What makes a woman want to coal burn, Sup Forums? Seriously.
What makes a woman want to coal burn, Sup Forums? Seriously
lack of a good father figure
Woman are stupid.
that fucking big black dick dude, all white women joke about black dick being bigger. I'm gay and all my friends are girls.
Big black cocks.
Illness and zero self esteem. 100% of the time. Unequivocally
You’re a faggot. That’s what you want them to talk about. Shut the fuck up.
And here it comes....
(((They))) are out in full force today
Three main, sometimes overlapping reasons:
(1) Angry with dad/lack of dad
(2) Jewish subversion
(3) Lack of ability (due to fat/uglyness/age) to land a high quality white man.
Sorry bro but our little white cocks just can't compete.
>You’re a faggot. That’s what you want them to talk about. Shut the fuck up.
Yeah, women like dick and so do i. They consider me one of the girls. Are you surprised or something that women actually talk about dick size sometimes? We all get giggly when we bring up the BBC.
Numerous factors. Of course a girl's circumstances and personality are the biggest factors.
1) sheltered ignorance (most will learn a hard lesson)
2) unjustified anger at mommy and daddy (especially by moody teens and early 20 somethings, usually in college)
3) virtue signalling lefties (who will inevitably, eventually attempt to erase their past when their adult lives truly begin)
4) poor education and obesity (pic related)
stop falling for propaganda.
>What makes a woman want to coal burn, Sup Forums?
Black men are most attractive males, your question is basically "what makes a woman want to have a genetically superior partner?"
White females and black males are the cream of the crop of their respective genders. White men can still have asian, black, indian women or whatever, but white females are out of their league. It's not the end of the world, asian males have it much worse, since their sexual market value is the lowest.
Mentall illness in 99% of cases
>What makes a woman want to coal burn
Hmmm... perhaps you should ask (((WHO))) Op
shut up favela monkey.
niggers in brazil are uglier than somalians and most of them have hiv.
Women have no strong male figures in their lives. Their fathers are either absent or feminized pussies, and their boyfriends are soy boys. And they make more money than the soy boys to boot. They are desperate for anything approaching masculinity, and so even if nogs are poor, stupid, or uneducated, they will go with it because at least they outwardly appear to be more masculine because they get a pass from the pc police. Also, women dispise weak men more than any other thing. It is biology. They hate the weak men in their families and social circle, and they know it hurts them when they fuck nogs. So that’s what they do. As long as white men continue to allow women to beat them into submission, their women will hate them for it and act out. Again, it’s just biology.
Here's the mind of a women BEFORE the kike degenerate (((entertainment industry))) took over
Not just black men.
Feeling inherently neutral about black people while the media feeds them the "everyone hates the blacks" trash makes them think their lack of hatred for blacks means that they actually find them palatable
The femin virus makes women stop wanting the men of their tribe and begin inviting in foreign males to destroy the local ones
basic gestalt:
>its a virus
>strains of it have existed forever
>ancient ruins and mythology depict it as a warning of what it is, how it manifests, who it effects, and how destructive it is
>it seems to start to naturally show itself when a civilization starts to build dense cities/industrialize
>women stop wanting to have kids, only want foreign men, hate males
>everyone turns degenerate/pedo/gay/trans
>society collapses everyone goes down with it
>cia/paperclipped gnatzis figured out what it was and identified a strain
>it was weaponized
>it was released in the nigger ghettos of america and poorer areas of western europe in the 70's
>today whites are infected as shit
>it is sometimes being administered in soyboy food products like starbucks drinks
>all feminists have it
>the only cure is lead
More reading
>Birth control causes frontal lobe brain damage, as well as other things like infertility, cancer and depression
>Steinem's history with the CIA and use of the femin virus on American black communities
>The Bronze Age collapse was caused by a femin outbreak
I like being fucked by a Savage
Jew propaganda to blame fathers.
The Jews have been pushing coal burning in Hollywood, the media and politics while pushing the meme fathers are to blame and you fell for it.
It's a virus and it needs to be culled to cleanse the gene pool
Disgusting roastie
Another one pushing the Jew propaganda blaming fathers. As if being bombarded with it as a virtue in everything being produced had nothing to do with it.
I wish I could believe this but it just sounds like a coping mechanism for avoiding the harsh reality that the evolutionary nature of women just happens to be inherently toxic as fuck.
Sorry user, not buying it.
Ask Obama's mother.
because white men are more domesticated/feminized/emasculated/beta on average. Also the BBC meme, true or not, peaks the curiosity of sluts.
Also go to /r/transpassing and you'll see that 9/10 of the MtF were white dudes.
>genetically superior
Yes Because the nigger having a shitty IQ, violent tendencies, but big muscles is superior.
Aryan women love men of darker complexion, aryan men also seem to dig racemixing.
It's in their blood I guess.
With all due respect maybe some but not all.
I happen to had been cheating with a girl, her guy was black & clearly hung because one night after sex out of curiosity I asked her why she was cheating.
Anyway she told me she initially liked him (apparently he was decent enough guy hence why hadn't broken up at time).
But because of his size she "dreaded" sex, also when kissing his big lips & tongue made it wet & slobbery which she felt was a bit gross.
Needless to say we saw each other for awhile, had fun but never started a relationship (there's never trust after been cheating to begin with)
She's now engaged to another guy (white)
>big muscles
can this cucked american meme just die, how can u fall for propaganda this hard
in general they are weak short shits, atleast compared to whites
Obviously you’ve never been to America. The inner city blacks tend to be more muscular. They’re not all like the Somalian refugees that infest your country
flag checks out
Take that MGTOW bullshit and gtfo user there is nothing wrong with women, only the ones infected with f*minism
Degrade me daddy
why becuse u bred them for farming for w/e generations?
count the generations whites have been farmers because we had the fucking brains for it.
u have no excuse for being physically weak because ur "smart". go hit the gym
attraction to high t, confidence, and athletic ability/rhythm
Not really. While it is truekikes pushing it in media, music and TV, the father could prevent this. All coalburners have daddy issues in some form
The amount of race threads concerning white women with blacks has to be related to some kind of slide. No way the average white guy sits around worrying this much for the frequency of the threads.
Obviously, someone is responsible.
Already do faggot
Big black cocks.
>being fat
>being liberal
>being unwanted
Yeah but that's only true because of selective breeding from slavery.
The average European white is more muscular than average African.
why are you such a fucking cuck then?
spewing jewish memes like ur cheering for ur wifes son
Its not just the dick size. Its the masculinity, the swagger, the confidence, the athleticism. They usually have high social skills as well and make women laugh. You should be thanking god you're not indian (dot) or asian because they're even lower on the totem pole. You know I was just talking to this 8/10 latina the other night and she said black guys are for sex but white guys are for marrying and having kids with. Alpha fucks beta bucks scenario type shit.
some black guys are cool guys
Women are wired different then us, they don't think things on a rational scale but more emotionally so if some black guy woos a female he has a chance of touching her emotionally and then the coal burning gets done.
Morbidly curiosity to make the ugliest, most resentful mutt possible.
Blacks are portrayed as "cool" in the media. You got white men (wiggers) imitating blacks. Niggers get put on a pedestal in this country. Sports, music, etc. It's been going on for decades
Impressively large Big black cocks. Oh, and to piss of stormniggers.
The average women doesn't give a fuck about dick size. I know that's hard to believe for virgins like you
How am I a cuck? I literally said the niggers are retarded and have violent tendencies. Again Come to America and you’ll see niggers that look completely different from your Somalian skeletons.
Daddy issues.
That's not the media, blacks are naturally cool compared to neurotic white guys, indians and asians. They can sing, dance, play instruments, fight, fuck pretty much everything but swim.
What I will say to that is blacks haven't been hammered by the media for decades to tone down their masculinity like American whites have. There's a reason why the white man conquered the world, sheer bad assery that had to be tamed by other whites
The attention, and to piss off daddy
>"look, I dared do it ;)"
Pop culture
Lmao fuck off, coalburning is not as common as you make it out to be
>I love how jealous it makes white men
Yeah she’s totally fine and has had masculine figures in her life
cause ur still saying they are stronger than whites
which is just not true no matter the region from ongabonga.
we have different types of niggers here
Pornography conditioning white men to view them as worth mating with.
Media conditioning the more socially conscious to consider it normal to date them.
Women recognize peer behaviour. But judgement against a value system is beyond them.
There is what is acceptable and normal, and there are people who seem "fit". The former is caused by media and latter by white male behaviour.
If the media stopped spamming it, and/or white men openly acknowledged nig stupidity for what it is, women would spurn them.
Women don't make judgements the same way as men, they look at how others act and mimic it. (en masse)
You incompetence Sup Forums.
Whites can do all that too but its virtue signalling heaven when a nigger does it instead
I was just thinking that. It's bad tonight, much much worse than usual. I'm not usually given to "muh shills!" but tonight is odd.
this is incredibly silly. they have done selection scans on african-american genomes and there’s zilch. not even the middle passage was a strong enough directional selection event to shift allele frequencies in any systematic way. and just think about it: you can’t select dogs for shit if you repeatedly cross them with wolves – black americans are too European in ancestry for any of your scenarios to make sense.
so what’s going on? better nutrition, and black americans’ african ancestry isn’t loaded with weak middle eastern caucasoid ancestry like somalis’. they reach their full genetic potential
In my entire 27 years on this planet I've met maybe 2 white guys that fucked a lot of women. Both were high level athletes. Both acted like wiggers too, but other than that the vast majority of white men only fuck a few women in their entire life. They just don't have the swagger. Yet in every black neighborhood in america almost all the blacks by age 16 have already fucked 10 different women and they're just getting started. Its natural. In Africa a man has many wives much younger than him and no marriage. White men are the betas that marry.
you can tell something is up when shlomos start these threads
>stronger than whites
Quote me on where i said that they are stronger I just said they have muscles that’s it you fucking retard
Almost every day in this country, a married white teacher cheats on her hushand with a student. A literal child cucked a grown ass man. Show me one example of that ever happening to a black man. You're so beta that a fucking child that just hit puberty is fucking your wife....I don't even think asian women sunk that low.
Their singing and dancing is shit. Most of these niggers are rappers and r&b singers. What instruments do they play? They fight in packs. That's really not saying much
This is literally the reason why Sup Forums is wrong
Black men are:
1) portrayed in the media as hot shit
2) seen as athletic
3) portrayed as bad boys
4) still taboo
5) still "novel"
bonus: pisses off dad/mom
That's literally all women need to "make a decision" i.e. have their womb tell them who to select as a mate
Nietzsche was right 100% about women.
>but big muscles is superior.
you can backpeddle with that all you want but what is really implied here? also calm down el goblino
Pretty sure it's the selective breeding bit, but anyway seems important to you so you can have, rather have a bigger brain anyway...rather be the one setting the trap than walking into it...
European dancing is elegant but not sexual, because white men are not sexually threatening.
The fact you don’t know anyone doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Many of us are ashamed of fucking slags getting our number up for a cheap thrill.
Fucking women is not all it is cracked up to be. Sex in general ain’t even that great. It is fun because it is intimate and the social game that is played in the lead up makes it all so thrilling, but in the end, its just a high that leaves like any other.
Single mothers
Part of masculenity is fucking lots of women, spreading your seed . White men have a lot of trouble with this. Who is reading those pick up/game books? White guys and asians (beta males). Blacks have it naturally and do it for real. Also, many white men struggle to lose their virginity while blacks lose it at like 11 years old on average.
>not sexually threatening.
Are you attracted to nogs and better looking than whites because this is basically how far you're starting to go
see pic related and
Wow...jus...wow... y'know for someone supposedly so "confident" you sure need a lot of validation, who you tryna convince of your masculinity, us or yourself?
“I-it’s the Jewish media!”
amazing how powerful this Jewish media already was in the 1700s
Decades of telivision brainwashing them.
It's usually out of necessity. Once whites turn their back on a white girl, she's just not going to sit around, she's going to fuck SOMEBODY, and niggers will literally fuck anything, even their own cousins. The white girl might even lash out at white guys because she's so scorned. "I hate white guys", this is a preemptive strike against white guys, because she thinks white guys will attack her first if she doesn't lash out.
Q predicted this...
You act like losing your virginity as a child is good thing or that many partners is somehow a real teat of masculinity...
Maybe as a standard for our urban cultures that is acceptable but real people that founded the majority of our county treated women as something more valuable than fuck toys to be passed through on some quest to “fuck” the most.
I will say this. I am white. Manlet sized (5’8”). Once I got to forty I felt disgusting. I felt like I had a problem. And I did. I came back from war and pussy was my new “release” and while I appreciate the way women let me fuck their brains out, it was degenerate and shallow behavior.