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Someone plz post the "PODESTAAA" video for lolz
Also if numerals its skippys funeral
>"rumors that Podesta is a satanist"
Dude has literally been to spirit cooking events, not so much a rumour
You expect me to watch 2 hours of that bullshit?
please senpai
you guys want to actually do damage to pizzagate and google?
>open google
>search usseek
wtf Sup Forums. seriously - wtf. They cannot get away with this, Im literally shaking furiously. Google hosting this kind of shit is a federal offence, can we please fuck these fucking kikes once and for all by exposing this simple task?
nothing funny going on here folks
now I am too afraid to google that shit
oh what about the paddock connection
Pizzagate is fake
Fuck off James, we are coming for you
las vegas county logo
Got me u bastard fbi guy on his way here to take my kids away
Hollywood Pizzagate
how the fuck could that ever be your "fault". its 2 related words put together as a simple search on google. You want to battle the beast? THIS IS THE BEAST. fuck these kikes and fuck google. They need to be exposed.
there is good autism and bad autism and you clearly have the bad autism if you think the truth is being revealed to you through a trail of random digits
this makes me sad and happy fug
Oh shit.
this has to be a fucking joke made to discredit all of this
the powerpuff girls have nothing to do with any of this shit. the hearts behind them and the logo below are distinctly different. the comic was cherrypicked, pizza isn't even a recurring theme of the powerpuff girls. it's reaching to the nth degree.
Fuck those tweets are real
While im all in on the pizzagate shit, that symbol you think is the pedo triangle spiral is actually from petroglyphs found all over nevada.
Native americans used that symbol and carved it into rocks all over the desert. Ive seen them first hand.
t. nevada fag
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Illuminati pedophile ring, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on daycare centers, and I have over 300 confirmed child sex slaves. I am trained in majestic ape warfare and I’m the top pedophile in the entire CIA. You are nothing to me but just another hole to rape. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. Ya think you're hot shit dontcha? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of pedos across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can molest you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in mk ultra techniques, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the CIA and Mossad and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what moloch's retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Nah you're a kike fuck off faggit
whoa, calm down satan digits
>i disagree
You only get to pick one, friendo
so there must be a lot of goats since that's on the symbol 2, right?
>how many goats do you normally see?
i'm just skimming through this because there's no way i'm sitting through the entire thing, but lol at his example of the big red guy talking about "manly expulsions". kids cartoons have been using language like that forever to entertain the parents who might be watching.
Pondesta? Is that you?
>those faces
They are always so fucking obvious. the two on the right look psychotic and the one on the left.. never trust a man with a goatee.
>pedo swirl
>.. ghosts?
red and black = satans colors
god of trannies faggots and social rejects
pedoglyphs found all over nevada? wait.. the fucking feather niggers... WAIT.. what the fuck was that movie.. bone hatchet or something? Bone Tomahawk? Wasnt that movie supposed to be somewhere over there? WAIT
stop calling it satan. Use the name(s) they use. Baphomet, Moloch
John Podesta is Josef Mengele's son.
cartoon network cartoons are front-loaded with lots of subliminal messages and unnecessary sexual perversion.
I'm gonna need a synopsis of what that word will yield in a search
Ah yes, completely forgot that Utonium was a common Jewish name
My wife brought it up and I can never unsee it ever since she said this. But, Tarantino has a huge foot fetish. If you watch his movies, especially th eKill Bill movies there are foot close ups galore.
foot fetish is ok
>fuking little kids is not
it's like the kevin spacy thing, it's weird because children are involved not because foot fetish
You dumbfuck, that spiral is the one off a prehistoric petroglyph just south of the strip.
>another shill trying to deflect with muh pedoglyphs
Just a coincidence goyim
I always knew there was something wrong with him.
Never seen that pic before. Wish it was better quality.
I've heard (((they))) have control files on just about all the members of congress. Comey isn't the only pedophile up there on capitol hill.
This fuck also made the insanely anti-white movies Django and the Hateful 8
oh sht!!
> go ahead and just ignore the goat and the little kids
The right pics are old but these measurements are new. Good work!
I'm not a fucking shill you cunt. Fuck yourself
sorry :D i mean the native american guys
stop correcting him. first, he was simply being colloquial. second, if you're going to be accurate, understand that "satan":
>A) is 'known by many names', to satanists and christians alike. baphomet, satan, moloch, lucifer, and others are all accepted names. he also has many forms.
>B) literally translates to "adversary"
do your homework before correcting people
How many supposed boomer Christians on this board? You deserve death!
really makes u think
It's just when you say "satanist" it waters it down. Makes it seem like some kind of the "frogs are turning gay" meme that normies will just laugh at. There are to many retard metal emo kids who actually are "satanists" and they have nothing to do with TPTB and the sick shit they are into.
I get what you mean though.
>pizzagate is fake
You must be one of them flat-earthterds who believes the earth is 2 dimensional.
I'm thinking none. Does it really seem like the place for people in their 60s and 70s to be?
Go back to sleep John ...
Let me touch your children
Her book. It's on Amazon.
>Over time they will learn the types of touch they prefer
What did she mean by this?
can someone please do something about this?
Well gee you guise, does Podesta mean Power like Power Puff Girls?
Don't you know
Fish are dumb, dumb, dumb
They chase anything that glitters (beginners!)
Oh, and here they come, come, come
To the brightest thing that glitters
Mmm, fish dinners
that guy, paddock, he had an email address that was powerpuff girls
Yeah, I'm a fan of the show.
I also speak squirrel.
>the doughnuts
2020 is going to be so good, its going to be exactly the same with 100x the salt
Yeah, you know he's Eric Paddock right?
you think ur hot shit downtcha?
I am an evil genius.
>Yeah, you know he's Eric Paddock right?
Can't unsee