can do about it

I'm not advocating it (hi, FBI), but they COULD shoot you.

There is no 'revolution'. ''Left and Right wing'' domesticated, feminised, nurtured, greedy, and shallow western pussies will continue to live their lives working in their office or retail job while keeping up with consuming their pointless products that they don't even need. Literally no different to boomers. They'll always be happy as long as they have their little job and their shitty little city car. Life's too ''comfy'' for them, and nothing will change until SHTF when themselves as well as millions (maybe billions) die thanks to complete economic and agricultural collapse from the lack of resources.

Remember to sage before posting kiddos!

Regulation doesn’t mean infringement you daft cuck. It’s not buying arms, you just need licensing to buy military grade shit.

Yes, and then the niggers will really get going. What a fantastic and totally not retarded idea that is

>"fuck nazis, they're evil scum who should be wiped off the face of the earth!"
>literally every totalitarian regime ever disarmed the population right before murdering them en masse
>"we need the government to get rid of all of these evil death machines!"

You mean you want Trump, who who you claim to be an evil fascist, to be the only one who has guns? Really activates my almonds, famalamadimdam.

Please tell me about how much more gun crime there is in gun controlled countries. I'll wait.

Blow me bitch!

the absolute STATE of americans

Mfw Australia had a big ass but back, but people still get shot all the time. BTFO shill.

oh you're a collapsetard. Not gonna happen, friend!

Nigel, you're supposed to take your anti-depressants regularly, not just when you're feeling blue.

If you could present an actual argument rather than spewing Jewish shit from your urethra that’d be nice. The shill here is so hard. Did they bring back correct the record or something this is fucking comical.

The true definition of meek is armed but patient.