Video of Mexishits getting detained. Skip to the 20 second mark for the autistic screeching
Video of Mexishits getting detained. Skip to the 20 second mark for the autistic screeching
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bumping with salt
>m-m-mueller t-time...
Break serious laws, win serious prizes.
This all could have been avoided if you didn't come here illegally, criminal scum.
>you wanna radicalize someone
sounds like they need a trip to gitmo to me
>ICE tearing families apart, can't understand how they sleep at night
>CPS take children away from parents who beat/sexually assault/neglect their children
Gee it's almost like people who punish those who break the law can sleep real easy at night methinks.
>not taking the kids
>>This isn't America.
It's interesting you only care what America is or isn't when it serves your pathetic moral backpatting.
Do your part. Report her.
These liberals are all correct to complain, I'm also mad as hell.
They should have deported the daughters too.
I can fap to this. Thanks familia
Why are they acting like trump invented the concept of sovereign nations?
56.0001%... and growing
we need these guys in Canada
Yeah, don't separate the families - send them all back to Mehico.
Just as a thought, how old are these girls? Are they adults? Are they somehow citizens? As other said, they should have been nabbed too. This isn't America. We can be far more efficient than this.
Happens every day when people break the law. They are taken to jail away from their kids. How is this different?
The Truth is that these PARENTS DID THIS to their own kids.
Fucking heartless, they invade a country knowing they can be sent away leaving their kids all alone..
What kind of person does that? To fucking Kids..
It is despicable..
Thank God for border patrol and ICE. I fucking hate those ugly beaners.
This post seems pretty anti-Semetic
It would be fun to kidnap Amerispic cunts and let them think they gonna be raped, but instead they wake up in the Sonoran desert with bottles of water and instructions saying that if they head North they will be shot on sight.
This is a get thread, btw. Kek loves beaner destruction.
kill yourself
These are the same people who scoff at white South Africans being slaughtered. They can all choke as far as I care. I have no sympathy left for commies or their pet muds.
There is no reason to be cruel. Just send them back.
He talks about America being just like Nazi Germany, but I bet he loves gun control. The left is full of pussies.
Can't - they're legal citizens. A few trips to the desert will convince them that legal citizenship isn't all it's cracked up to be.
That's a shame.
noooo laws don't apply to mothers!!!
If the ICE agents get any satisfaction out of it, I say let them do whatever the fuck they want to these people. Scare the fuck out of their communities. Let them spread the stories. We'll be beaner-free within a decade if they do. The only ones left will be the ones who love America and they'll be a tiny fraction of what they are now and with white values.
>If you don't let them break the law and do whatever they want then you will just drive them to break the law and do whatever they want!
Hola amigo
>Are they somehow citizens?
Probably born here
this gives me hope, we can reverse the demographics
So no then. Should have been slapped and thrown in the back after being hog-tied.
We do this to Americans everyday. The fuck world do these people live in? There are 5 MILLION parents in prison right now. Most of which were probably dragged from their homes and their kids given to CPS so pedos can rape them. I'm fucking sick of these delusional cunts.
Roll the dice, get the ICE.
We need to kick all of the spics out of ICE and border patrol too. It's obvious they're sandbagging and giving information to their goblin cousins to slow down or prevent deportations. It's almost as bad as putting mudshits in airport screening - which we are also doing.
>lets let jews run our banks
Everything we do is retarded
b-but any and all goblin crimes should be nullified if I squirt goblin semen into goblin snatch.
Or, you know, we could just get IA to do their job and hunt the weak links down from within, then make examples of them too. Punish them to the extreme for espionage and sedition or whatever the fuck it takes to scare the rest into quitting and leaving. We need to have public executions again.
>that scream
fuck me. Were they arresting an illegal family of banshees??
we all know the truth faggot
preaching to the choir
>Sneaks across your border
>gets arrested and sent back
sides in orbit
Jews were illegal immigrants? Explains a lot.
At this point their anguished howling only brings great delight to me.
Its too late , we're already on these boards
>t mexican american
How did that one even get through a desert? Did it cross tremor-style and then revert to an earlier stage in its metamorphosis?
Reminder that chicanos and """"""dreamers"""""" aren't mexicans, not even humans.
>crying to my husband
He's probably a soiboi, but there's a chance he isn't and has to deal with this stupid bitch.
I like how the "twitter bot purge" barely touched the leftist bot population
I wish I could feel some sympathy, but leftist assholes are destroying my country. They would happily trade every white in the Midwest and South for one illegal beaner. Fuck them.
mexicans hate white people stfu
this, guess who they gonna vote for?
not like it changed anything...
Isn't it amazing how all of these events have turned us from simple, optimistic, tolerant lolbertarians into nationalists and eventually full-on fascists? I don't even care anymore. I want to see Trump use all of his power to destroy these people in his second term when reelection isn't possible anymore. I'd even take a war with Mexico. Fuck every one of these people and fuck the Left too.
Anybody have that WEBM with audio where a fat spic kid is recording their spic dad getting arrested by ICE, they are crying, and "Ice Ice Baby" is playing over it?
back to tumblr
ah ha ha
Can't because they're probably anchor babies
what a time to be alive
im gonna show this to my family at christmas. as a present.
fuck Mexico must be an extreme shithole to hate going back there that much
do these retards not understand that they're being sent back to their home country?
That's been the plan since the beginning leaf.
Gonna have to buy more storage to hold all these wins
Holy shit screaming autists
Mexico is a couple of hours drive away and Americans can just walk across the border and stay however long they want
They can go with their mother and walk back when they want
>do illegal shits
>cry when they face the consequences
Why do democrats in the US pander to criminals?
Same my friend....same
>This isn't America
Abide it's laws you tequila'd spooks and apologists.
>all those kids from a few years ago who smugly posted on facebook how they got scholarships and are undocumented are now free game
what a timeline, what a timeline