***HAPPENING!!!*** - A massive coal burning epidemic turns into AIDS

What should be done with coalburners Sup Forums? Shit is getting out of hand. I'm from Milwaukee and every white girl 5/10 or above has some filthy spook boyfriend, and now this has happened: foxnews.com/health/2018/03/08/shock-in-milwaukee-over-new-outbreak-hiv-and-syphilis-including-babies-and-teens.html . I spoke to my friend who is a male nurse and he has confirmed that nearly all the cases are black males and white females and they are expecting HUNDREDS more people to test positive.

Should we just get rid of AIDS medicine completely and ban AIDS sufferers from hospitals? Extreme situations call for extreme solutions I say.

Other urls found in this thread:


>what should be done
Seems to me nothing needs to be done and the problem is working itself out as nature intended. BURN THE COAL, PAY THE TOLL

I am now strictly having sex with Indian tech girls.

A significant amount of the burners will manage to entrap white men and spread it to them. We need to have some sort of method that marks these people, a type of tattoo maybe. AIDS has killed 25-50 million people, it is serious enough to warrant extreme measure.

If you're careless enough to bed a coalburner in current year, you deserve what you get IMO. Most of the casualties will be soyboy betas who are every bit as treacherous as niggers.

The problem is that you can live with AIDS into your 60's, and guess who pays for all of it? WHITE MEN. That's who.

Do honestly think a little AIDS is going to stop these white whores from rutting with negros?

I agree. This is sound. A facial tattoo would be good. Maybe even circumcise the women so they lose the desire to be promiscuous tramps?

You're forgetting when these women hit their 40's and become """Good Christian Women""" in order to land a beta provider-male...He may not know that her blown out cunt is harboring all sorts of diseases.

Hence the need for some sort of easily identifiable marking on these used up sluts.

Toll paid.

Ever read the book "A Scarlet letter"? They used to brand whores. We just need to make an online database anybody can upload to which tracks coal burners.

Thank god for STDs. These bitches should be named and shamed for life.

White women are to blame.

>>I spoke to my friend who is a male nurse and he has confirmed that nearly all the cases are black males and white females and they are expecting HUNDREDS more people to test positive.
Not surprised.

You can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Sooner or later you'll pay the toll

Their kids will work at subway.
(85 iq +100iq) /2 = 92.5 iq=subway

Maybe the black dudes are getting it from the white chicks?

Just leave Milwaukee

I say lets make a database that can be cross referenced across multiple social media accounts.

You can only make an account if you have 3 seperate users vouch for you to prevent roasties from breaking in too easily

I'd call it Furnace or the Oven. Maybe Boiler Room

>marrying a 40 year old woman
If she's on the market at 40, there's a reason for it. It's lunacy to buy expired goods, and even a small bit of homework on people you're planning to fuck rawdog could save you the trouble.

First, you shouldn't do the deed until you're married. But since that isn't realistic, you shouldn't go raw until you've scoped her medicine cabinet and skimmed through her social media. If she's friends with Darshaun and Trequarius, and especially if she has any pictures with them, hard pass.


This is how you pay the toll.
basically this.

Epidemiological trends suggest otherwise.

85 IQ...more like 70 to 75.

words of wisdom

move out of Milwaukee, the remaining whites are truly lost souls. Spent my first 20 years in Milwaukee, it's a terrible city and the worst in the whole country as far race goes.

Go an tell those dirty roasties, go an tell those negro riders, tell the soyboy, bum bandits. That sooner or later god will strike them down

When straights think AIDS is a fag disease only and that diversity is okay

Hate to break it to you ladies theres a reason gays try and stay away from spooks

>marrying a 40 year old woman
If she's on the market at 40, there's a reason for it. It's lunacy to buy expired goods, and even a small bit of homework on people you're planning to fuck rawdog could save you the trouble. First, you shouldn't do the deed until you're married. But since that isn't realistic, you shouldn't go raw until you've scoped her medicine cabinet and skimmed through her social media. If she's friends with Darshaun and Trequarius, and especially if she has any pictures with them, hard pass.

> I'm from Milwaukee and every white girl 5/10 or above has some filthy spook boyfriend


There's no way that Chicago or Milwaukee have gotten this bad in the past 15 years since I've left.

There were coalburners sure, but people typically married in their own race when I was in Chicago, even in their own ethnic group.

Am I missing on some developments anons?

Fill me in.

I'm glad someone brought this up. Medfag here, many infections are unnoticed for years. I've distressed over hundreds of people in Florida who contracted HIV while thinking they were safe. Nope. Women will sleep with anything given the suitable circumstances. Desperate men too. There are a couple million undiagnosed mutated HIV cases that we won't hear about on the news until 2025 at least. All while my department rakes in the benefits.

I'm basically calling those of you who sleep around in this day and age eternally gooned up. Only sleep with a significant other or you will regret it mark my words, even wrapping your mummy doesn't render all viruses null. You've been warned.

>Child that looks like a bean with pubic hair

He is going to need alot of state support to get anywhere in life...

need another cryptosporidium outbreak the cleanse city of gays

There's no way there are any 5/10+ girls in Milwaukee.

What about getting your dick sucked?

banishing any white degenerate who burns coal to the boiler room is not a bad idea user

find someone with coding knowledge

keep your brothers safe

(You) Bad ass Motherfucker. Very appropriate. Have link.
Thread theme;


Pfft, I have bare backed over 20 latina trannies and still haven't gotten HIV. Are you seriously saying latina trannies are more pure than your average white girl?

As retarded as it sounds, probably

So besides curing fags now AIDS cures burners. /ourvirus/ indeed.

Coalburners like anal sex or intravenous drug use?

>Women will sleep with anything given the suitable circumstances


Nah I still live here and it's the same as always. The nigs and white trash live separate from the real people. There is zero interaction between them and regular people. That's why Milwaukee is so great. I live in Oconomowoc and work in Brookfield and I never see nigger blacks or white trash ever except when I go to Summerfest or the state fair.

If people are so desperate that they have to go down North Avenue to fuck baby mamas and meth addicts they should consider investing in a sex doll.

>I'm from Milwaukee and every white girl 5/10 or above has some filthy spook boyfriend
I always knew miscegenation was rampant in the US its so obvious that that behaviour would flourish because you guys only think short-term and never long-term about your actions.

We are fucked then senpai.

Gross. I am sick of the filth spreading to the north of the state from the shithole that is Milwaukee. That city should be quarantined.

>fucking trannies
that's the real problem


found the problem

Don't fuck girls without condoms without going TOGETHER to the clinic....
Have some fucking self respect god...

a lot of nigs are down low gay as fuck, or fuck men for money.
all of this trash never informs anybody else of their infections because they want to fight over who started it and 'beat dey ass' or they dont give a fuck
and nigs will have 6 bpartners and think one has it because 'she dirty' and only get that one treated
syphilis is fucked up because the symptoms show up 6 months later, 9 months later, a year later, and they don't affect genitals but are things like a rash on your feet. syphilis is almost always down to faggotry these days.
good luck to that health dept.

Naw, thry only operate in extreme, sluts or prudes, not much in between.

if you were a medfag the pertinent thing to bring up would be that hiv generally isn't transmitted through normal male/female sex between non needle users

aids can be spread through saliva

Yeah passable trannies are dangerous to society overall.

Nope. Milwaukee user here. Op is being hyperbolic

He’s obviously massively over exaggerating but I’m willing to bet that there’s still a trend of this sort of thing.

Being the top means it's still unlikely you'll catch it.

Its in the Saliva. don't believe the propaganda to the contrary.
t. Blood Born Pathogen Specialist.
It can also survive in bodily fluid on a toilet seat in harsh conditions for 72 hours.
Isolation of the infected in Leper Colonies is Humankind's only hope.

>if you were a medfag the pertinent thing to bring up would be that hiv generally isn't transmitted through normal male/female sex between non needle users

Not to men, women are still vulnerable due to micro vaginal lesions that can occur during sex..

And sterilize them.
So, Facebook?

In the city? There are ZERO attractive females outside of MSOE/Marquette/UWM. They move away for obvious reasons. Only bugmen remain in the city post graduation. There is a meme going around that young professionals only want to work downtown but that is only because bugmen must be surrounded by noise and people and false interaction 24/7. The attractive women all come to the suburbs or go to Madison/Chicago.

Brookfield is pretty nice and there are plenty of professional age 22-35 single QTs.

I've only ever seen 1 black male and white woman couple here in my entire life. The woman was a hippo.

>women sleeping with gay men

This is the REAL crisis of oyr time. "Homosexual" men shouldn't be sleeping with white women, there needs to be a campaign to convince even sluts that this is repugnant, maybe have them subtlely think about butt sex and how much of it occurs between their potential partner who is a flaming faggot.

This is incorrect. About half to people who test positive with AIDS die in just a few years. Sure the disease no longer has a 99% mortality rate, but it is still basically a grim diagnosis.

Gold stars?

>Isolation of the infected in Leper Colonies is Humankind's only hope.
Don't forget to add Nuclear Fire

I saw a white woman with a kang at a bar the other night, tons of them were prowling the streets on mardi gras, but it ddidnt look like they were haveing much success.

T. Sydneyfag

Dude there was some fat white bitch living with HIV for 10 years without a clue until the 3rd baby...

Begone Jew. Total bullshit.

>posts "muh coalburners" thread
>5 posts in 10 minutes
>tards debate a bait thread for another half an hour

neck yourselves, newfags

sage af



>let the thread die, Goyim.

Madison is a liberal hell hole; that said the people are pretty nice.

vagina is likened to a fluid vault, same as a fag's ass. the semenial fluids get absorbed through the membranes, no microlesions needed.

But if you think about it in thast sense, HIV is a weak ass disease that can't even cut it's own way into the tissues like chlamydia or gonorrhea can. And because everybody knows what transmits HIV its like you have to go out and fucking want it almost.

Because they are all cheating ass holes and they know it.

Where do you live? I live in Sydney and I see it every now and then. I’ve seen attractive women with niggers too. It’s not nearly as common as white men and Asian women but it’s still a problem.


You kill millions every year with that misinformation.
t. Blood Borne Pathogen Specialist.

post doctor id faggot

Cool, more evidence as to why Asian females are made for white men

t. std investigations specialist
fuck off

This is what kills me about it. How is it still going. Women and the faggots they love to fuck are beyond retarded.

Well, strictly speaking A.I.D.S. original eventual transmission to human came from a black / primate coupling, and then a black / white coupling.

I want to become a professional nigger slapper. Basically people pay me a sum of money to slap this or that nigger for whatever reason they choose.

I'm sure this will help somehow.

Its not banishing as much per se as the name is designed to be inconspicous when mentioned in public such as:

Wasn't she on the oven?
Didn't I see her in the boiler room?

Also I know shit about coding but if someone took up the idea i'd be stoked


bullshit. i don't know who is telling you that white dudes will embrace a nigger child but get the thought out of your head. it's very rare.

Lol most coal burners burn exclusively coal so it could easily be like 30 coal burners spreading it to 150 nigs minus the initail dindu who started the outbreak. top kek


coalburning roastie database
I want this to be a thing before the end of the year

Doofie Howser M.D. I'm not going to post shit, and have you wreck my Proffesional life, Faggot.
It is heavily frowned on to pass on that info to the general public, and you know it. It is a career ending move, but these people need to know the truth.

Oh and since I think I have a good understanding of where this outbreak is coming from I'll make one last post. There are a high number of opiate and meth addict black women downtown who constantly beg/fuck for money. Some of them are surprisingly very attractive and can get a couple dozen clients per night. MPS high schoolers are known to utilize these services as a rite of passage. Disease travels fast.

You'll usually find them hanging out just to the east of the courthouse. No seriously take a stroll down there and see for yourself. The police don't care. They don't arrest prostitutes in Milwaukee because racism. But seriously don't fuck them unless you want AIDS.

>whats wrong, user?
>is there something in my teeth?

That's what it sounds like. Obviously a nig started the initial spread but i guarantee you moe nigs are getting caught up in this than white girls. This is top kek

What was that thing rockefeller wanted to do to cull the human population? I think this is a part of that.

Let 'em die. No one cares anymore.

Yeah it's the blue-pill killer.

It was called "thedirty.com", but someone pressured that little Armenian faggot to stop. A bunch of politicians got caught up in that shit.