Fuck these guys and fuck the saving system. I'm a low level character and i'm getting gang raped by these mongoloids everytime i try to travel to another city and i die and have to play half an hour again. Is this how Balkans got Turked?
Fuck these guys and fuck the saving system...
Other urls found in this thread:
Brew your own schnapps faggot.
Go to the training grounds and fight the knight for a couple irl hours. Youre some dipshit kid trying to fight mercs
They're gonna fix saves and lockpicking next patch
If you fight your enemies, they win
Nexus mods - save any time
Shitty uniforms. 4/10
>game made by white people
>for white people
>nothing but bugs
>stupid characters and faces
>combat is so realistic that it's actually boring
Honestly, if this is what it takes to make white people happy, you losers can have all the shitty games you want.
Die in a fire, irl
>white people
>white people
>white people
good post leaf
real intelligent content you're sharing
stop using my flag, noseberg
This game is shit. Savor the difficulty while you can, it's literally the only thing that it has going for it early on. But that changes drastically once you reach mid-late game. You practically become an immortal, and the game loses all of its challenge, and ultimately becomes just another monotonous hack and slash with combat similar to Skyrim. I stopped playing out of boredom after about 25 hours of gameplay. Glad I didn't pay for it.
I'm a poo, not a berg.
As if Sup Forums is a fucking beacon of civil or intelligible discourse. Funny how you only want that when white people are criticized.
Best game ever
Don't fast travel
Also get the mod that lets you save like in normal games
then fuck off outta white civiliztion..seems pretty simple..you fucking people hate whites so fucking much , yet can't seem to stay the fuck out
>I am low level
Exactly, you are literally a peasant. I actually like how this game wrecks your shit if you try to fight a career soldier as a low level lad.
Yeah, except it's not a white civilization.
Here's a better question: If you love white people so much, why don't you fuck off back to Europe or whatever shithole you came from?
We pay more in taxes and are financing your welfare payments. I'd show more respect for your superiors.
The combat is really fun and fluid actually, try again. Only shitters say the combat sucked because they couldnt figure it out. skyrim is more your speed probably
My only grip with the combat is that enemies, especially bandits, does the perfect blocking too much. It makes me unable to use mah combos.
go beat the shit out of Bernard for an hour or two. got my Defense, Warfare, Strength, Agility, Sword, and Axe all over 10 in no time.
>street shitter with superiority complex
I'm talking about the Cuman bandits, though Hungarians are an ass too in this game
>white man on welfare thinks he's better than literally anyone with a job
Jesus, how have you not off'd yourself yet?
Nobody has ever met a rich east indian, they all live 7 families to one house and horde all their kids cash until they can buy a shitty franchise just to feed themselves.
Show me a rich east indian in canada, lmao. You are the fucking retard.
Get gud faggot, and go cry on Sup Forums
reported and saged
This game is so fun, I wish I had more time to play it
Just got to the first raid and holy shit its great
get gud with a sword lad
if you tried to take on a bunch of warriors on your own you would get rekt,this game is no different.
I can get where youre coming from. I guess another thing that is a little crap is that eventually the bandits start dropping like flies and you cant even do a combo on them.
if only combat in the game was more common and reliable to find. I destroy everything and it's over too quick. barely started the game and fully armored Cumans get slaughtered.
Thing is, when you live in the trailer park, you won't meet any Indians.
Maybe, if you got a job, you'd meet your Indian boss.
I say "maybe", because I know you'd rather stay on welfare for the gibs.
I'm the opposite, when I fight in the game it looks like I'm trying to kill a snake with a rake
Unintelligible due to glare, pajeet.
>imagine this clown troll being the most alpha member of your entire race
I think that I may have over-leveled a bit. really didn't feel like I spent too much time sparring with Bernard but gotdam.
Fuck off to your containment board
First hoi4 and now this.
>imagine being such shitty low-T white males that you need like 4 of you to even stand a chance against me, and still lose
lol Keep at it, whiteboys.
honestly man just go and practice at the fighting pit rattay. + do what I did use your horse + a bow and kit them all day long.
the first section is a beast but after that it gets better over time.
>if i use ad hom and ignore everything with strawmanning
Try again pajeet. Next time try washing the crusted shit off your hands before b8 posting, dotnigger
Nice reddit spacing. Do you ever feel shame that your people are so terrible that Alexander the Great decided your ancestors weren't worth conquering? He literally decided Pakis were more important than you
I just got done killing every sing person in Skalitz, then killing every cuman that tries to chase you afterwards. Wasn't even that hard. Get gud.
Protip: You can stab people from your horse
If it was easy then every one will be complaining about making it for casuals. And there are other games with a worse difficulty curve. The Gothic series and other PB games were far more brutal at early levels. Suck it up
>not white civilization
In what way isn’t it? You’re using white inventions, obeying the white mans law, taking and using their money. Stop being delusional
If not anything Canada was surely founded, yet again by White people. It is their legacy he is enjoying and getting fat off of. If he doesn't like people he should go to India and enjoy what they've built mostly by themselves.
like white people*
>Europe shit hole
I would if the Muslims and poos haven’t already nearly ruined it. Even then it’s better than India though.
this. Massive Belladonna farm north of merhojed. That and what, nettles?
Fucking easy. Stop being a pathetic lazy faggot, op
>hurr, I know what an ad hominem is
>aren't I smurt?
Honestly, your entire race has to rely on an imagined past to feel better about itself, while my family and I are literally making money off of money.
Not only that, but you then need to gang up, like niggers do when fighting, in order to even stand a chance. How sad.
lol Reddit spacing is the worst you got?
Also, if you knew anything about India, Pakistan and Bengladesh, you'd know they were more or less one civilization.
Math was invented by the Egyptians and the first counting systems arrived in Mesopotamia. Greeks and Egyptians literally copied all they got from them.
No, Canada is not a white civilization. That would be like me calling USA occupied Germany an American civilisation. You guys beat a bunch of tree niggers that had never seen guns before and had a shit immune system.
Nothing to be proud of.
Again, white people having to rely on an invented past to feel better about themselves.
India literally has an orbiter around Mars. Europe had to combine the forces of the EU, a faggot organisation, in order to do that.
Also, Indians dominate your shithole country. We are the richest Americans. lol If your theory is right about Indians and India, why are they dominating in your country? We are richer and have a higher IQ than Jews.
You are literally losing to people you think are below you.
HAHAHA, retarded mutt.
Again, I should mention that you niggers need to team up and still can't defeat one Indian poster. This is seriously sad as FUCK.
listen here, my name is pajeet,
and when there is no loo
when i need to poo
i will do it where I please;
i will do it in your streets
listen here, Leaf,
i am superior to you.
I pay more taxes, times two,
to finance you sordid NEETS.
yet when I need to poo
when my taxes fund no porcelain loo
I will do it where I please;
i will do it in my briefs
listen here, you anglo mutt,
your women are cheats, broads, and sluts
so show me respect, keep yourselves in check
and go back to yurope, for you whites are but a speck
but when I need to poo
and no white have built my hindu loo
I will do it where I please;
i will do it with my butt!
>Massive Belladonna farm north of merhojed
Thank you.
in woods, protected by 2-3 low level bandits
>beat a bunch of tree niggers that had never seen guns
that stupud fucking somalian had to be the one that let a legit retard like you in this country..jesus
I like it. I think it's an immersive and fun game. The save system forces you to make calculated decisions based on risk instead of hitting the quick save button and just going for it.
If they do change the save system I hope it just lets you save when you quit the game and you can only revert back to your last sleep or savior schnapps sort of like Fallout 4's survivor mode.
Cool. Found a really nice stash of treasure,deep in the woods to the south-east of Rattay, near the edge of the map, at an interesting site. It's an abandoned shack. Look around it there are baskets and bags full of gold cups, necklaces etc. There is also a deer hunting site nearby.
Wrong board retard.
What game is this
It respawns, too. Enjoy your easy as fuck lvl 20 alchemy and unlimited saviour schnapps, friend, while faggots like OP stay mad because "muh saves are too hard"
>tfw spent months prior to the release trying to wrap my head around exanima's combat system
>finally started gitting gud when switched over to KCD
>mfw shitters say it's difficult
Git gud
That’s the excuse for your arrogance that another culture made math so you can be an arrogant imbecile. Math would have been invented down the road like the wheel, Mayans had math too and they’re not connected to Egypt.
>German American civilization
No we wouldn’t call it that we would call it German with democracy you know east/West Berlin the whole communism thing.
>highest iq still managed to poo in the loo
People hate stepping on shit user that’s the only reason why “we” team up
save/use your perks.
find good equipment.
don't fight unless you have to
Get good faggot
have enough people and some of them are going to be successful. would you be willing to compare averages instead of cherry picking only successful indians? you sound like a chink tbqh
The bandits follow you to the end of the world, there is no running
>bum fuck hick chewing tobacco flag
ahhh, it makes sense now. no wonder you're a low IQ idiot who doesn't do alchemy
>combat is so realistic
bullshit, you can't even dual-wield swords and the blades are all short as fuck
at the very least it needs to have pole flails and throwing knives added, dagger toe boots for scaling walls would be good too but you would need 5-6 more keys mapped to chain the various kick combos
Day of the rake when?
Take all of your armour off, everything. You'll run faster and be quieter. Use stealth, the bots are retarded. I play this game most of the time nothing but a sword and a dagger.
Go back to India, currynigger. Fix your own, literally shitty, country instead of running from it like a beta and bragging about all the taxes you don't pay.
mount and blade is better
>posting mister meatlocker wojak tranny avatars
Opinion Descartes
He's a currynigger, not a Canadian.
pretty sure u r just fucking retarded. l2play u fucking loser faggot nigger loving cuckBOI
I'd say install the faster arrows and no bow-sway mods, but then you'll just headshot everyone
meanwhile in the real life india is a subpar country worse than african ones with and iq 82 and cursed to be the eternal 2020 superpower
-a civilization raised by aryan raped by everyone you have been more gangrapped than south americans
-that a minuscule portion of 1.3 billion have and iq of 110 ont only speak loudy how subhuman you are
-and when your only option of became a thing is to emigrate is more than enouth to show how inferior your culture your world and the existence of your entire race is it
taking your suit of armor off and carrying it instead of wearing it will allow you to run faster
a real bohemian physics engine
I put the armor away. You'll get a slight increase by not wearing it, but far more if you're not carrying anything.
If this game is so realistic how come you can one shot kill everybody with the bow and arrow but enemy archers just do hitscan chipping damage to you?
use cheats you stupid negroe
putting it away as in carrying it to your house and dropping it there?
Either on my horse or in a crate I own.
>you can one shot kill everybody with the bow
Not in my experience. Maybe if you're really high level, using great bow, good arrows and get a headshot. Stealth attacks are most OP thing in this game.
thanks, found it already. another tip since you are into alchemy
to fet to level 10 fast, make marigold detections without boiling the first step. you're allowed one mistake, so save time boiling. literally add the liquid, the first plant (nettles?), then the two marigolds and phial it up. 15 seconds each
>Yeah, except it's not a white civilization.
Yea it is you filthy little cretin.
See if you weren't inferior you might understand history, and geography, and have a grasp of hwhat a white country is, and isin't, vermin.
Regardless, subhuman: GTFO Canada. I see you smelly gypsy savages everywhere. You literally stink up the ttc. Everyone is sick and tired of you.
Piss off snowflake, you're the equivelant of SJW to gaming.
That's the bit you have issue with?
Not the magic potions, axe wounds healing after a night's sleep, teleporting horse, teleporting horse inventory, or repeat 'you murdered this corpse' wayfarers? Really, if that ruffian just fucked off, I'd never catch him
Yet, Indians had civilization before you apes even knew what bathing was. So, how does your retarded theory account for the fact that white people were literally the last to civilization?
Subpar country that has a nuclear program and a space program that got an orbiter into Mars in a single shot, with less money than it took to produce Gravity, the movie about a space station accident.
lol You people can't even make movies for the same price that Indians explore space with. Think of how pathetic that is for a second.
lol No, you NEED team up, cuz like niggers, you people can't win a fair fight. Notice how many people I've taken on in this thread. Still here and still winning.
Next white welfare recipient, please.
I should also add that the first European civilization was the Greek civilization. Notice how close it is to the other civilizations that came before it? Yeah, that's cuz the Greek copied and relied on the work already laid down for that.
That's what "European" civilization really means: copying people that came before you.
Yeah, no, no it's not. The natives built this civilization: the Iriqoux and the Hurion. They helped white people even learn how to survive. Just cuz you built a couple of buildings, doesn't mean you get to call it YOUR civilization, retard.
By that logic, Indians built a shit load of houses in Surrey, BC. I guess Canada is now an Indian Civilization. lol
Suck it, Vlad. Open wider.
>wasting time stopping for carcass on the road
play stupid games, win stupid prizes
No i KNOW you think that Toronto was built by the Huron. I said that. You are a subhuman animal that we import here to serve us our double double, not to give us coherent opinions. You got that?
You are a filthy fucking shitskin who doesn't know what a toilet is a actively rolls around in rat piss, why the fuck would i expect you to have a conscious grasp on reality?
greeks were a thing in 2500 bc an they still exist as a culture and as a etnicity meanwhile you have been rapped by the aryans by the muslim by the portugese by the british you are a dark hole of subhumans putting together trying to escape from the dark hole that your own weakness have created
Indians are the perfect definitions of suhumans adn always will be
I honestly don't know why I keep stopping for wayfarers.
25 groschen is chump-change
The faint-hearted knight, merc, and knight are repetetive fights, corpses are always a dumb game of "you killed him." "nuh-uh, YOU killed him", or "help my feeeet!"
Riddler and stolen-goods seller are the only good ones
What game?
Im not voting for Trump again for the sole reason he is not invading Canada.
Shitting on the floor is civilised.
We were sooo powerful and civilised we half a billion of us got ruled by fifty thousand British.