How do we solve the opioid epidemic?

How do we solve the opioid epidemic?
This is a white nationalist issue that is destroying hundreds of thousands of our people.

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people do drugs because society and modern life are garbage. why shouldnt they?
>better stop doing that drugs or you'll never get hired at Subway

>how do we solve school shootings
this is basically an equivalent question to what you are asking. Both the opioid epidemic and school shootings are the result of the destruction of traditional American culture, changing demographics, and Jewish meddling. There aren't any easy solutions

End all socialism in the West and the massive overreach of government in individual liberties. Darwin will sort out the rest.

By turning around this corrosive culture back into one that is about improving oneself to conquer others.

make it legal to posses, buy and sell. addicts will be addicts so why not make legal money off it?

Put all users in an extensive social program that provides work and stability.
Kill all dealers.

Problem solved.

make them illegal and relocate the supply into the hands of the black community

>Study shows that Opioids are no more effective after 1 year of use than other pain relievers

Opioids are the reason why the life expectancy in America went down two years in a row and drugs kill more than the entirety of the Vietnam War every year.

You need to have physicians and medical professionals get out of Big Pharma's pocket and stop pedaling these poisonous things.

A friend of mine died a month ago from fentanyl laced weed. at least that's what we were told.

Not sure if real. Either way all this opiod shit lately sucks

Wait what they're lacing the weed with fentanyl now?

>Gene pool clean up on Aisle 7.
I think it works itself out.

Bring back the factories

>muh government programs

DOWN IN A HOLE..........LOSIN CONTROL.........

>How do we solve the opioid epidemic?

whats wrong with it?

>This is a white nationalist issue that is destroying hundreds of thousands of our people.

no it isnt
it is another symptom

No you dipshits. They take a blood test and give the results, and since THC stays in the system for over a month they say there is fent laced weed. It's a complete lie, and I'm angry that police departments are getting away with it and fools like you are buying it

The OPP and RCMP were forced to release a statement showing that they had 0 indications or cases of actually seeing weed laced with fent, but they are pushing that narrative anyways because they want to scare the pearl-clutchers into letting them continue to crack down on pot

The Sacklers are one of the 20 wealthiest US families, worth around $14bn, according to Forbes.

The bulk of that fortune derives from the family’s privately owned pharmaceutical company, Purdue Pharma. The Connecticut-based firm invented and energetically marketed one of the most controversial opioids of the 21st century – OxyContin.

Purdue Pharma is wholly owned by the relatives of the late Mortimer and Raymond Sackler. They were two of the three Sackler brothers: sons of eastern European Jewish immigrants to Brooklyn who started a pharmaceutical empire in the 1950s.

Unless he was eating or injecting the weed, that's not very likely

>we made heroin in a lab
>now make heroin illegal
>oops looks like you can only get your heroin from us now :(

My faith in humanity is restored. Members of a thriving culture that grants a place to each of its people don't need this kind of thing, except on an experimental fringe. When it goes mainstream, it's clear that the culture itself has failed.

But there are final ones.

Everyone wants to treat the opioid epidemic as if it is just a problem, and not a manifestation of 100 other problems.

Stop taking opioids...

Basically this there really isn't any getting around the fact that the only solution is the final solution

take out big pharama and the ((pushers))

Learn what white nationalism is first.

Yeah I agree it sounds fishy as fuck. Unfortunately I was never told all the details to begin with (they even had a private funeral), so I basically have no way of knowing anything at this point unless I call his mourning family and demand answers lol

I do know that my friend smoked weed all the time and was supposed to go on vacation a week after he died. And he was a smart guy with a good job, always got good grades etc. So it seemed quite odd that he'd just drop dead one night.

(He was never depressed/suicidal/anything btw)

>There aren't any easy solutions
...except physically removing degeneracy, niggers, and Jews.

This is all in alberta btw where there apparently is a "crisis" or some shit but other than my one friend, i've never even seen fentanyl-related shit before

Cold turkey detox followed by a one year boot camp/ job training course in Montana for first time offenders. Second offence you get Duerted

I don't see why the family would be told that. I mean, it's not impossible that if he smoked joints, some fentanyl from the weed could have got in his mouth and have been enough for an overdose but why would anyone put fentanyl on weed in the first place? The heat will destroy it before it gets them high, so even if your goal was to get them addicted to your 'special weed', it wouldn't work.

It seems way more likely that he was just a high functioning secret heroin addict that got a hotspot of fent in his bag but from your description that seems really unlikely too.

Only human trash get addicted to drugs. If you don't have the will power to decide to stop, there was no saving you in the first place. Think about drug addicts you know (or yourself, if you are also trash) they are impulsive, weak, and spineless. I've messed with everything that isn't hallucinogenic or injected. Guess what I didn't do the next day? Do more, because I knew that's how habits start. Also, why not just do small amounts? You don't NEED to take a 30mg oxy to have a little fun, take 10mg of oxy and feel a little euphoric. You also won't feel the need to do more. Don't take 4mg of xanax, take .5mg-1mg and enjoy it. Recreational use is recreational if you have control and can stop. Most addicts fool themselves into thinking they have any sort of control.

>take 10mg of oxy
What's even the point then? You might as well make poppy tea for half the price.

because way more people will use them if they are legal and mainstream.
1 billion people are actually smokers atm.
do you think they would be as numerous if cigarettes were illegal ?

You think heroin's going to become mainstream just because it's not a crime to use it?

We need more war and harder life.

if it becomes legal to sell, (((they))) will do anything to make the most profit out of it.
maybe it won't be as mainstream as cigarettes but still a lot more people will become users

>But there are final ones.

literally anything else besides an opitate for long term pain management
if CBD oil pills can help people with messed up joints and injuries then let them use that
opiates are dangerous and I have no idea how they got to the point where they are being prescribed for general pain

And in some cases whites are selling it to them too; gangs like AB are running it. String up the race traitors first so everybody knows we mean business. Then the hordes of browns bringing it in from Mexico.

Legalize cannabis on a federal level.

You've obviously never been in chronic pain. I agree that alternatives should be explored before opiates are prescribed but the reason opiates are commonplace is cause they just fucking work.

>What's even the point then? You might as well make poppy tea for half the price.
If you have no tolerance 10mg oxy is a nice euphoric high. If you are a degenerate with a tolerance that's not going to do shit. Thanks for proving the point.

10mg oxy was my first opiate experience, it wasn't nothing but it was pretty mild and not representative of a true opiate high. No wonder you have zero understanding of addiction, you don;t even have the balls to get properly high.

we give free drugs to addicts, but its all spiked with carfentanil

Have we tried gassing all the jews? I don't know how it would help the opioid crisis, but would it really hurts to find out?

Or we could just burn the fields, instead of protecting them.

Just put naltrexone in the drinking water, and the junkies will eventually take care of themselves.

Give all the opiates to me

Hmmm. True, couldn't hurt. Why don't we give it a try?

I've met many people that touted these words user. Most of them are full blown junkies or dead now.

your lack of sympathy for people lost and adrift in the putrid sea that is modern-day America is saddening

Make it stronger and invent a version that naloxone doesn't work on. Problem fucking solved.


There is only one way .... bring in this man.

Let these fucking degenerates kill themselves, the white race will be better off without a bunch of worthless drug addicts.

The opiod epidemic is doing Hitler's work, purging the unworthy from society.

God bless the drug pushers.

Let the junkies use all they want and watch as they all die

You sound upset (OP). I'm going to wright you a prescription.