I was actually very religious until puberty. I want to believe in God and Jesus but I just can't. No matter how much I want to believe again my brain just won't allow it. Have any of you lost or regained your faith in God?
How do I regain my faith in God?
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take the only true black pill and join nihilism, only weak minds need false idols
Why can't you just imagine that the universe is God and it allows you to experience all you can until you can't anymore. Stop complicating it
Espania, me arde el corazon verte asi.
Christ unleashed a lot of "data" if you will that became imprinted within the quantum fabric of this planet. If you believe in Christianity you become in sync with this "data" that has quantum bending properties. If that doesn't work then just kys
pray and read bible
Read the Bible (King James only) and watch some Steven Anderson sermons.
Yes, still haven't regained much faith in religion though. I like Christian and Buddhist teachings I also find 'The Divine Secret Garden' interesting.
Get the fuck out you edgy faglord
Watch a lot of William J Craig lectures on youtube.
Ill check them out
Read the book of John in the New Testament.
kys faggot
God is understood as maximally existent being, something the scholastics called "actus purus." The idea goes is that there are three states of being: non-existence, existence, and potential. When things change, when something 'new' comes into being, it doesn't come from nowhere, but from the potential of something to be different, which is then caused to change by some other actual existing thing. Everything in existence is a mixture of these two things, of existence and potential, with the sole exception of God, who is pure existence and in no way potential. Hence the term "actus purus" or "pure act," act here referring to something being actual.
The Existence of God
So that's what God is, and it's also why talking about God gets strange sometimes. God is a different kind of being than literally everything else. God doesn't just exist, but is Existence, the "I am." The different proofs of God traditionally offered also focus on this fact; that either the existence of Existence is self-evident, as in the ontological argument, or by showing that the existence of everything else is ultimately dependent on such a being. This is done, for example, by Aristotle's "prime mover" argument.
In short, change obviously occurs. We see this every day, and even our thoughts change from moment to moment. Now everything that changes, "moves" from potential to actual, is caused by some other actual thing. This "mover" is either a composite of actuality and potentiality, or pure act (God). If it is a mixture of the two, its own existence must also be explained to show how it moved from potential to actual. But that chain of moved movers cannot go on forever, since they are all ultimately dependent on something else. Therefore we must eventually arrive at a first mover, itself unmoved and incapable of moving. Thus we must affirm the existence of pure act, of God. (See Aristotle's Physics, Book VII and Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica, Part 1, Q. 2, Article 3)
Look up accounts of exorcisms and other examples of using Jesus' name to ward off demons. Hopefully by now you realize demons are real with all the horrific things the elites do to gain power from those demons, but the power of Jesus is also real and stronger than those demons, and we can defeat them with His help. There's also all the accounts of near death experiences that prove the existence of God. And if nothing else, it should be obvious that most of humanity needs a religion like Christianity to discourage them from society-destroying degeneracy. And having something to believe in as much as Christ makes life's challenges a lot easier to face, and gives you the strength to keep fighting to take back our world from the elites.
It’s not your brain doing it. The devil is stopping you. Talk to a priest and pray heavily, look for God in everything and you’ll find him
This draws from more reasoning about what it truly means for God to lack potentiality. For example, God is traditionally portrayed as being unchangeable. Seeing as how God has not unactualized potential to change into, that's kind of obvious now. Since God is also causing literally everything else to exist, all of which is continually dependent on Him, saying God is the creator and sustainer of the universe also naturally follows. We can also determine that there is only one God, as if there was any kind of second "actus purus," then to distinguish them one must have something the other lacks. But God lacks nothing. We can also kind of figure out the omnipresent thing, since God's power is keeping everything in existence. We can even get a hint at the idea of God's omnipotence, since God is the base cause for all things. But the issue we're most concerned with here is God's goodness.
Firstly, we know that God isn't a material thing, since matter always exists in potentiality, given a certain kind of shape, size, form, location, and so on. So God is immaterial. In fact, God is entirely simple, as in He isn't made of any parts, since then God would be dependent on and moved by these parts.
It follows from this that God must be perfect, since something is perfect or complete when it lacks nothing, and God purely exists.
But how do we get God's goodness? Well, this conclusion also comes from the idea of what goodness is. We call something "good" in accordance with what is desirable, and what all things desire is their completion according to their nature, their own perfection. But things are perfect in so far as they exist, in which their potential is no way lacking.
Being and goodness then are identical on a fundamental level, although goodness does add the perspective of existence as being desirable. And God, being pure existence, perfection itself, is also therefore Goodness itself. (See Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica, Part 1, Q. 3-26)
The best thing to do to regain your faith in God is to study the Bible in the historical and cultural context it was written in. It is an absolutely brilliant and poetic piece of work.
Beyond that, talk to Him and be honest.
How do we get the traditional ideas about God though like goodness, omnipotence, omnipresent, etc? Why do we think God is a spirit rather than material?
Read and watch some William Lane Craig, read the Bible, read Augustine, read Aquinas, examine the Natural World and earnestly pray and reach out for the Holy Spirit
ITT: christfags who think their snowflake sect of religious thought and spirituality is obviously the "correct" one, and that the other billions of peoples throughout mankind's existence have simply had it all wrong.
>nevermind the fact that they share their faggotry on a device that would not exist if not for the great scientific achievements of men who fought the Church from suppressing empiricism
Thanks for the advice guys
>Largest religion ever
>"BBut what about the other shit-eating savages on the planet?"
All shall kneel before Christ
bitch, your whole western civilization was built on the backs of fags who worshiped Greek gods
Good. You're ready for the next stage.
Redpill process:
Fake Christian (Protestant) -> Real Christian (Catholic) -> Atheist -> Norse Pagan
Insisting the world is limited to what we see and that there is no creator has shit to do with inventions or technology.
Science is philosophy hijacked by a religion called naturalism which masquerades as logic and reason and hides behind invention to further it's political goals.
I lost my faith but regained it after stumbling upon some sermons by an 80's televangelist named Jimmy Swaggart.
>has shit to do with inventions or technology
what is scientific method and observation?
Satan is the way, brother!
You say you're brain won't allow it.
Check this out: The horizontal lines in the image I posted are parallel.
Your brain won't let you see that either, but it's true. Look at the diamonds they run across.
Prepare for a wall of text since you asked if any of us have dealt with this
>born into a christian household, but my dad told me to believe whatever made sense, Though he thought me a lot about and explained a lot about Christianity.
>for a while in my life, from about 5th grade to 8th grade (when I was 10-15 about) I was pretty religous and I thought I was christain
>when I was 13 I got diagnosed with a few deasesases I wont go into here because no one has heard of them and its not worth explaining,
>basically I was born with a disease that makes my life slightly more difficult but its easily managed with medication and taking it serious.
>however when I was a teenager I didnt look at it like this my thought process was "there cannot be an all loving and all knowing god, because I am suffering, and so many other people do too."
>I started reading alot about nihlism and for some reason I thought it made sense
>(un)coincidentally around this time I became very depressed and within two years I tried to kill my self by slicing my wrists (and not in the way most kids do it for attention, I FUCKED my wrists up and still have massive deep scars from it 8 years later)
>I got into a pretty fucked headspace and started doing lots of drugs, (never anything too hard but it still was not good for a 15-16 year old)
>I eventually get offered DMT by a friend
>do dmt
>experience ego death, Feel a connection with everything and realize there is far more going on than we can process
come away from the experience immediately realizing that believing the universe just appeared randomly when everything in it is just so, and works perfectly is retarded, Look up tesla 3 6 9 theory: the entire world is mathematically perfect.
read ed feser's blog and pray
Your going backwards bro
prot-> atheist -> pagan-> Catholic
I actually laughed from the file name
>How do I regain my faith in God?
>How do I get my mind cancer back?
maths. try to do them without the zero.
Show me evidence for zero now.
Jordan Peterson's biblical lectures are very interesting. I am in the same boat as you, on this one.
The hypothesis I have formed, tentatively, while listening to JBP is this: God exists,but not as a supernatural being which can manifest objects.
Think about this "The Hero" is an archetype,he doesn't exist. But his image, the idealized version of The Hero has been fully fleshed out by the sum-total of every single person to live in a heroic way.
The Great Mother is the same way. She is the sum total of every mother to exist, and we have created an idealized version of her. And, in reciprocation, she exists as an ideal for Mothers to aim for, if they wish to also be Great Mothers. Other Archetypes too.
My conception of how god exists doesn't match that definition though. We need another concept: sub-personalities.There does exist tiny, independant personality units , the sum of which create "YOU", OK? Well, that is who you talk of when you say "I" ("I am james, I am happy, I don't control my heartbeat" so who does?).
Co-existing are other personality units, the ID is an emotinal, animalistic creature who acts and lashes out and does strange things "YOU" would never do (Ever tell your mother you hate her? Tell your girlfriend she deserves her dad's death? Some folks do). and of course there is the sub-concious. He knows things you don't and he feeds them to you slowly, symbolically, such as in dreams, or flashes of realization, or tormented ego-breaks (when you have REALLLY done something wrong, such as tell your girlfriend she deserves her dad's death).
Finally, God: God exists as a distributed-being among human minds, separate from the individuals soul. The consequences told within the bible are all true: You will descend to hell when performing evil. Morality still exists, because you have a being outside of and larger than yourself which has analyssed humanity for eons and developed rules.
It will all make sense if you watch episodes 1&2
>God exists,but not as a supernatural being which can manifest objects
then he's not God
I posted the JBP wall. I also suggest what this fellow said: Do drugs. LSD shrroms and DMT
go to blessyahowah.com . You never knew God to begin with and he doesn't know you either
What do you mean "won't allow it"? If you have doubts, you can't ignore them. Face them, form a question, and research it until you're satisfied. If you can't find an answer to your doubts, then either trust the experiences of others (think Near Death Experiences) or take a leap of faith and just believe.
Even the most devout doubt constantly, even Jesus on the cross felt abandoned by God when He knew he wasn't, so don't give up and keep trying and hoping for better.
I dunno man, I get where you are coming from, but the thing I am imagining is basically an omni-potent all powerful being which can manifest objects....this thing merely lacks supernaturality.
You can't and I too want my Santa back. Best you can do is accept and respect that some people need to keep faith and it would do them harm to lose it.
I'm in the same spot, so I have no advice for you. I started reading a book called "The Story" that covers the entire Bible in chronological order, like a novel. Dunno whether or not its going to bring me back around, but I'm trying.
>omni-potent all powerful being which can manifest objects....this thing merely lacks supernaturality
That is completely incoherent. Where is God if he is physical then? That means God is physical and we can actually go out and find him. It also means he'd have no way of actually interacting with us without direct contact.
Pretty ez bruh. Just look for God.
If you close one eye and really unfocus you can tell they are parallel
>>until puberty
You lost your childish version of faith. Its common. You have to build your own adult version of belief, which is different from faith. And then, like the Bible would have you do, discard that as you get older for a return to the innocence of childhood faith, ideally.
God is everything that is and even that which is not
>God is everything that is and even that which is no
Incoherent. Fuck off.
Truth. In fact, this country is owned by Rome to this day.
Hey user, it might just be that you're at a stage in your development where you have to reject the superficial elements of the church and simplified spirituality. I was agnostic for many years after rejecting my Christian upbringing, but then one day I was given divine revelation. I now have a much stronger relationship with God and a better understanding of the Divine and Its relationship to me. Hang in there, buddy, you'll see the light again one day - just stay true to yourself and it'll come. You don't have to force it.
Come to know God through reason. Faith will come with it. It was hard for me at first, but after reading Aquinas, I can never go back to thinking Good isn't real.
Thank you
It's hard not to believe in God after learning some scholastic theology desu
When shown the light, you scurry to the darkness like the cockroach you are. Enjoy hell.
I'm not the one advocating heretical nonsense like **pantheism**
just squint
the detail is what fucks your mind up. when it's unfocused and kinda blurry it lines up
That retard was not me. Keep an eye on the ID. Im forming a proper reply right now
Your haute-couture Dark Night of the Soul is a stereotype and is irrelevant to your existential peril. There is something out there. They are watching us. The questions you need to figure out are what side they are all on, and what side are you on.
>>"Where is god if he is physical"
I answered this, in my first post you replied to.....If you don't know what my answer to that is, then you simply didn't read past the first line.
start out with this
Then read the new testament. Everything is ultimately reducible to information and information is never truly lost and everything that was will remain in the book of life, the medium of infinite division. God is the Mind of the universe, consciousness and your consciousness is part of that... think about the myriads of implications.
Jesus had the metaphysical power to take up the sins of this world so that perfect(!) justice did not have to be delivered to the victims of the satanic virus that crept into nature... the OS of this world. Jesus was the anti-virus.
Bro... just read the new testament. The very fact that you are here means he's waiting for you to return. God can be reached by both brain and heart.
Watching ed feser atm, thanks bro
I only replied to you about your also nonsensical myth about who God is
No you didn't!
You replied to ID "qSSPzL3N" who was saying crap like "God is everything that is and even that which is not"
Are you going to tell me you DIDN'T reply to that post?
It's sad that no everyone cannot come to know God by mystic theophanic experiences like you or I had... it's not hard to believe when you've been spoken to
Hey you're welcome, he's a great guy.
>I was actually very religious until I hit puberty
Its doubtful you will come back to god for many years. Teens have a way of thinking theyre adults and know things for certain. Its only life through life experience that you'll come to realize that you're wrong.
Did I say that was you Bogan Bro?? No I didn't.
Well again unless you actually have a fleshed out proof all you have is a myth. And you don't have a very good myth at that. If what you are describing did it exists it's something that doesn't in anyway fulfill the role God fulfills.
You literally JUST said "I only replied to you"
Go away fuckhead
Why should I care or you care if I respond to someone else in this thread? Stop being such a fucking pussy. You're God Myth makes no sense. Deal with it.
Once you do DMT or other psychedelics and meet other beings, beings with higher intelligence, intelligence so far beyond what you can even begin to imagine, shit gets a little complicated.
have children
Im going to pray for you brother.
Though you may doubt God he does not abandon you. Not for one second not for one sin. Jesus died for our sins. Work on your faith but know in the mean time even if you have walked away from God he has not walked away from you.
It's IMPOSSIBLE not to believe when you've been spoken to. Blessings upon you, brother.
>>No sense
..to you. got it.
Which had nothing to do with naturalism. I'm not saying we shouldn't use scientific method. I'm saying we have no reason to suppose the universe is all revealed in this universe, this experience.
What you have done is concocted a myth. You have not proved said myth. I don't even know why you are calling this myth "God" because it bears absolutely no resemblance to God. You've basically asserted an Idealistic Materialism wherein the collective consciousness of the human race "creates" an archetype (while you also say this archetype is not real which makes no sense, if it's not real why say it was created? If it was created how is it not real?) This doesn't even touch on Creation or anything in the realm of Platonic Idealism. It's incoherrent, you've made no effort to prove it and now you're getting mad. Grow up.
The real question is what caused you to lose your faith in the first place.
Not knowing exactly what turned you off, I will say I have seen a lot of people turn from God because churches or "religious" people did stupid shit. Free will is a bitch, but you can't love God without it, so just focus on the scripture.
personally, my belief in God is unshakeable because I once woke up to a shadow man standing over me. I clenched my fist and as it flew through the air I prayed for strength to punch that ghostly fucker. I could almost see the energy radiation off my fist, at least in my mind eye, as it plunged into the cold air that was the shadowmans body. I then watched as it disintegrated around the hole I made. In that moment, I felt God was with me. Hope you find a more believable way to find God.
Geezus you are so butt-wounded over..I dunno.
I was trying to help somone out, I have no reason to convince a hostile retard liek you.
>I have no reason to convince a hostile retard liek you.
No reason or no argument?
Blasphemy that's what. Stop asking so many questions it's not good for faith.
Here's my question Christfags: where did all the billions of dead people that never heard of Jesus throughout history go when they died? I've never gotten an answer
Meh just ask him if he is there and listen. I was a Mormon missionary and taught a special forces guy who had never prayed. When he asked God if he was there, God answered and I was blessed to experience that.
If you ask and don't get an answer it's only because you won't sacrifice your wants for your needs.
I can easily see men in a crowd that know God. They walk with fury and power.
>how do I regain my faith
>I was very religious until puberty
Shave them off.
>Here's my question Christfags: where did all the billions of dead people that never heard of Jesus throughout history go when they died?
:...he descended into hell..." From both the Apostles and Nicene Creed.
I used a Quartz crystal to do this exact thing a couple nights ago. The warm unconditional light/love that emanated from that crystal like a force field just obliterated all fear and worry immediately. Crystal = Cryst = Christ = Christ conciousness. The truth is older than any bible and it's free to access by anyone who wants it.
No reason. You aren't the person I started talking to, and all you have done is pretend like you didn't say things which are ON THE SCREEN.Instead of acting hostile, act CURIOUS...as if theres a CHANCE something I have to say is of value to you. Otherwise....I have no reason
Look into Mormonism.
Now there must needs be a space betwixt the time of death and the time of the resurrection.
7 And now I would inquire what becometh of the souls of men from this time of death to the time appointed for the resurrection?
8 Now whether there is more than one time appointed for men to rise it mattereth not; for all do not die at once, and this mattereth not; all is as one day with God, and time only is measured unto men.
9 Therefore, there is a time appointed unto men that they shall rise from the dead; and there is a space between the time of death and the resurrection. And now, concerning this space of time, what becometh of the souls of men is the thing which I have inquired diligently of the Lord to know; and this is the thing of which I do know.
regardless of if god is real or not,its the best way to live,dont become an atheist user,its miserible af,i know i am one
That's called Buddhism, the real way to NOT complicate things is you realize you ARENT God because you were created. God is the Creator. WOW.
>you didn't say things which are ON THE SCREEN
You made it sound like I mistakenly replied to you. I don't see what the hell your point is here, I don't know why you care about this so much.
How about you act curious? Maybe I can actually help you, maybe I know something you don't know? I know why your theory is incoherent.
Now, concerning the state of the soul between death and the resurrection—Behold, it has been made known unto me by an angel, that the spirits of all men, as soon as they are departed from this mortal body, yea, the spirits of all men, whether they be good or evil, are taken home to that God who gave them life.
12 And then shall it come to pass, that the spirits of those who are righteous are received into a state of happiness, which is called paradise, a state of rest, a state of peace, where they shall rest from all their troubles and from all care, and sorrow.
13 And then shall it come to pass, that the spirits of the wicked, yea, who are evil—for behold, they have no part nor portion of the Spirit of the Lord; for behold, they chose evil works rather than good; therefore the spirit of the devil did enter into them, and take possession of their house—and these shall be cast out into outer darkness; there shall be weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth, and this because of their own iniquity, being led captive by the will of the devil.
14 Now this is the state of the souls of the wicked, yea, in darkness, and a state of awful, fearful looking for the fiery indignation of the wrath of God upon them; thus they remain in this state, as well as the righteous in paradise, until the time of their resurrection.
For me, I was only able to find God (I was an athiest) after I decided to lower myself, instead of keeping my great pride intact.
Finding God shattered the mirror I was looking into for all my life.
When I lowered my self, like a servant would, I found him.You must humble yourself.
Serve the poor, volunteer at a soup kitchen, or a mission. What you will see will break your heart. You will find him there.
Seek and ye shall find.
My hairy balls are coming between me a Jesus.
I was very religious when I was shaven but my pyabs are of pure darkness, they are creatures of curly evil. Damn you Pubes, damn you to hell.
But who am I to argue back when my Dawkins merkin is so clever. I'm out foxed at every turn. Help me Sup Forums. Who is right me or my cod bufont?
He said he wanted to hear from a Christian.
Hell isn't a place it's a state of mind. You will meet God and your life unedited by forgetfulness is your reward or punishment.
Standing in front of a perfectly loving father with all your evil that you did to your brothers and sisters, that is hell.
The atonement of Christ let's you edit that life. That's your only chance and why it's important.