Somebody is trying to destroy us. My gay brothers,they will imprison us in the near future for our orientation.
We,the LGBT are losing our political power to influence governments
Good, AIDS should have wiped out you degenerates decades ago, but somehow you'll survive long enough to die to Right Wing Death Squads
If you keep suckling up to Islamsists, this will surely happen...normal Americans don't give a fuck what you do in your own room...just don't foist it others, especially kids
>they will imprison us in the near future for our orientation.
not for nothing, not even trying to troll you here, you kind of all had your chance though. everyone gave you equal rights, and our society started catering to your every whim. people in general went out of their way to make you feel comfortable and accepted and stuff. how did gay people react? almost universally shitty. they reacted with pure unadulterated hatred of our culture and everything good and decent. they pushed absolute sick and disgraceful politics. they run through the fucking streets in those gross parades, just to wave their sexuality in peoples faces, and the list goes on. even just talking to your average gay person in a casual setting, it's so clear they're full of rage and resentment and hatred towards everyone around them. they're always edgy. always constantly taking offense, and playing the victim, despite all of the allowances our society has made for them.
so IMO, i dunno, i feel like you guys had your chance, and just ended up proving to everyone that you weren't worthy of being accepted into society. i say this as someone who used to think gay people should be accepted and given all of the same protections and rights as other people. you all proved me 100% wrong though because as soon as you got a little bit of power you turned into vicious sociopaths, and now i literally understand why people in the days of yore used to burn you at the stake or imprison you.
Being gay is not okay. And, yes, you will lose power eventually and inevitably. Nothing that violates the iron law of nature can last forever.
lol. day of the rope faggot......
You shouldn’t have political power based on who you fuck.
You shouldn’t be able to dictate policy and force people who disagree with you to accept and “tolerate” you.
Fuck off already.
Gays are the Jews of sexual orientations. They could have avoided this if they kept to themselves, but in a way they couldn't because of their uncontrollable high time preferenced impulses.. So into the oven they go alongside their hooked nosed promoters.
don't include me in your golem you circus freak. I hope they bring back dragging people like you from trucks.
Discord for gay Sup Forumsack furfags...yes we exist and yes I'm ashamed of it but hey I wanna know the people I'm talking lewd shit to also hate niggers.
If you people would shut the fuck up, nothing would happen to you. The more people find out about the gay lifestyle, the more they want it to be done away with.
enjoy your aids
Become sharia compliant
Or get tossed
Reap the seeds you've sewn.
>Somebody is trying to destroy us
>they will imprison us in the near future for our orientation.
if we rounded up you fags into one place, it would cause a serious health crisis. That is definitely not going to be an option.
When you were just lesbians and gays nobody really cared. It's the BTQEERRFTUJNBHYYYR that people hate.
>We,the LGBT are losing our political power to influence governments
You got the right to marriage.
You don't need anything else.
Fuck off.
the discord metaclub is real
Sounds kind of fun. I am looking forward to it.
The faggot pride parades with men buttfucking each other in the streets, pedophiles, and trannies are the reason LGBTWTFBBQ is going to die.
Protip: faggots never really influenced anyone.
Then form your own country so us westerners can be free of your degenerate influence.
Self-determination, amirite?
stop hating us