I've got a problem, Sup Forums. I just realized that thanks to the Civil Rights Act 80% rule I'm forced to work with people who think that promiscuity and niggers are A-OK. Private individuals are allowed to be Conservative in private, but in public, well, it's illegal to be race-realist and illegal to discriminate against promiscuous people. This means that I will NOT BE PAID for all of the years of work I put in to being civilized...by not lying to women and not actively trying to scam others, I just made the world a nicer place for the people who do. This is so terrible that I now no longer feel any emotion except curiosity about how much worse the world will get.
My political beliefs kept me sane. Believing in the eventual resurgence of Nazism -- i.e. common-sense Conservative values of blood purity, State-enforced marriage, and an Inquisition to punish or expel antisocial people -- gave me enough hope to keep struggling. But that hope is gone now.
Give me the edgiest belief you've got, Sup Forums. I need it. Wanting to physically remove Communists using electric milking machines just isn't doing it for me anymore.
What is edgier than Hitlerism?
> Will-to-Power materialism?
> Genghis Khan warlord values?
> Worshiping the Blood God?
> Reality-hacking instead of working?
> Khazar Judaism?
Just fuck my mental shit up, you glorious bastards.