You aren’t even considered a
Human if you don’t have a decent salary ffs.
Why is everyone so obsessed with money
How is 9th grade going, champ?
Because power largely determines your life outcome and the way things have shaken out with human civilization, money is a form of power.
We were all fooled it means something more than just a piece of paper with a digit on it, jewish money magic.
The obsession comes with trying to compete and be comfortable at the same time, the two are almost mutually exclusive except for a very select few
Things cost money, people want things, but if people have too much money the price of things increases to compensate. Money has basically forced us into a class system where the wealthy have power and the middle class have to struggle to survive while the poor are free to mooch from the taxes the middle class pay.
just like with sex they are dumb enough to think its will fix their life
You're deluding yourself into thinking you have a happy life if you're making less than 30k
Because money buys happiness and power. How you handle happiness and power determines how people think of you as a human being.
Money is how you keep score. You can have a low score if you want; no one will stop you. But don't be hating on those who achieved higher scores, nor angry at those who place value in, and prefer the company of, high scorers.
Don't know. I think I'd like to be a farmer. Peace, quiet, and work. Never going to have kids to help me with it, though, so I'm not sure how realistic of a dream that is. Feels bad, man.
What happens to that high score when someone puts a gun to your head and pulls the trigger? I bet Bruce Wayne knows.
The real competition is Man vs. Nature, and humanity largely cooperates in that game. Currency us simply a fluid placeholder for value, one that facilitates trade of goods and services. Money is just a convenient idea that makes life easier, not at all the "root of evil" or a trick.
Our modern standard of living in the industrial age of mass production is largely due to having this convenient and fluid placeholder for value. Only currency allows for an economy of scale and the most efficient production at the lowest cost, granting more people access to high value needs for under-value "price" than we could achieve in a local-market barter-only system of trade. Do you see?
cause people are lovers of self
Because money is how you do anything you ever want to do
I essentially turned down 50 million telling my parents to kill themselves and that they really never should have beat me and held knives to my throat when I was a little kid.
So I live in an RV now. It's alright.
This has been a problem since the caveman days. Someone always wants what you have and is willing to kill you to take it; a shortcut they deem superior to working for it themselves. Part of our social system is to shun and punish those who would use violence to steal from their fellow citizens. That being said, I do recommend exercising your 2ndAm right to personal self-defense, as some people remain undeterred by mere social pressures or even the threat of punishment.
I know what we should do. Everyone works and given labor points. those points can then be traded for goods and services.
Going to the beach is free, hiking is free.
True, I was just thinking about traveling, restaurants etc
Poorfags are not human
idolize money and you will always feel poor. idolize beauty and you will always feel ugly.
idolize power and you will always feel weak.
there was one more......
Taking a week off work living in the woods isn't free.
Because the Zionists who control the West (and most of the world) do so by owning all the money, which they rent to humanity in exchange for humanity's slavery.
By tricking people into worshipping money (as the Zionists do) the slaves are deceived into welcoming their chains, rather than rising up against them.
well said, user
Damn, that's integrity. Much respect to you RVanon.
I never gave a fuck about money. Some day real soon I'll kill Kikes and tyrants and reap the spoils of war and then I intend to retire and sail away on a kike yacht with shekels onboard.
housing and food cost money.
Get a tent and life off black beans and rice.
It's ok m8, John Deere will keep you company...that is when the (((proprietary))) computers actually allow you to boot the damn thing up.
I've thought of leaving technology and switching to at least part-time farming. Getting closer, I think.
because money can buy happiness to certain degree.
Realising your dreams and also the comfy knowledge of being safe.
In case you get sick, lose your job, WWIII breaks out. You know you can make it because you'll have the money to pay people for doing what you need.
>taxes the middle class pay
Almost all of the taxes are paid by the wealthiest
Civil war is coming soon because I intend to shut down the power and internet and kill Kikes and tyrants so you best get prepared for hard times.
Wrong.taxes are actually a subsidy for the wealthy.
Having movey gives you an easier life.
Being a nigger gives you an easier life
Half those fuckers are dead by 30 so who cares what they think?
in egypt the concept of usury was called "snake bite" for two reasons, first, it's the venom (interest) that kills the economy by inflation and second the tribe of dan brought the fiat concept to the middle east, which is later called babylonian money magic but still the same jew folks.
Egypt wasn't built with currency or a religion just sacred knowledge so that's what I believe we should be striving to regain instead of playing the jewish money game
Have to pay for the land you camp on or renting it. Need an address to be employed most of the time. Need electricity to cook, water for hygiene and for consumption, et cetera. It takes money to go off grid.
You could have bought giant piles of c4 and blown them up with all that money
Pic explains
CIA tickets, mind control.
Any minute the government could say, fuck your paper, we only accept gold now, are maybe the ching or whatever shit currency the bug people use.
Humans farmed, and continue to farm, for thousands of years without stupid-expensive equipment.
I know a guy who does that. It's taking up more and more of his time lately. Eventually he'll take the plunge and just farm full-time, but IIRC, it took a lot of money for him just to get started. It's not impossible, just tremendously difficult to do something that humans have always done without anybody's permission.
Literally communist thinking
money is the root of all evil because it is born out usury, which is itself evil. All races had a code of conduct that prevented them from using it except the satanic money-worshipping usurious jews. It was never supposed to be a prison planet, again all races had code of conduct against such systems except for the jews who abused it.
I try to be as non-materialistic as possible, but even so our society is a materialistic one and there is only so much you can do to avoid worrying about supporting yourself. Especially when the dollar keeps devaluing and dirty foreign money blew up our housing markets (Like in Canada).