How does one erase a show from their memory?
How does one erase a show from their memory?
Watch something even worse.
Like Erased
Marathon then whole thing while bared out and drinking and you won't record any of the memories so won't remember it.
Killing yourself is always an option.
If you ignore the retard dragon x julius caesar shit, it wasn't too bad. Just skip the last, what, five episodes?
There were a few good scenes.
>If you ignore the retard dragon x julius caesar shit
Are you serious? It made up most of the central plot. From the writer's POV, it is the central plot.
The bigger question is if MAPPA will erase it from their memory if/when they release a third season.
VS outright disregarded character developments in Genesis and the OVAs, so I don't see why not.
At least give me an OVA with the Genesis cast.
She's kind of hot, I'd watch her show.
You shouldn't. This show should be taught as an example of how an uncontrolled shitty subplot can literally destroy every other thing the rest of the story is doing right and effectively kills it ded.
>The moon is Nina's eye
>Bahamut is in the moon
>Characters talked to the moon before certain conflicts
>It meant nothing
I can't forget it because that would mean forgetting Mugaro.
stop talking about it
You have shit taste demonfag.
why did people complain about this season so much ? the 1st season was just as shit as this one
>Julius Caesar
He wishes
I'm still pissed how at how the series ended, but I can only mope for so long about it. I will just focus on the parts I enjoyed. It's also comforting to know that many of the Japanese fans were pissed as well, so hopefully their complaints will reach Cygames and make them re-evaluate their plans any future RoB anime (coughfirethewritercough).
The first season had a weak second half as well, plotwise, but it at least stayed true to characters.
Arlight serious talk here, I watched the first few episodes then stopped because of stuff but I really loved the first season, is this a case of Eureka 7 AO? Should I stop?
Why did you post a blank picuter OP? Is this a Yuru Yuri thread?
Not recommended to continue if you liked Kaisar.
The first few episodes actually do reel you in but it turns into a trainwreck, not even a so bad it's good kind of one. I thought the worst anime i've had seen was the ragnarok online anime back in the day but now virgin soul took the spot.
There are a few good episodes. I'm at episode 17 and it's still not unwatchable yet.
You stop making threads to begin with.
you now remember that aquarion EVOL existed
why is rita the only person who knows rpg logic at all
It also goes to shit around episode 19 when Favaro turns out to be not Favaro, but a mouth piece for Cheerios
aaaaa i just got there don't fuckin tell me
The only reason to watch the whole show is the zombie loli
rest is trash
you're fulla shit he did nothing of the sort
>Jesus gets shanked by some dumb chad
>Immediately is in critical condition and dies after one of the dumbest scenes in a while
still not as bad as cheerios/nina
thass gay
why the fuck do jap writers full the whole "villain refuses to reveal his true plan until the second-to-last episode" bullshit so often?
why the fuck would you reveal the overarching plan immediately
reveal it to me i don't give a fuck if the characters are in the dark
It wasn't revealed to you because the writer wanted to vindicate Cheerios in your eyes as an anti-hero.
Was it really so good you want to experience it for the first time again?
Season 2 made rita x kaisar canon so it gets a pass
he's not very heroic he's just a dumbass
Rita x Kaisar's corpse.
This is some official chibi art? Undead gothic tsundere loli being cute like that.
i love this dumb bitch
>probably never
fucking cr i swear to sofiel's tiddies
shippingfaggotry killed Bahamut and you are part of the problem
I honestly didn't have much of an issue with it. The ending was a bit of a clusterfuck and Cheerios not just fucking sharing his plans with the rest was just retarded as was the way Kaisar was killed but other than that it was pretty enjoyable.
One thing that bothered me, however, was that it seemed to me like Sofiel fused with Joan to give her divine powers, yet she showed up in the background when the gods and demons held up their barrier again while Joan was still in her divine mode. Did I just misunderstand the whole "have my powers" thing or was that an oversight?
It was also cute to see that Rita not only actually had a thing for Kaisar but used his hand as her personal assistant for probably all kinds of things.
man i gotta stop watching shows weekly, marathoning is so much better
I think she gave Jeanne her staff eg her offensive powers.
I mean really my main problem was that nothing much really happened from episodes 5-14 or so compared to the amount of screentime, and how Charioce's plan seems dumb in that he starts like 3 wars at the same time he's starting a fourth harder war.
>he's sentient alright, move on, nothing to see here!
Rita can now have a threesome with Kaisar and Kaisar['s hand./spoiler]
>but other than that it was pretty enjoyable.
the entire 2nd cour was horrendous
Rocky is reattached though
He is? Didn't notice that, shame.
I'm sure she still had more than enough fun with him while he was still just a hand.
I'm watching this and I don't even like the first episodes.
Sounds like I'm in for a good time.
I hope you enjoy the most(?) forced romance in years.
>Kaiser died and got cucked
>Not any of the dozens of sub characters introduced
I will never not stop being MAD. Even if they brought him back as a zombie, all of his best qualities were that he was a real human bean with a great foreshadowed future as some figure of importance. It just reeks of shitting on him by the writers cause they wanted an edgy TWEEST. Fucking japanese man.
>implying there won't be a way to get his soul back
By watching Shoukoku no Altair
forgettable show altogether
I hope they do another season and we don't have to wait 3 years to see it.
Honestly, they probably will. They left an open end and Cygames has more than enough cash to just fund another season on a whim at this point. Considering this season was pretty successful but left people with a bad aftertaste, I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to do a third to fix their publicity again.
>forgettable season altogether
ftfy. this show has some endearing characters, especially in their S1 cast
Good thing I dropped this when Nina learned how to transform
I can't imagine how bad it is just from the threads
isn't that near the end? you got like a good deal of the shittiness
If I'm not mistaken, Sato, the director, is having some health issues. They could always get someone else, but I have to imagine having him on board would get a third made sooner.