Sliding Scale of Political Edge

I've got a problem, Sup Forums. I just realized that thanks to the Civil Rights Act 80% rule I'm forced to work with people who think that promiscuity and niggers are A-OK. Private individuals are allowed to be Conservative in private, but in public, well, it's illegal to be race-realist and illegal to discriminate against promiscuous people. This means that I will NOT BE PAID for all of the years of work I put in to being not lying to women and not actively trying to scam others, I just made the world a nicer place for the people who do. This is so terrible that I now no longer feel any emotion except curiosity about how much worse the world will get.

My political beliefs kept me sane. Believing in the eventual resurgence of Nazism -- i.e. common-sense Conservative values of blood purity, State-enforced marriage, and an Inquisition to punish or expel antisocial people -- gave me enough hope to keep struggling. But that hope is gone now.

Give me the edgiest belief you've got, Sup Forums. I need it. Wanting to physically remove Communists using electric milking machines just isn't doing it for me anymore.

What is edgier than Hitlerism?
> Will-to-Power materialism?
> Genghis Khan warlord values?
> Worshiping the Blood God?
> Reality-hacking instead of working?
> Khazar Judaism?

Just fuck my mental shit up, you glorious bastards.

firstposting to prove i'm one of the tiny minority of posters on this board who's not paid to be here

should have led with a female face. my bad.

> 0-1: Hitler
> 2-3: Nietzche
> 4-5: Caesar
> 6-7: Horus
> 8-9: Abraham
> 0: Washington
> Digits: Kek

okok, too much autism for Sup Forums. i'll try /r9k/

fuckit, i'd rather talk to deepstate bots than be ignored:


there. the bait is cast. now we see who bites.


My working life philosophy goes like this: the purpose of human existence is to perpetuate our survival and provide for our tribe and our families. Liberals, fags, coalburners, communists, etc. are undermining this ability to survive and prosper, and therefore are not human.

Pretty sure traditional Catholicism is the edgiest atm.
Other than that, rape apologetics? Endorsing genocide? Satan worship? Monarcho-fascism? Transhumanist feminism? Maoism? The problem is that Sup Forums is a leading indicator, so anything that is no longer edgy here is probably really fucking edgy irl (esoteric Hitlerism, for an example). If you wanted to trigger Sup Forums and nu-Sup Forums, just post some BLACKED memes or some post-structuralist psychotherapy. Attempting to trigger Sup Forums is a good exercise in strengthening your own arguing skills.

>Believing in the eventual resurgence of Nazism -- i.e. common-sense Conservative values of blood purity,
Holy fuck, this sentence is retarded on so many levels.

nvm, grammar and spelling mistakes are the edgiest

those are all pretty edgy, but supposing I want to hit edge levels that shouldn't even be possible...

any redpilled literature on how to do MK-ULTRA on myself?

anything short of auto-waterboarding won't take my mind off the ongoing cultural and demographic replacement of my people.

Global Christian Kingdom

If we don't destroy the global machine god soon it will devour us.

The three angelic laws of interaction, will be the only laws in the Kingdom.




pedophilia is hated way too much in society, you see nigs and sjw's cry about oppression but atleast they get to voice their opinion. the majority of pedos are quite tame and just like teenagers or lolicon and shit, but you can't argue or defend them without instantly being labeled a pedophile sympathizer because of how deeply ingrained it is in Western society and culture now. 99% of pedo's aren't going to rape kids, but that's how all pedo's are perceived by the majority of people, despite being able to be labeled a pedo for a lot of other things that isn't raping kids. literally everyone else gets to be degenerate in their own way these days but apparently liking it when someone looks young is where we draw the line.

I'm pretty fucking stupid with some of my beliefs, if this isn't edgy enough I can try and explain some more if you want OP.

Leaf has it right, hyper-traditional Christian-based political beliefs trigger normalfags like no other
See also, Codreanu-style Christian Fascism

Might is right. Its Gods will. Thats how he chooses kings. He is even willing to let Satan destroy the earth, if we are.

I unironically am getting influenced by that demiurge faggot and his threads.

The material world probably is spiritual hell and we are all ourselves suffering as well as inflicting suffering on others, killing and destroying. Everything around us is death and evil. How can good flourish in a place like this? What is ideology worth in a place like this?

Take a walk in nature. Good is all around you. Manichaeism is a waste of your life. You cant have good without evil and vice-verse and the knowledge there of is both a blessing and a curse. God is infinite. Look at the yin-yang. Everything has a little of its opposite in it. Or as we would say in the west there are two sides to every coin. But remember it is still one coin.

The civil rights act was the end of America. Once you establish that the government has jurisdiction over private individual's property then the only thing that will change is the degree to which they deem that applies. This can't be put back in the bag.
>OP is an unironic Nazi when he realizes this much
aka 'It's not oppression if it's my ideals being imposed'

America must return to its Puritan roots. Not just return, take it ten steps further. NO NIGGERS. NO NONWHITES. NO DEGENERATES.

The sermon in an ocean of piss:

The struggles of life are one of connection firstly, association secondly, pragmatism tertiary.

The baby must first connect the world in parts to language.

Then the child must grow to associate orders into chaos

Then the adult must understand those associations in fine separation, to become pragmatic.

Beyond this, there is a sense of individuation of true knowledge. From this last position, a person holds a CHANCE at understanding god as values to live by. To act enlightened after becoming associated to such concept in connected parts knowledge.

That action takes place in an evolution of values, that digress towards the infantile until trained into habit, in the other systems of evolution, by testing and holding the faith.

The infant, the tribe, the individual, the nation, the business, the world, then god.

The man who can reach god, accept such values, and live them as if they are the only beliefs, is the person who has reached and will stay at that level. Forever, unless decidedly changed back to the material.

The material can be thought of as the land an ant must walk among, that ant a lost drone unless driven by the voice of the hive minded queen, something innate but also a observable manifestation of power in the material world.

The only Form that ants CAN know. Likewise, god is the only Form outside monsters that mankind immediately invented. God exists, in the form, we are to copy, to have those like-qualities of virtue.

Now, uncovering that form among the forms is actually a task of uncovering all the good and evil forms. It's a knowing of adapted value.

Same person,


I did not. I was an atheist for 20 years.

Was not even looking, but learning in life associatvily enough truth to uncover such nature.

Finding god does not take practice, or faith, it takes pure knowledge. Faith leads you through positions of chaos once you have foound god.

Having faith in a false god produces a individual/global negative outcome. Having faith in a proper form one can account as god never fails as a quality to the worlds conditions.

When a form exists universal, you dont need to practice it. You just need to uncover such as meta-category.