Why do Mexicans hate the United States so much?
Why do Mexicans hate the United States so much?
1. Years of economic exploitation.
2. They lost a war against us in which they lost half their territory.
3. They hate the immigrants who leave Mexico.
4. We literally bully them and the rest of Latin America every chance we get.
5. We allow the cartels to run rampant.
jealous mestizo manlets. have you ever seen Oaxacans or one of those gross dusky mayans? I’d be pissed too if I was born like that
literally half that shit either happened a century ago or isn't completely true
But there are unfortunately a ton of white(ish) looking Mexicans who hate white people from America. Even the richest areas of Mexico City filled with Spanish-speakers with blue eyes and blonde hair hate Americans
All of this and cultural ignorance towards one another when it comes to the uneducated masses on both sides.
Because they are disgusting mudpeople filth and they hate us because they ain't us
lost a war you retard
are you American by any chance?
>checks flag
I'm out
>Lost half their territory
Mostly undeveloped sandland.
There are more Mexicans in Houston than were in all of the land we took at the time. That's why whitey was invited in the first place.
>we allow the cartels to run rampant
yeah dude it’s our responsibility to make sure Mexicans don’t elect corrupt politicians. I thought Mexicans did all these jobs Americans don’t wanna do? How bout putting the leaf blower down and do the job of fixing Mexico instead of pawning everything off on the US
Envy man. It is as old as the bible. We are just of a higher class and station of life then the mexican masses and they bitterly resent it.
When did you stop beating your wife OP?
But seriously, neighbors tend to hate eachother while vacationing on eachother's beaches.
You guys keep saying envy but they have a lot of beautiful cultural histories from the Spanish and Germans, and a lot of their cities are nice as well:
Look at Polanco: youtu.be
>elect a literal antimexican
>expect mexicans to swallow your shit
pretrump gringo aproval in mexico was in an historic high, you can check polls
but i wouldnt worry about us, your own brethen in europe fucking despises you
Envy, obviously. Have you ever been to Mexico? It is a third world shithole run by drug dealers. Just look around the place and you will quickly conclude no one knows what the fuck they are doing. Also the trash everywhere is disgraceful, No tire basura, you fucking Mexicans!
>Why do Mexicans hate the United States so much?
Because Mexicans believe they are the rightful owners of most of the Western part of the US.
Fast and furious goblino
But it was the Spanish who owned that land, not the Mestizos.
I was always under the impression that the Spanish were really the ones who founded Mexico. These short brown hairy illegals are from like Honduras and shit, they didn't own any of that land. Am I wrong?
Why do mexicans hate mexico so much?
This place is weird, no one is calling americans silly names despite the fact they are obviously ignorant of the subject.
oh yeah I forgot you guys didn’t have cartels until 2009
I wish they hated it, instead of coming over here.
like we give a shit what some greasy taco eaters thinks
if the whole country of Mexico disappeared, we'd miss guacamole
Because is a jewish operated state that spreads misery worldwide, you stole half of my country just to make the bergs richier.
>But it was the Spanish who owned that land, not the Mestizos.
Implying the Mexicans are going to differentiate between "The Spanish" and themselves who speak Spanish and can take advantage to take back part of the US.
>Am I wrong?
You are attempting to over complicate the situation with facts. The current politics are that of mass immigration of "Mexicans" who are under the impression they once owned the western US and if they can get here they can stay and take over. Dems are fine with it because the "Mexicans" will give their vote to Dems for gibs. A lot of people cannot see the forest for the tress on this issue.
"Kamala Harris On Immigration: Sessions Wants To Roll Back The Clock, "California Represents The Future""
>Mexican intellectual
Subhumans always despise the Aryan master race
>I wish they hated it, instead of coming over here.
Those are not mutually exclusive. They can and do hate the US but still want to leave Mexico for American gibs.
I wish they hated it so much they couldn't stand being here*
Jewish influence wasn't around the time we won* Texas and Aztlan. Those places were barely populated anyway. And don't act like you guys don't have Jews either lmfao there are so many damn Jews in MC i cant even count.
The Dems offer of gibs and the ability to "take back their land" in exchange for votes is too strong.
They hate them because of 9%difference
>economic exploitation
Their country simply sucking so much shit that their own people want to leave for what is considered a shitty life in the neighboring country isn't exploitation
>they lost a war against us
It's their just reward for letting in a bunch of anglos, kind of like how Sweden let in a bunch of niggers
>we allow the cartels to run rampant
The cartels are running rampant in THEIR territory, not ours, so that's THEIR problem.
>we literally bully them and the rest of latin america whenever we get the chance
Doing literally nothing is not bullying, you gay nigger faggot
>they hate the immigrants who leave mexico
has literally nothing to do with the usa
The cartels operate in the US. They are based in Mexico but do most of their sales in America. We could shut down the cartels for good if we went after them a la Pancho Villa style.
or if we just stopped using drugs
which we could do but at least 60% of the drugs cartels produce are consumed by niggers and other undesirables
>and other undesirables
You mean other mexicans? Mexicans using their cartels to move drugs to the USA to sell to other mexicans and then blaming us.
Lost a war in the 1800s where we literally beat the losing general over the head with his own leg till he signed away half his land. Pretty humiliating. Not somethimg you get over in a few hundred years. I mean who beats a man with his own leg?
their racial inferiority is palpable, *especially* amongst their whites, the most feckless, parasitic, and two-faced whites on Earth. they are nonproductive rentiers who are very aware that they sit atop a kleptocratic machine crushing mestizos and indios, so they are more than happy to redirect the nonwhite rage that could wipe them out in their plantation-fiefdom towards their northern neighbor. many of these bloodsuckers then come to the US and shamelessly siphon away “Hispanic” benefits reserved for their victims and spew anti-white venom as though they were “POC”
they're back. don't even know what can be done at this point.
Where are all the Mexican intellectuals?
Sandland or not it was still theirs.
Imagine if Russia took over Alaska. 90% of it is uninhabited wasteland but we'd still want it back.
I'm not sorry for what we did but you gotta understand why they're pissed if you wanna beat them. Pat Buchanan explains it well in State of Emergency
If I was a brown manlet Id be angry too.
>Even the richest areas of Mexico City filled with Spanish-speakers with blue eyes and blonde hair hate Americans
Not true at all. Lived there a couple of years as a young man and had a blast with a bunch of juniors. Only people I ever met who could drink like a Russian.
Mexicans are a band of illiterate indians
-Che Guevara
Every country hates their neighbors. It's been like this throughout history.
THey had no idea what Polk was capable of
we dont
They don't know how to run a government, and who do they blame it on?
He was an Argentine. What do you expect?
>cultural ignorance
Au contraire Mon Ami the more I learn about them the more I hate them
>Be me
>Bright young man who loves learning, I've demolished and loved every class I've ever had
>7th grade comes time to learn Spanish
>Teacher spends the whole year playing A Million To Just and other bs talking about how great Mexico is and how much history they have bla bla bla
>Get a bad grade because the faggot didn't teach me any Spanish just how great spics are
It's been down hill with them ever since. Try being white boy in a minority majority region and getting your dick wet. MS-13 is real and has been around over 20 years. Burgers are bad but these taco niggers aren't human.
if you really believe that, then you're the one larping, friendo
We demonize and slander them
For the same reason though: Daddy Trump is cutting off the trust funds and the kids are pissed. Dad's right though and the kids need to get jobs.
God I love this one. Mexicans are such hypocrites is my main issue with them. White pride is evil but La Raza is a beautiful cultural thing. I've had old Mexican men unironically tell me they think there are hidden huwhite supremist weapons caches in the desert. Me thinks mr la Reconquista is projecting. Fun fact as far as historical parallels:. Andalusian Spain was far more productive and prosperous and happy then spic Spain ever has been. They're lower then mud shits.
Enlighten us then oh mighty one
This damn it. I don't mind a Mexican running a food cart so much it's the ACORN assholes signing them up for free gibs and putting race war in their hearts that rly steams my avocados.
Socialist-filled education ministry designed a curriculum that teaches kids that the US "took" half the country, and that is the reason why Mexico hasn't progressed.
we don't, half my family is white as cum, and american as burgers
>Half of my family
So you're an el goblino?
mexicans hate whites
nigger the CIA and the cartels go back to the 60s
sort of a white muscled hi iq goblino
Some are. The rest is shit. Hence, envy.
los meixcanos que yo savo quero los estadionidos porque nustra dinero estan muy bien qu'el dinero de mexico
the mexicans i know love the states united because our shekels are better than the mexican shekels.
The boxer Eris morales is my hero, therefore I love all Mexicans with my all my soul.
We fucking don't. I really hate the fact that people are increasingly becoming americanized even though they never been to US.
Becoming increasingly*
Oh shit Mexico was a wonderful place before that and there totally weren’t floods of you dregs scurrying over the border
Do Mexicans like, Michael Mcdonald everyone else seems to including me.