Sarcuck of Mossad utterly BTFO'd by communist

>lost to Spencer
>lost to Anglin
>lost to a fucking commie leaf

Other urls found in this thread:

low effort slide thread that subverts and distracts discussion on Sup Forums. Memeflag faggot. Don't even like Sargod but this is just such a blatant shill attempt by a low T commie

Watch the debate.

e celeb threads are not politics

Again, listen to them.

They go over some crucial stuff.

sargon is bad with debates, did he get reemed again?

He was destroyed by a commie of all people.

we're not sending our best

Why does Sargon keep going on these things? He can't debate, surely he realizes it?

this is literally about politics, you fucking eediot

just imagine how much of a douchebag you have to be to have the name "Sargon of Akkad"

I can't stand Sargons voice. Summarize the debate for me in 2 sentences.

Cite an example dipshit.

Sargon "So, you only get Communism when you eliminate the State."
Jason "Yep."
Sargon "And you only eliminate the State when everybody goes Socialist."
Jason "Yep."
Sargon "But a worldwide Socialist revolution isn't going to happen, is it?"
Jason "Nope."
Sargon "So Communism is not going to happen is it?"
Jason "You're wrong."

This sums up the debate.

it's refreshing to hear civil discourse for once

He has an injured ego.

Sargon doesn't even know the fundamentals to what a debate is. It's blasphemy to the debate platform to title any conversation with him as such. Hell he can't even argue he just says you don't understand whenever its his turn to talk.

While it's amusing to see Sup Forums's PTSD from whatever Sargon did to you guys, the endless Sargon spam threads that have been going on for months is old. Mods need to start doling out the bans for this.

Going through YouTube for fallout NV videos. Happened upon one of the commie's videos. A Marxist analysis of the NCR . A holy fucking feminists rape fantasy. The mental gymnastics of this guy. compare the blood thirsty, drugged up raider gangs to native Americans. Saying it was the manifested destiny.

kek agrees

Sargon didn't do anything other then show the world how retarded he truly is. He's a lolcow at this point.

He also said (((they))). What did the commie mean by this?

Let's face it, what passes for "debate" nowadays is real fucking sad. Sargon thinks he knows what it is and at least he attempts to try to maintain some respectability, but it's undermined by his total fucking inability to actually present concise, compelling arguments and he has no audience. People are not going to give a fuck and just cheer when he gets called a cuck, or they'll be dumb and accept his non-arguments regardless of what he says anyway, or they'll just tune out because they will realize how much he fucking sucks at "debate" and how these "debates" are little more than pseudointellectual freak shows.

All these do for Sargon is make him look idiotic and he needs to stop. He has carved out a nice little niche for himself, should quit while he's ahead.

An honest debate can only happen in privacy

At least Jason destroyed Sarcuck on inflation. Sarcuck folded so much he might as well be a paper crane.

Liberals share the same equality and blank slate thing as communists.

I'll agree. IBS is hardly a debate anymore it's just a semi-IRL flamewar shitshow. Some better than others. The opportunity is there to be great being able to express your points with emotional passion, something largely lost in any decent debate scenario. I think it's just the people doing it are simply the most known thus bigger viewers and more $$$. Getting real people in there is likely not going to sell on most of these peoples platforms since the numbers will be a fraction of the size for nonames.

>this is the same guy that said the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei's economy was shit

why is this a shock?

>Sargon didn't do anything other then show the world how retarded he truly is
Oh, so that's why there's 2-3 Sargon threads up at any given moment for the past 3 months filled with inferiors saying nothing more of substance than, "Ugh! God, he's so dumb. Gah! Ugh!"

Right, lol.

One thing I thought was interesting. Apparently, the Commie guy believes rich countries doing trade with poor countries is Imperialism and the poor countries are better off without it, but I don't think any economist I know backs that notion and when rich countries stop doing business with any poor country we call it sanction and it's intended to hurt poor country's economy.
I would like to hear him develop that idea.

Fuck off Jason you giant fat autist

I don't follow Sargon that much, what did he do to Sup Forums? Call everybody Nazis or what?

I'm not Jason and Jason doesn't post on Sup Forums. Also:

That's exactly what Jason would say!

Stop doxing pple and go suck a dick.
C'mon. We know you want to. Deep inside, you're gay.

Pig work.

>watching a debate to decide for yourself is a shill attempt

What did he mean by this?

Fuck these two anti-white idiots

>Xeroxy and ComradePierretrucuck get FUCKING OBLITERATED by KulturKampf
>Xeroxy and ComradePierretrucuck get FUCKING OBLITERATED by the fat Maoist NEET that looks like Sascha Trollbo

That's not even Jason's address but his mom's. leftypol posted his real info and apparently he lives in a shitty apartment.

Don't know exactly, but he's done podcasts/debates with pol's heroes or whatever--I really can't be bothered. Sup Forums's obsessive and vitriolic behavior around Sargon, however, tells you everything you need to know.


Sargon stated the truth: The AltRigh is very small and politically insignificant. That was enough to hurt their feelings.

Nazbol shills posting on Sup Forums. Mentally ill tranny from Wales and mexican tryhard manlet. Pic related

What's wrong with Dugin and Zizek?

Both are unironic Putin/kike shills.

They are both anti-Zionist.

So is every second arab goat herder.

This is actually very insightful. Jason Unruhe's Maoist tendencies are so subversive that he's willing to address the real problem of the debtors prison the IMF has the third world in while Sargon quotes liberal think tank stats peddled by UN kikes

Nothing worse than this kind of horseshit. Jason's not even a turncoat SJW scum. He's at least honest about what he believes at his own detriment. No matter how wrong he may be.

Jason is anti-SJW and highly redpilled on the JQ.

Both the far right and the far left are so easily triggered it's surreal. Every time one of their idols talks to sargon they feel the need to make 4000 threats a day with just insults. It's really pathetic, i actually know who sargon is now, thx fags.

Sargon also lost his previous debate against BadMouse, Xexizy, and Finnish Bolshevik

Communism will win

gas yourself nigger Sargon is the only legit e-celebs that isn't controlled op so no matter what you think about his politics he is honest and legitimate and destroys the left and kikes more than anyone else with a good sized platform and does more for the west than fucking faggots here so no one gives a fuck what anyone here thinks about him

Imagine being a complete idiot, oh nvm you don't have to imagine because you are a fucking idiot that doesn't know anything about anyhting

How is Soygoy not controlled?

see you morons here are nothing but goyim that have no idea how the world really works, you have no idea about anything because you are the uninitiated cattle. You aren't meant to understand any of it, don't worry about it few are


Don't forget Jared Taylor

Let you in on a secret all the world's a stage and NOTHING is what it seems. EVERYTHING has a deeper meaning than the surface, the surface is for fucking cattle. The truth is not for everyone only those that search it out, this is chess not checkers

I haven't watched the debate but I'm not surprised that classical liberals have a hard time debating fascists or marxists.

People with extreme views usually spend a LONG time researching their beliefs and debunking the current system (classical liberalism).

On top of that, Sargon doesn't really seem like he's studied fascist or marxist literature deeply to debunk it. Seems like he's just skimmed the basic points of each ideology and then kinda strawmans them.

I'd actually like to hear a serious argument for classical liberalism.

Honest debates can happen if you follow the debate format. Which Sargon would never do, since he doesn't actually say anything. He just talks in circles for a few hours with forced laughter and bizarre "what if" scenarios.

Sargon got normie idiots to read mein kampf and smashed the commies for years while you idiots beat off to anime and shit post so no one cares what any of you think this place is 98% useful idiots nothing more because you choose to be

*targets your helicopter*
*blows you out of the sky with my Soviet SAM*
*Institutes a Communist utopia now that all the cappies have been BTFO*
Heh, nothing personal cappie

Bloodsports will never be the same

You have a state that protects the rights of each individual.

ugly broad face. the perception of ugliness, far from
being “superficial”, is billions of years of evolution setting off alarm bells. trust your gut

>I really can't be bothered
lmao weak

Pinochet was pro-Zionist dipshit.

Learn what Hegelian dialectics really are.

>telling me to learn something

Who btfo whom on debates is 99% subjective matter, especially when mentally deranged "anons" are involved in the evaluation.

Also this.

so is ANTIFA, who cares? would you accept someone who was redpilled on race but a member of nambla?

If you knew anything about fascism you would know NazBol is a moronic redundant fucking ideology

Fly the swastika you fucking moronic faggot, oh that's right you don't even know that really means either

>skip into it
>Sargon cut into how in any system people look after their own interests
>Jason get into collective interests slightly and Sargon just changes topic altogether when he has a major point against him

I don't follow this guy but is he just bad at arguing? He is evenly paced and a good speaker though, no doubt.

>Nazism is Marxist
>Nazism literally upholds class collaboration, the polar opposite of Marxism


It used the principles of "Marxism", Judaism meaning fight fire with fire a la the folkish movement. It is very hard to explain to someone without the proper knowledge. Christianity is foreign to Germany as it is all Europeans they were forced to convert under Rome, the "Nazi" folk/occult movement was rediscovering their roots, learning the truth which is that nearly all of history is fabricated

Small brained capitalist scum. Their tiny brains can't grasp the world fully so everything is black and white, capitalist and everything else is COMMUNISM

>Nazism literally upholds class collaboration

I don't like that Sargon went on the attack so early. Sargon would actually make a good interviewer.

When we came to power in 1933 our road was clearly mapped out. It had been defined in a struggle of 15 years, which in a thousand demonstrations had put us under an obligation to the German people. And I would be dishonourable and deserve to be stoned if I had deviated but one step from this programme, or if I were to do so now. The social part of this programme meant unifying the German people, overcoming all class and race prejudices, educating the German for the community, and if necessary, breaking any opposition to this unity. Economically, it meant building a National German economy which appreciated the importance of private initiative, but subordinated the entire economic life to the common interest. Believe me, here, too, no other aim is thinkable. In times in which the sons are arrayed for defence in battle, and where no difference can be made between those who represent much, and those who represent little, economic advantages or privileged positions to the disadvantage of the total community cannot be maintained. As everywhere, I proceeded here by teaching, educating and slow adaptation, for it was my pride to carry out this revolution without one single window-pane being broken in Germany. A revolution which led to the greatest changes ever achieved on earth, but which destroyed nothing, only slowly reorganized everything, until at last the entire great community had found its new road,-that was my goal.

> "Marxism"

It really didn't. This is a confusion brought about by retarded boomers who see the word "socialist" and their brains get scrambled. The NS principal of the national community is totally alien to Marxism as it aims to create fraternity across class boundaries without any economic or social leveling (or seizure of property).

>Judaism meaning fight fire with fire a la the folkish movement

Racial chauvinism is not an explicitly Jewish trait, nor were Jews the origin of this trait. We even have Tacitus commenting on the German reluctance to marry outside the Germanic peoples with the exception of political marriages.

> the "Nazi" folk/occult movement was rediscovering their roots

This is sort of correct, the regime was implicitly pagan, and in some ways even explicitly so. TempLARPs tend to confuse propaganda with policy with regards to this question. Either way this is still irrelevant to whether or not the German regime was "marxist" or "judaised"

so why didnt you sage it? nigger

>This is a confusion brought about by retarded boomers

It really did, this is something a retarded kid thinks he knows but is really clueless about. You are out of your depth here kid

Finding out what all of this means takes more than reading Sup Forums posts and doing a few google searches you are cluelss about what is happening, what has happened and what anything really means or where it comes from sorry that is the hard truth my dude if you want to learn the truth about everything you can go here I would start with the playlists I would watch ancient knowledge first

Otherwise nothing you have to say about anything really matters

>It used the principles of "Marxism"

But it doesn't. It rejects it wholesale. Please give evidence to this initial claim.

>Judaism meaning fight fire with fire a la the folkish movement.

What you're saying it revenge (fighting fire with fire) is Jewish, which is ridiculous, but how would it relate to the Volkisch Movement? Pretend I do know the "proper knowledge".

>Christianity is foreign to Germany as it is all Europeans they were forced to convert under Rome, the "Nazi" folk/occult movement was rediscovering their roots, learning the truth which is that nearly all of history is fabricated

This all seems totally random and unrelated to the initial point about Nazism as using Marxist principles. At best you're claiming being ethnic nationalist is "imitating the Jews".

Going to respond to what I think are relevant lines
>Economically, it meant building a National German economy which appreciated the importance of private initiative, but subordinated the entire economic life to the common interest.

Working for a "common good" is not a Marxist idea. It's an idea from Christendom before it and one shared by nationalists and traditionalists.

>A revolution which led to the greatest changes ever achieved on earth, but which destroyed nothing, only slowly reorganized everything...

Marx explicitly called for the destruction of the ruling class rather than a reorganizing. He explicitly called for violence.

I can assure you, you are just an idiotic LARPist who makes vague claims like " It is very hard to explain to someone without the proper knowledge" and calling people "kids" for calling them out on their nonsense claims and tenuous associations between disparate policies of the regime such as the connection between the supposed "Jewishness" of the regime (which you never qualify or quantify) and the presence of pagans in the regime.

More vague statements and a link to a youtube channel full of disreputable information. Just at a glance I can see the "blue eyed mummies" of mesoamerica meme and other such "alternative" archeology. I have an open mind, and I have no doubt that this is what the Nazis believed was the truth at the time (in particular, the Ahnenerbe) but we have plenty of actually reputable and accepted information about the spread and the significance of the Aryans. Maybe more will be discovered in the future, who knows, but the point remains that your claims about Nazis taking on Jewish qualities is still idiotic and all this occult shit is barely even tangential to the discussion.

>I can't refute him so I'll call him dumb and request he watches this series of videos
We have no reason to believe you. You haven't shown yourself to be correct in the least.

Sorry you won't really understand any of this and I ma not interested in explaining it from the beginning atm you can also go here or don't w/e up to you
you are clueless kid go back to your LEGO's

This is my main point, he makes no attempt to back up his assertions, I at least cite information demonstrating the Germans were racially aware well before the arrival of Christianity and Judaism into Europe. From some of the passages in the Vedas it's even fair to conclude they possessed a sense of racial superiority as far back as the original PIE tribes.

>you're wrong and I'm not interested in explaining how you're wrong
>please watch these videos
>trying to reject people's arguments with rhetoric

10,000 years gulag. Stop wasting our times.

He makes too many concessions because he isn't prepared for debates.

Feudalism doesn't prevent capitalism(free exchange of goods). Using the example of the mercantile system. The difference is that in post industrial civilizations(which are usually urbanized because of the creation of industrial jobs in the cities) the full potential of the exchange of goods exponentially increases. Because with mass production you can fulfill demands for what people need and want and individual people can get extremely rich if they pioneer in the business venture by taking risks. Which is what communists refer to as "capitalism" and the "capitalist"

>implying those in the gulags weren't criminals

This the catholic faith and Christian social teaching rejects Marxism

>sargon is bad with debates, did he get reemed again?

What he revealed in this debate is that he knows less about economics and realpolitik than a fucking retarded Maoist. I used to think Sargon just was shit at debating, but the reality is he just doesn't KNOW enough about anything to carry the debate.


Sargy can't even make up his mind on what the fuck his Liberalist-ism is supposed to argue for either. He literally says capitalism will lead to communism and thinks corporations will give people UBI out of the goodness of their hearts (???) or by taxation (but he's against redistribution???) and that will allow people to be "youtube creators" (yes really his example) and make extra money through Patreon (apparently if you have 10 people on UBI they're all on Youtube sending each other money).

It's beyond laughable. He's anything from socialist to anarchocapitalist to neocon to commie. He stands for nothing, probably because he doesn't fucking understand anything or why what he says contradicts itself constantly.

>implying apostasy isn't a crime
I didn't know this existed.

dumbest shit ive ever heard from either side

I am not going to try to teach calculus to toddlers. You don't explain any of this to people you show them where good sources are and give them the time they need to figure it all out. Much like how we did teaching you fools about the JQ. You will look or not up to you and not my responsibility. There are two realities going on in this world the exoteric and esoteric, the exoteric side are merely puppets and literally nothing you think you know is real from science, to history to politics to religion you are like babies and one seldom has the patience to listen you whine like pouty teenagers nothing you have to say about anything is of much value

I don't doubt it.

Nationalists in the United States and Europe should learn about Pan-Africanism. Sing the praises of people like Nkrumah and Sankara