That would suck to get HIV as a teenager
>be 14yo slut
>take miles of nigger cock before reaching adulthood
>catch monkey disease
Fukcing bitches deserve it, hopefully the pain is excruciating. Maybe they’ll develop leprosy on their labia and uterine decay as well. They disgraced their family and their race. Let them die
It isnt chad and stacies, it is tyrone and deshaun fucking each other in the ass and a few laquesias
>Most of those in the group are men and 45% were HIV positive, Ugland and other health care advocates said.
>The Milwaukee area ranked first in the nation in gonorrhea rates; fourth in chlamydia; and is ranked as one of the worst places for HIV for men of color under the age of 25.
>yfw they trace it to Mike, Jay, and Rich
>Which should be the whitest place on earth next to St. Paul; which also isn't.
Import niggers.
Blast MTV everywhere.
Get Syphilis/HIV.
HIV and AIDS are no longer death sentences.
It was prob "Aids Moby" Jack
>not Josh
i hate this faggot reddit argument. no, it isnt a death sentence anymore, its just extremely expensive. good racket to milk the goys with! make more of them leftist fags so we scoop in more cash from this Safe Disease
It's better than being an adult male virgin tbqh
That you haven't given up on finding the one is kind of sad.
hopefully that’s temporary
Roasties BTFO
I would fall into manic depression and commit suicide probably within a month
>AIDS Moby and Beardfat are secretly holding gay orgies on the set
>Jay and Mike come in for some work and find 30 guys in a circle ramming each other
>they make Rich Evans clean it up
Milwaukee was one of the jews' original test cases for rapidly importing thousands of niggers into a White city that was already starting to decline. Too bad, it was such a comfy place, once upon a time.
125 people affected in Minnesota? LOL. Goddam hillbillies. I bet they're all from the same family.
Milwaukee's issues make a lot more sense when you realize Minnesota is the state where the largest numbers of Swedish immigrants settled in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
>still referencing these hacks
Why? It's treatable.
Mother nature is rejecting degeneracy.
Somali nigger infecting coal burners, noice.
It's a Somali or Arab man fucking dozens of white women. Swedes and Germans live in the Northwest and they are the most degenerate nigger and muslim worshipers around. If there is a white woman there, she has fucked the dozens of non-white men that live there.
>Living with HIV
It might as well be.
Like you have ever seen a vagina up close outside of porn haha. Pathetic.
>HIV and AIDS are no longer death sentences.
I don't think you understand what AIDS is. You can control, or try to, HIV with medication of you are careful, but if you acquire AIDS it's over. Your immune system will fail and you'll die.
this is why im still a virgin.
No one gives a fuck mutterino. Deal with it.
This is fake, right?
At the price of having every girl you fuck for the rest of your life run away screaming bloody murder when you tell them you're HIV positive.
Especially when HIV drugs cost shittons of dollars.
Have you seen our healthcare system leaf?
You realize that you only get HIV from being a true degenerate right?
All the treatment does is force the virus into dormancy. Assuming you can afford the meds, and assuming you can tolerate the side effects, you're still chained to a daily pill. It's a shitty situation.
Could be worse. You could be a male virgin over 16.
White women don't run away and scream. California has the highest HIV rates in America and it's literally illegal to refuse to sleep with an HIV positive man. In fact, the HIV positive man can literally knowingly infect people without telling them and break no laws. That means he can spread his blood on everything and infect millions of people with no problem for him.
Just accept that white women don't give a shit and want to be killed and destroyed by non-white men.
>when you realize Minnesota is the state where the largest numbers of Swedish immigrants
What did you mean by this?
I'm from that population group.
>be teen
>heavily influenced by feminism and pop culture
>think its ok to be a whore
>whatevah whatevah I do what I want
>gets AIDs
They shouldn't fuck niggers then
Milwaukee is in Wisconsin dumbass
You know it doesn't count if you nail a dog right?
Oh well then no problem. Sign me up!
At least you'd die knowing your cheating gf had it too.
Quarantine camps when?
Her best friend, Sy, explain how loved ones can be a hiv positive support
bump for roasties
HIV is only for niggers and gays and the people they fuck
So white men will be fine
Can’t wait for the happening when meds run out or another financial crash happens and gays and blacks start dropping like flies in sodom 2.0
The idea that you can artificially extend your life with thousands of dollars of obamacare homo pills justifying your abhorrent lifestyle is almost worse than just dying. Have some dignity for Christ’s sake.
look at what's happening in sweden you retard
your people are mentally diseased and need to be culled
your women are mentally diseased and need to be culled
Full on kiked... jesus christ
Guys, Milwaukee is the largest city in Wisconsin, not Minnesota.
I work there and the place is a shitshow
Natural selection at it's finest.
That's not true, this is propoganda. It's still a crime in commiefornia to spread HIV knowingly.
>125 people
>show the only 2 whites
this thread sucks I'm going looking for pyramids
Blame the Germans & Polish for running from the city as soon as the blacks arrived, leaving their huge beautiful houses for pennies on the dollar and planting the seeds of the ghetto
>t. hiv positive
>girl on the right
I heard of the 125 its half nigs and half coal burners! Spread it like "wildfire" all over your social media pages!
Are my boys from rlm OK?
Good. The kids should be supervised for the rest of their lives to never spread the disease or reproduce, and the teachers and parents shot, for allowing such a septic culture to seep into their communities.
It is awful what we have lost in Milwaukee, the old neighborhoods must have been something to behold and an even better place to grow up in with your own kin during the city's prime decades. Now the areas around most of the beautiful and historic churches are decrepit and occupied by foreigners.
Except it's about as expensive as a parking ticket for irrevocably fucking over someone's life forever.
Oh no no no no
Im happy im a virgin. I hope all these peoples dicks rot and fall off and their vaginas seal shut. Death to whores and whore mongers. Get ill and die motherfucker.
Maybe if you taught sexually active children to have safe sex they wouldn't be contracting sexually transmitted disease.
I'm sorry sex makes you uncomfortable, but for most of humanity after the onset of puberty it becomes something your hindbrain actively tries to trick your forebrain into doing and there's not stopping it. Make sex safe instead of telling them not to do it. Because we all know how good teenagers are at not doing things that look like fun that adults don't want them to do.
It's how my father redpilled us as kids, he spent his entire life in Milwaukee and we'd go on drives in the summer around the city and he'd tell us stories of what used to be there 50 years ago. We'd get to the neighborhood he grew up in and the door locks would click down and it looked like a warzone compared to 2 miles away, nothing but niggers and garbage lining the streets. Whenever we wouldn't clean up our messes and toys he'd go on a long rant how if we wanted to live like niggers we could go live with niggers in their ghetto and that was enough to get us cleaning.
Its like that one movie K.I.D.S
What are you talking about? It's 2018. If your public school isn't teaching you how to perform a anal enema so you can eat ass safely, then your some fundamentalist evangelical. Maybe teenagers don't practice safe sex for the same reasons you think they won't practice abstinence... That being f they're impulsive animals who will only think in the moment?
It's not that big of a deal, people live long healthy lives with medicine.
This is all part of the plan.
or you could use a condom...
Herpes type 2 comes from skin contact.
HPV too.
A shit load can be transmitted from a blowjob.
You're only safe from HIV and another that I dont remember the name really.
Herpes type 2 is not always with symptoms and can be transmitted even if it doesnt appear.
You'd know if you fucked a bunch of shady bitches + hypochondriac
I meant VPH instead of HPV, HPV is herpes type 2
No. AIDS is literally a death sentence.
If any of these people slip up with their medication managing HIV, it will progress to AIDS. They will be hooked on pharma meds for life. The ultimate goyim cattle.
I'm glad I've never had sex.
My only regret is that my health insurance pays for the drugs these people need to not die of GRIDS
>It's not that big of a deal, people live long healthy lives with medicine.
So why dont you just go out and get aids then? if its not a big deal you shouldn't object to such a simple act.