CNN - 'globalists' code for anti-semitism
What is wrong with this guy's face? I can't put my finger on it, but the bone structure is all fucked up.
>"Globalism" is Jewish according to CNN
2018 is an interesting year
Don Lemon
>If I'm offended by a term, you should not use it
I can't believe Kingston didn't just say 'fuck you Lemon, you'll just call whatever term I choose to use next to describe globalists offensive'.
Then tell Lemon he's a globalist too. And so's the other faggot.
Good, "kike" is fewer keystrokes anyway.
Having countries is Anti-Semetism.
Jews really do believe this. The jews have historically been merchants that go place to place, make their shekels, and skip town to the next set of victims. The problem with borders and nations is that countries can tell them to fuck off and that they're not welcome, which interferes with their getaway plans to avoid being shoah'd.
Don Lemon tried to equate it to saying "nigger"
It's almost as if the globalists running the media don't want people talking about them.
why do they think there is some unnameable abstract committee that forms these codes, rules, and behaviors?
It's like they can't even entertain the idea that someone can be opposing, but rational.
Just say no. They don’t define the terms anymore.
Aren't they sort of admitting Jews are behind globalism by going this route?
it's amazing how far cnn has fallen.
peter beinert is actually semi-honest in terms of jews. like glen greenwald. like right about israel for the wrong reasons. heard about this globalist thing regarding a white house briefing about top economic jew gary cohn's exit
>all the people trying to destroy your country are jewish
>therefore any term you use to describe them is antisemitic
They're convincing more people to be antisemitic, not less.
>muh apple
Don Lemon ever doing a segment on offensive words would be the worst idea. He made a huge deal about how nigger is only truly offensive based on context while on CNN.
Are they implying that Jews have a collective policy toward globalism and post-national structures?
The globalist cries out as he undercuts you
CNN is such garbage.
Did anyone catch Jack Kingston explaining the concern for uncontrolled free trade and then Don FAG Lemon asked what that has to do with globalism.
I swear, I can't tell if Don did that on purpose to distract or if he's really that fucking stupid.
It's just another one of those lizard people.
Homosexual who's been fucked to oblivion as a child. And a kike lizard-man hybrid
It's always the same shit.
>rich and/or powerful people start doing horrific shit
>the lower classes start getting upset
>powerful people start campaigns to smear anyone who brings it up
Just look at hollywood right now; a huge pedophile ring gets discovered, but it gets covered over by overpaid female actresses complaining that they chose to sleep with people for better roles.
>What is wrong with this guy's face?
He's a kike.
It means nigger too.
Ol' Jack wouldn't say that because he is a complete fucking retard. That's why he's on CNN. It makes conservatives look stupid
Apparently some of the orthodox jew hives have problems with inbreeding.
Fuck that. Globalist has always meant filthy fucking kikes.
Embrace it.
I'm going to start calling leftist shits globalists now
Really makes me think.
He is a perfect conservative to have on liberal shows. He doesn't really fight back, he's not educated, and he can barely put together an argument.
Also if anyone has a screengrab of the "debate," I'm not sure if it was just me, but they framed him lower than the host or the other guest.
Yeah, seems dumb as shit
(((his))) ability to morph into human form is lackluster.
>tfw trump keeps winning
doesn't look like Don has had a dick up his ass in a while.
seems like the homosexual case of an incel
Couldn't agree more. Here's so afraid to be accused of wrong think. Sometimes you can see the wheels turning in his smol brain but he just can never muster the balls to defend himself or his position, even from straight up personal attacks. He just takes it all.
Best night of TV this year was this shitholer calling Don Lemon a nigger faggot. kek
The happy merchan has evolved! He is the ultimate kike now! Happy globalist! Oy veyyyyyyy
It's always the same shit.
>jews start doing horrific shit
>the goyim start getting upset
>jews start campaigns to smear anyone who brings it up
Just look at hollywood right now; a huge pedophile ring gets discovered, but it gets covered over by overpaid female actresses complaining that they chose to sleep with people for better roles.
>ftfy senpai
I was surprised he got away with that. I know he's one of CNN's favorites, but with all those ethnic slurs spit out at once, I was expecting some disciplinary action from the higher-ups.
Say what you will about his politics, Lemon is a handsome man
They're by genetics, merchants that want to sell everywhere and flee when they're found out
He's an ugly mutt
They're starting to red-pill people inadvertently.. I love this timeline.
> mfw the jew outjews the jew
A globalist can be anything; a lot of anglo transhumanists, commies hoping to "complete their system" by worldwide adoption, cosmopolitans, liberals, and yes... jews too.
It's not a dog whistle, what an uninformed twat... jesus christ. But hey... it's CNN.
under rated
>(((CNN)) claiming labeling a (((Globalist))) a (((Globalist))) is Anti-Semitic
What is wrong with being anti-Semitic? Semites are trash and I am against them. I do not have to like Semites just because Semites tell me too.
I am anti-Semitic. I hate Semites and everything they do. It is just that simple.
Rightwing Zionists try to hide the Jew under shell terms like Illuminati and Globalism so we stop looking at the Jews.
Stupid Hipster faggot internet Jews expose themselves as the Globalist elite to cry about anti-semitism.
Fuck you, I'm going to watch it again :-)
CNN starts naming the jew?!?? what fucking timeline am I living in?
Throw it back in their face: "That's racist. You're saying 'globalism' is a Jewish conspiracy and I refuse to use your racist definition." BtFO!
>'globalists' code for anti-semitism
>CNN just admitted that all of the globalists are jews
>all of them
wew, now this is quality entertainment
seriously folks, what a timeline
tfw somebody in msm visited Sup Forums to research Alex Jones, kept hearing how Alex had to use the term "globalists" instead of "Jews" in order to avoid claims of anti-Semitism, then msm guy relayed this info to his (((boss)))
yes. you're witnessing a backfired PR move
they were trying to protect the 'globalists' but ended up identifying them. classic guilty conscience shit; in trying to cover their tracks, they fucking shot off flares.
that and their too focused on mind control to actually see what they're doing is retarded.
they do it all the time and it's hilarious, every time
I bet a decent percentage of their announcers, however vapid, actually believe the shit their saying is true
This. None of us think globalist is a dog whistle for Jews. Jews control globalist ideology and groups but a globalist can be anybody.
Not particularly related but Don Jr. also tweeted out a video of Louis Farrakhan naming the Jew. Subtle redpill if you ask me, especially when we know he’s a Sup Forumsack.
> globalists code for antisemitism
So...they are admitting the Jews are the globalists?
Digits confirm
fuckin checked
>turn on CNN
not even once
yup, i knew it. Globalist and Nationalist will be the terms of the week. The words are required to define the enemy for the coming revolution. The leftist media will spend the week inverting the terms in order to thwart the effort. Which will only confuse the pleb zombies who march to their dumb propaganda still. The rest of the world will get it. Just a potshot prediction here.
Wrecked n checked
>The leftist media will spend the week inverting the terms in order to thwart the effort.
They will just go to normalize the use of (((globalist))) as a term to describe leftist Jew. They are effectively using their platform to institutionalize our anti-(((globalist))) agenda.
So that means Billy Corgan called Anderson Cooper a jew? Based
General populace that still watches CNN won't make the connection.
Not wanting to be swamped with niggers is Anti-Semitism.
Wtf took (((Them)))so long?
>Hey, anti-globalist. You know all those globalists you hate, well they're also jewish so you're anti-semitic.
Do Jews honestly think saying this makes people less anti-semitic?
post times CNN blew it
>>"Globalism" is Jewish according to CNN
The funny thing is it's actually factually true.
The term 'goyim' literally means 'the nations'. Jews identify themselves as separate from all other peoples and see themselves as nationless.
That's why Zionism is so controversial, with some Orthodox Rabbis opposing it. Because nationalism is supposed to be essentially against their religion. They're basically supposed to exist as nationless parasites.
If the shoe fits, wear it. It just so happens that most globalists are jews
>wtf I love hegemonic global trading policies that fuck over everybody but elite pedophile corporatists now!
i love it - tell the world why we hate the Jews, CNN.
he looks like he's part SE asian
Exactly. CNN is using their platform to spread our message.
I'm trying to understand whether this is part of some greater plan or if they're actually retarded?
Nobody is going to be turned away from saying globalist by some faggot on CNN, which lost all its credibility and then some a long time ago. The only result I see is people realizing that almost all of these globalists are (((globalists))) as they're admitting it in the fucking thing.
Are they trying to get the rest of the jews to be more anti nationalism or something?
Just really bizarre lmao.
Soon saying anything against "Globalists" will make you look like an anti-semite. This is classic maneuvering. The NWO is coming and is going to be deep in all your orifices.
Yes, that's why it's so great.
Now the Left will have to explain all the times when Obama and Clinton and the rest were proudly saying "The future of America must be globalism!"
lol nice
>populace that still watches CNN
so about 200k people
he is a "globalist"
Centuries of inbreeding?
not only are they naming themselves but they are putting the word globalist straight into people's minds by bringing it up over and over. Many of which would never have thought about this in any way. Everything the jews do is starting to backfire on them.
those eyes are fucking terrifying jesus christ delet this
he has that weird zuckerberg lizard look to him.
So, CNN is doing our jobs for them. This is fucking fantastic. Saves a lot of effort. I hope they expose who the lizard people are next.
pssstttt, user:
the jews aren't as smart as they are made out to be
Many people forget that actually happened
"Rick Sanchez fired by CNN after comments about Jews and Jon Stewart "