George W. Bush's favorable rating has pulled a complete 180

Apparently, most Americans like Bush now.

It's like they forgot the Great Recession and all the wars. What are your thoughts on this?

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>What are your thoughts on this?
The average American is a gullible idiot with a 10 minute memory and a 2 minute attention span but that's not new information.

I've always liked Bush.


Attention span of a goldfish and smoked away memories

Most Americans are goldfish confirmed.

because the left loves mass murderers

wtf i love bush now

He's the worst president outside of Obama in a long time (Iraq and Lybia for those 2).

MSM brainwashes people bad.

W aspires to be nothing more than the Democrat's condom. They hate that they have to use him, they only touch him when they're trying to fuck someone, and they'll toss him in the trash the second they're done.

Fuck him and the Bush brand of cuckservative "we walk the walk and talk the talk to bring in the Christian vote but then turn foreign policy and the economy over to a bunch of unelected jewish neo-cons", fuck him for getting all those thousands of American and allied soldiers killed in Iraq with absolutely nothing to show for it just because he had a beef with Sadam and felt he had to finish his cuckservative dad's business for him, fuck him for catering to "Hispanics" (more like Mexican invaders) because of the bullshit "they're natural conservatives and Republicans!" lie push by neo-cons and the establishment, fuck him for always steering right down the middle and ignoring his Conservative base to appease the left/Dems/MSM when anybody with half a brain knows that buys you nothing and you're still despised as a "white Christian male" by them, fuck him for never appointing a real conservative to the supreme court, fuck him for allowing the treasury to be looted of trillions of dollars and the money distributed to bankers and Wall Street rather than them paying the price for their greed, fuck him for taking our eye off of Afghanistan during the critical time and costing us any chance of victory there, fuck him for not beginning construction on "the wall" the day after 9/11 when he could have easily declared it a national security imperative and had it built with little to no opposition, fuck him for taking our personal freedom and right to privacy away through domestic spying and data collection, fuck him for... my fingers are getting tired but fuck this cuckservative moron and the horse he rode in on. NO BUSH POLITICAL DYNASTY, IT ENDS WITH HIM.

t.voted for him twice and regret it

p.s. and don't even get me started about his tireless, and expensive, campaign to fight AIDS in Africa, it was so successful they've really had to revise upwards the population growth figures for the continent.

Probably the lack of public appearances post presidency, half the country probably thought he was dead. Americans are also hopelessly blue-pilled on 9/11, because if they really knew DC would have been burned to the ground a long time ago. Also the whole FUCK DRUMPF narrative in the new means that any other president is 10x better than Trump no matter what

It's nice to hear this coming from an American for once.


This but meta-un-not-dis-ironically with sprinkles on top

I voted for Bush twice, and he got elected twice. Hahahah gonfuck yourself faggot

Commit suicide.

And I don't mean that lightly.

Every problem that we have today is mostly directly, or at the very least, somewhat indirectly caused by him.

You have no idea what you're fucking talking about.

grossed me out the way my faggot liberals friends have forgiven him for the war crimes they bitched about for a decade just because he doesn’t like trump. I swear liberals have no honor

>Americans are sub-human mongrels, and the refuse of Europe, with IQ's that hover only slightly above Africans.

News at 11!

>9/11 happens on his watch
>turns a government surplus into massive deceit
>ruins education
>Starts Iraq war based 100% on lies
>Horrible inadequate response to Hurricane Katrina
>Massive recession, tons of people lose their jobs

how do people forget this shit and suddenly think he was good?

That's what 8 years of Obama will do to you

>massive deceit

>every problem that we have today is mostly directly, or at the very least, caused by bush
literal brainlet, you are blaming a figurehead for the actions of a corrupt military industrial complex among other organizations that have been shitting on the geopolitical status quo for literally thousands of years

After Obama, Bush seems ok.

To be fair 9/11 was clintons fault and so was the housing crisis caused by late 90’s policy change to force banks to lend to “historically descriminated” group even if they wouldnt normally qualify with their credit.. so go figure they foreclosed in masse.

He doesn't deserve all the blame for the CDO explosion that led up to the 2008 crash. He does deserve the blame for all the neocon shit that happened after 9/11. Thankfully, the worst of that shit is dead and buried.

He should be in a jail cell next to Shillary and Podesta in Guantanamo Bay



The neocon leaders fled to the Democrat party and there are still holdovers in the never Trump Republicans.

Obama's approval rating is even higher than Bush so this isn't the reason why.


Wrong. Because people hate obama but wont say it because das raciss

>What are your thoughts on this?

I'm having the exact same thought I had after Americans gave Bush a 2nd term after the CIA came out and said no Iraq didn't have WMDs and Bush led the country into a war for nothing.

Americans are retards.

No shit, its embarrassing how many people are giving this "poll" any credence.

Canadians are the most retarded niggers I have ever come across. I can’t wait until you are all replaced by Muslims, it’ll be an upgrade in shitty neighbors to our north

I see many comments online about how presidential and intelligent Bush is and how they didn't like Bush then but they would vote for him if he were running for president then. They like him because he's against Trump.

hes a good actor I cant believe everyone fell for his bullshit

Correction: They would vote for Bush if he were running for president now.

It's his ninja-like skills.

He was like Michael Corleone after Kay asked him why the shade were open, and he had that Texas "better luck next time Pedro" look on his face after.

He's right, but every time it's a eurotrash it just seems like they're implying

>but my country ISN'T full of morons

You'd be surprised. I've seen a lot of people who were liberals in the 2000s say they would vote for Bush if he were running for president again.

CIA lied to Bush, they are responsible for 9/11 and Iraq

>CNN: Not a completely negative GW Bush story

MSM always brainwashes people into thinking "the old republicans were good guys!" just to make the current one look abnormally bad. If you didn't see just as much propaganda calling bush hitler as Trump then you weren't paying attention.

He is a charming son of a bitch. It is just oo bad he let the neokikes run his presidency for him.

Canada is too cold for Muslims. Liberals literally have to pay them to come here and they can only keep it up for so long before the economy crashes.

Tectonic timelines and shit

The only times I miss Bush are when he does something irl and gets meme'd. Just imagine the memes we'd have of Bush if memes were big at the start of his presidency and not just the end


Yeah that's right burger, Bush dindu nuffin, he wuz a good boy.

Burgers are literally retarded.

That's because the public are morons, OP. That's why you need campaign slogans like "Make America Great Again!" and endless chants of "USA! USA!" to win an election. You can't go around making rational, logical arguments like Ron Paul did and expect to win an election. It's impossible.

Those two truly were the best of friends.

I 100% believe Gore was involved. Anyone who pushes (((global warming))) is evil in some way.

They still are liberals, theyre simply suffering from Trump derangement syndrome and want to be contrarian little children.

They want to use him as a GOP wedge against Trump.
If you want to understand (((polling))), all you have to do is understand their motives for the poll.

neocons and neodems like him because they hate trump

young fags like him cause they're dumb fucks who were 5 years old when he was pres


What I remember most is they made fun of him for how stupid he was. The Bushisms he said.

There were lots of shows making fun of him.

Remember this?

Most of the Europeans on here (to a greater degree than Americans anyway) strike me as being edgy teens recycling the same memes that have been recycled for generations. It's their ~heritage~ to be faggots.

This comment pretty much sums it up for the latter group:

"I remember this from around 2008 or '09. I used to think Bush was bad but from what I've seen lately I've more respect for him."

most americans were white during bush years. now most americans were the illegals that bush brought in. so these mexicans the bush lovers

most americans are still white


the old leftists are warhawk neo cons now

Still a neo-con on Jew puppet strings, but I guess aside from that he was a nice guy.

you forgot green text

Can someone tell me how 5D chess isnt real when trump is making even HARDCORE LEFTISTS agree that neocon bush jr is a good president?

>Dems fellate the brand of conservative that bent over backwards to appease them
Whoa shocker

>implying the bush cia mafia was not directly profiting off of that conflict
>still falling for dopey dubya meme 18 years later
good fucking god, you need to neck yourself

Dubya's and Obongo's legacies will be inverted in a generation. Dubya will be remembered fondly while Obongo will be reviled.

You’re getting a little ahead of yourself, cheese dick. Bush didn’t know shit. He was sitting there dumbstruck wondering if Cheney set him up to be whacked.

We still haven't recovered from that miserable fuck.

Obama lowered the bar

He killed millions of Iraqis and kicked off the migrant crisis, how the fuck could anyone like him.

fuck it's less than that. talk to someone 25 and younger and good luck getting them to look away from their cellphone long enough to say "oh, ya" as if they were listening to you.

That dodge though
>He was a real human bean

This might seem innocuous, but is actually one of the more disturbing psy op pieces yet. Maybe it's because I'm old enough to remember when Bush was literally Hitler.

Recession was Clinton's fault for giving niggers houses

Bush was shit though because of 9/11 and letting Wolfowitz and Cheney walk all over him


No shit, everyone likes a president who was easy to hate and had no one defending him. We have had 8 years of Obama, who we were told was the solution to Bush and ended up being exactly like him, except that you would be called racist if you pointed this out. Now we are with Trump, who is very controversial with half of the country hating him and the other half loving him.

Bush years are being looked at nostalgically because everyone agreed that he was an idiot with literally no one dissenting to that opinion.

Even if we trusted CNN polls, which we don't because they are garbage, like/dislike polls are actually a countersignal in a Presidential candidate. It means people like him because they think he is a harmless beta male and wouldn't vote for him again because he is so weak and ineffectual. They dislike Trump because of his personality but also think he is a great leader and they would vote for him because he gets results.

Basically, a like is a participation trophy in America today.

Liberals would love the Devil himself as long as he is an ally to them.

the outburst was the veteran painting thing. after that I assumed same shit will happen to trump in 14 years.

Shitlibs were always neocons. They just had to hate bush so they could win election.

>there are people who have only lived through Clinton, Bush, and Obama

Trump is like taking a sip of water after an endless diet of soda.

Lots of people loved Bush in the 00s. They thought he was protecting us from terrorism and a hero president. Lots of other people thought Bush was a war criminal or stupid. It was split.

Shitlibs, then: Bush is a murderous nazi PoS and I hate him REEEEEE
Bush, recently: I hate Drumpf
Shitlibs, now, unironically: wtf I love Bush now

yeah, that was from 01'-the 03' invasion of iraq. after that Bush was mocked the hell and back for being Bush. He won the 04' election simply because John Kerry was running against him, and even then it was a close race with Kerry only being 20 points shy of victory.

The Iraq War was the one big mistake that really fucks up his legacy. I don't blame him for the recession. eh's a pretty coolguy

Go fuck yourself


>Every problem that we have today is mostly directly, or at the very least, somewhat indirectly caused by him.
Every problem we have began before he was born retard



Fucking A, well said on every account user.

Incorrect, but even if you were correct (which you're not), why didn't bush solve any of it, which he didn't?

After 2004 lots of Evangelicals and people in the Bible belt still loved Bush.
