When does Fate/Zero actually take place?

When does Fate/Zero actually take place?
>inb4 1993 or later
Wrong, this places Fate/stay night in 2003 and also contradicts the OVA ("the 1980s").

Other urls found in this thread:


Didn't Rider buy a SNES? That would put it in the 90's

Stay night is in 2004 and zero is around 10 year before it. The end.

Fate/Zero takes place 10 years before today so that puts it around 2007.

Isn't it an NES? We see Kiritsugu using a large mobile phone in the first scene with Maiya, could even be a satellite phone, so that would place it somewhere between NTT rollout in larger cities and the development of smaller phones.
So why don't we see any phones being used at Shirou's school?
No, it's 10 years before Fate/Stay night.

We don't see any phones because "muh Japanese honor." That is, in 2004 cell phones were still considered disruptive and improper and so most students left them at home. This didn't even begin to change until around 2006 and 2007.

So why don't any of the characters use phones for coordination or similar? We only see Sakura using a phone once at home in one of the first episodes.

Sega Saturn

We already have like dozen confirmations of FSN being on 2004. That point of debate is over.

There even just released Shirou's school outfit in FGO and it's called Fragments of 2004.


But FSN takes place 10 years after FZ, which definitely takes place during the early 80's. There's also the rich guy's place, which is very heavily early 90s themed. 2004 could just be a reference to the VN's release date.

>Fate/Zero - 1994
>Fate/stay night - 2004
>Fate/hollow ataraxia - 2005?
>Fate/strange fake - sometime afterwards

When does Tsukihime take place?

Sometime between January 20, 1993 and January 20, 2001.

But this contradicts the OVA which explicitly states it to take place in the 80's. Also, phones were better in the mid 90's than the one Kiritsugu use.

1999ish I believe.

This exact scene is in the LN, so I'd say that's the most authoritative source.

An OVA where it's explicitly stated supersedes a scene where it's implied, even if it's from a more authoritative source.

You mean like how it's been explicitly stated FSN takes place in 2004 and F/Z was 10 years prior?

>explicitly stated
Where? It was also released in 2004, so it could just be a mistake in assuming it's set in 2004.

the ova is wrong, get over it

There's a bunch of supplemental material that backs this up. The UBW anime twitter commentary literally said it takes place in 2004.



>the OVA
The what?