ITT: post leftists you admire

ITT: post leftists you admire

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Jason Unruhe

Lenin was a 1/4 Mischlinge on his dad's side just like me. He was reasonable with the NEP and rightly saw Trotsky and Stalin as horrible leaders, because Trotsky was the most extreme of all who would kill millions, and Stalin was a thug who would kill millions

that's pretty based.
I think his mother was part jewish. His father was Tatar.

Successfully resisted ZOG for his entire life.

Trostkyite communism =/= stalinist communism. If anything, trotsky was a jewish neoconservative.

The only good leftist...

Thomas Jefferson



Starved himself to death for his ideals.

But Justin isn't dead


I also like gregor.

Adolf Hitler

Wasn't that the guy who shot up a place, got trialed and applied for "politcal imprisonment" but got a sentence for terrorism, then went on hunger strike and fucking died cause Thatcher wasn't having any of that nonsense? Made me really sympathetic to Thatcher the first time I heard of it, but cool ideals, I guess.


I like the chairmaster chubbface mau, have a picture of him in my wallet.
Pic related though, i may like the man but if i met him i'd kill him regardless of how soft-spoken he is.

closest thing to a living answer


THe only commie I can respect and admire is 6ft deep. Who preferably died as a result of a helicopter ride.

Canada counts by default right
Best Canuck coming through

Technically Third Position, not left, but I include him for his stint as a Socialist and the influence he took from the Marxists and Syndicalists and other leftist thinkers like Sorel.
>First he followed them
>Then he saw they were wrong
>Then he adapted their ideas to a ultranational level and did great things
Do you reckon that's why commies are so butthurt all the time, because they know how close they are to the right answer but Mussolini beat them to it?

>running for cancer to garner support and capital to fight a dibilitating disease