Fate/Grand Order

>"Oh, but they show Atlas and Tri-Hermes in Camelot!"
>"Oh, but Goetia's plan has the same name as Aoko's last arc in MB!"
>"Oh, but God's existence was foreshadowed in Mahoyo!".

Universe building does not equal actually giving your franchises proper attention and using them to their full potential. It's a lazy hack way to keep old fans happy, when the only main draw to modern TM remains Servant shit.

Why does Sup Forums defend Fate/Grand Order?

>Why does Sup Forums defend Fate/Grand Order?
Why do you spend so much of your time hating things you don't like?

Who actually defends F/GO

Most of the players were introduced to the series via the game itself, and not the original works

>Why does Sup Forums defend Fate/Grand Order?
because current Sup Forums is infested with redditors

Shikis can't kill servants unless the servant is Mata Hari and some other shitty servant.

Nice copypasta from the other day, when are you gonna develop opinions by yourself?

We don't. The only remotely interesting thing about it is Ishtar and Parvati adding another level to the waifu wars.

F/GO is unironically the best part of modenr Type Moon sofar, witha f ar more intelligent look at the themes of the work then Extella or Strange Fake

The day Grand Order gets an adaptation is the day this board dies.

We will all be dead before it happens.

With the rate that every studio in Japan is picking up Fate stuff to earn some easy bucks i doubt it could be more then 3 years honestly.

>Why does Sup Forums defend Fate/Grand Order?
Because it's the best part of the franchise.

Grand order is the main game now

Is this show worth watching?

It already did, though.

It's actually going to get an anime series starting from singularity 1, but will not feature all of them in depth. Look for it to start near Q3 of 2018 at the earliest. Even then, it's more than likely Q2 of 2019. They're further along with planning and write ups for Prisma's next season, so that's more than likely going to take the late 2018 spot.


I think this stuff is the best thing to come out of FGO anyways, same as boat girls and several other series. Fan works are always so cute.

I just watched it and it ends with them hugging, then holding hands before the credits roll.

So it did.

Fuck, I hate how it became "what famous historical figure can I namedrop and genderbend to get maximum sheckles?"
It lost all sense of mystery and intrigue, which is what made the VNs enjoyable, Nasu you fucking hack.


That's not even her final form yet. Imagine Sakura in Kali form.

It's all about the money and cheap thrills, user. Face it.

This will never not be posted in these threads. A truly timeless classic.

Hey nerds, I'm not a fatefag but this is for you.

Better than all saberfaces. Maybe not better than Mordred

A cat is fine too

That doujinshika loves FGO better now.

What does Prisma have to do with this? Prisma belongs to the kememe killer, the actual Fate franchise (including FGO) to Aniplex.
They are different companies. Kadokawa choosing to adapt more Prisma has shit to do with what Sony will do next.

Fragments is looking very likely to go before FGO because of Beast VI though.


Gil Alter when?


Stop bumping the thread from page 10 with random images.

I don't believe that.