Show me the face you'd make if Donald Trump created peace on the Korean Peninsula.
Show me the face you'd make if Donald Trump created peace on the Korean Peninsula
I really don't care
OUR government is still full of criminals and traitors
All Trump is doing is legitimizing North Korean as a nuclear power you dumb fucking retard, there's a good reason why previous presidents have declined the offer. This is great optics for North Korea. They want to be taken serious and Trump just took Kim's bait.
4D chess my ass lmao, he is truly a dullard.
do you guys think there will be a reunification of sorts like with East Germany and West Germany in our lifetime, or is the rocket man too much of a megalomaniac for that?
I think lil’ Kim would be fine with scaling back on nukes if the US recognizes them and gets rid of sanctions. I think he wants to become a mini China. Dude grew up and Europe and knows his country is a shithole.
Pic related would be my face if Trump pulls it off.
You're a moron, it's dotard, not dullard, you emu fleeing cuck
Dullar is a slow or stupid person.
That's what Trump is you fucking retard hahaha
This is why nobody likes Australian posters, you all are total fags.
>stronk ally united Korea
>bring our military forces home after almost 70 years
SK is literally a pedophile Haven. Refute me. Based NK nuking that shit.
>Calls somebody a retard
>Saves a thumbnail
Got the video?
I would punch this kike in the face with brass knuckles while I fuck her
>putting a united Korea in the fridge
Good call,.
Thanks bruh
>Show me the face you'd make if Donald Trump created peace on the Korean Peninsula.
Sorry OP, don't need another ban for posting porn
madman doctrine works
It would still be considered Obama's doing, somehow.
Is it time to start a GoFundMe to finance a new head on Mount Rushmore?
There is peace in the Korean Península today
hardly a dullard but I believe you to be half right .
Np, I always enjoy watching that scouser pop up outta nowhere
SK was central to PizzaGate. They literally ousted their leader for being involved in a satanic pedo cult.
>lockheed martin face
>created peace
>literally this changes nothing and Kim won’t give up the nukes
I'm glad the orange pinochet didn't fuck up all the progress Obama made!
You replaced the most redpilled president with trump.
Redo it and replace that nigger lover on the right
>united korea
that would cost dozens of trillions of dollars to do
but muh Hillary.........
>All Trump is doing is legitimizing North Korea
Are you trying to claim North Korea isn't a legitimate state?
what the fuck happened? i don't watch the news jew
Hi cnn
>too worried about "optics" to get anything done
>if we ignore kim he isnt a nuclear power somehow
this is why grumpf got elected
>saving a thumbnail
Hello shareblue/cointelpro/JIDF/generic shill, how’s that Aussie proxy working out?
So he should use the ole Obama method of ignoring the problem and hoping it goes away?
North Korea wants to wind down its nuclear program and Kim Jong Un wants to meet with Trump to discuss peace
Trump will unify Korea in exchange for the Kim families immunity from prosecution as well as keeping them in the custom they are used to.
Trump will bring dozens of lucrative contracts to CHYNA, Japan and the United States for the act of modernising and rebuilding the infrastructure in the north and bring peace to the area.
Trump wins Nobel peace prize.
Holy fuck, imagine the salt and butthurt.
oh easily hundreds of dozens of tillions of gorrillions of dollars
The gap between east and west Germany was significantly smaller, and has cost them trillions. And they're not even close to done yet.
It's going to happen.
Rodman is going to get a Nobel Peace Prize.
Sounds like bullshit But I believe it.
That sounds like a great opportunity for investment then, what a shame if we spent trillions to build a country rather than to destroy it.
Do you want trillions of American Taxpayer dollars to not help repair America but instead repair a country on the opposite side of the world? I believe we elected a president partially on the grounds that we wouldn't be throwing our trillions at other countries instead of our own.
Hello amerifuckers, I`m North Korean fucker bad man. Why your stupid orange fucker man president fucker Trump want to attack my great country.You fucking amerifucker come to North Korea, I will fucking kill you fucking amerifucker soldier. You amerifucker can not fucking win. North Korean soldier is ready for your fucking amerifucker aggression. We will fucking kill your motherfucker and daughterfucker soldiers, do you fucking understand this fucking amerifucker. North Korean is not like fucking Iraq, we will fucking defend our country until all amerifucker soldier is fucking dead or suffering fucking pain. We will never let fucking crazy amerifuckers take our soil. You amerifuckers are fucking crazy motherfuckers if you fucking think we are fucking easy target. Your fucking country is fucked. Your fucking western fucking lifestyle is fucked. Your fucking amerifucker fucking dollar is fucked. Your amerifucker government is your real fucking enemy. Do you fucking understand this fucking amerifucker. Remember amerifuckers, we have the fucking big bomb. Are you fucking afraid amerifucker. Ha Ha Ha.
>Sup Forums actually did rescue tea girl after all
Fuck my shit right up, user
you're glowing in the dark
>not covering up Lincoln
You had one chance, user.
we did it, we finally did it, it took us selling our souls to ancient frog diety to get a meme president elected but we did it
He'll never win a Nobel peace prize, but he'll win the love of many Americans and Koreans, which is far more valuable than a politicized chunk of metal that was given to Obama right before he bombed the shit out of Libya
Arent you hungry? If you give up we’ll give you a sandwich. If not you will starve and die.
This is Trump’s strategy and it’s all he needs. Even fat boy knows that eventually hunger trumps brainwashing, and a couple million starving norks will soon storm his palace and flay him like a pig. He can go out in a blaze of glory, which he can’t really do because we have the tech to prevent his nukes from ever getting anywhere, or he can give up. Simple. Just needed a pres with balls to make it happen.