White people are done

White people are done.

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Consider this:

Openly declaring what conspiracy theorists assert.

Israel is going to be wiped off the face of the Earth by 2070 Sam Hyde predicted it.

low effort slide thread that subverts and distracts discussion on Sup Forums

Hyde himself will lead the charge onto the Temple Mount that the Jews will use for cover, for they have no shame.

>your descendants will be brown
>out descendants will rule over your descendants who will be told to hate themselves

Jews hate brown people, more news at 6.

In 50 or 100 years

>Israel will probably not exist
>If Israel does exist, it will have stripped diaspora Jews of 'Jew' status, downgrading them to "goyimutt" due to 71% intermarriage rate.

jews fertility is worse than whites.
the only fertile ones are welfare leach orthodox jews.
the liberal diaspora jews just cut off their cocks and become dykes with 4 abortions.

In 50 years Israel will be nothing but a pile of ashes but it will be a Jewish pile of ashes.

I'm sure this thing will help save the jewish fertility problem...

>Your decedents will be brown
>They will learn to hate their own heritage


Yup. They've already won because they know whites will never organize in significant numbers again. They can shove it in our faces now all they want.

I will run for president in the future, deport all Jews to Israel, and then detonate all of the nukes they supposedly don't have. The Jewish people will be extinct within your lifetime. Screencap this post.

das raciss

U.S. Jews aren't the winners

In 50 or 100 years Israel will be a glass.

This is fake, right?

In 50 years 6 million will climb up.

Funny how all these assholes in pol want to blow up the only high IQ, free market, walled, ethnically homogeneous traditional country in the West. Pure jealous faggotry. The Israeli Jews are everything you wish could be but aren’t. Grow up, stop being an unemployed homo, and maybe your women might start considering to mate with you instead of getting blacked.

>believing this matters

"Jew" is a mindset more than anything, why be matrilineal otherwise?Intellectually, Jewish heritage makes you more likely to have a higher than average IQ and be more neurotic than the average individual. Hand rubbing kikery is strictly a cultural thing that is taught.

Asia will never not be asian

No its what most jews say blatantly to the goyim they control since they gained took over all the media outlets, started WW1 and destroyed the Ottomon empire with their lying and scheming.

Only the top Jews care for other top Jews. They'll gladly cull the cattle from their own herd. There are also a group of pure whites in charge, too.

I had this saved and never realized ITS THE SAME GUY HOLY SHIT

>There is NOTHING you can do about it
Oh, I disagree

Nah, they openly brag about it now

Just look at that man’s face.

wtf can ameriucks even do to survive? niggers, spics, chinks, and poo's have won. wh*Toid cucks lost the race war before it began, but in the ultimate act of cuckoldry, gave a free civilization away without a fight.
