When will it reach the point where too many people are out of work and stacking up at the bottom?
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Never. Everyone will just have jobs fixing machines that break. Machines get VERY creative when they decide to fail.
Seems like there’d be less jobs, though.
nah, the kike overlords will just start a war and exterminate 30% of the people and then release bioweapons and kill another 30% with the plagues
then they will want to rule the ashes with their minds in the cloud with their machine armies
It won't happen. The thing about automation is that it lowers the price of the product, which makes people buy more of it. So, the jobs lost from automation are cancelled out by jobs gained from an increase in over-all production per-capita. sites.bu.edu
Damn. I wanted a hope that society would break down soon. I think society has to collapse for us to move into a better era.
Tomorrow @ 23:00gmt
You are welcome bag of mostly water
who builds the machines that build tho
there will be machines fixing machines, for the most part
t. applied math faggot
then who fixes the machine fixing machines
I don’t see anything like this on the horizon. Maybe in a few decades.
t. Automation troubleshooter
What happens when one machine decides he's lord of all machines, and asks the humans for help?
Round about 06/1995 I'd guess? Maybe earlier depending on the country.
It has already begun
If we reach that point then things will be produced so cheaply they'll be practically given away for free...
20 years MAX.
>assuming machines couldnt fix machines
>assuming industrial grade machine will break down enough to employ BILLIONS of humans
Being this much of a brainlet
CAPATILSMs days are numbered.
Question is do (((they)));
provide a universal basic income
eliminate money all together
(Pro Tip: Its cull the useless eaters)
Already happening but not because automation. Young people have no jobs if they don't get into university and drop out on society living on gibs.
Machines that fix machine is doable but it would take the production machines being built with this in mind. As a troubleshooter the amount of shit I have to take into account is pretty wild. A wire rubs through and shorts and a whole machine goes down. You can imagine what tracing a wire through a machine the size of a large house can be like. You would need some pretty hefty AI to deal with all the hairy possibilities. I’m not saying what I do is rocket surgery but I have to critically think about every call I go to. I see how smart these automated machines we have are and I don’t anticipate being made redundant by Wall-e any time soon.
Even in the the most high tech lights out facilities they still have maintenance techs. As well companies don’t just dump all their old equipment. I work for one of the largest tire manufacturers in the world and this facility has been here since 1980. The machines they built back then are still here, still producing. Better than the newer stuff really, though they require more men. I work in the newest production area of the plant. We will probably have flying cars before there is a cost effective robot to fill my position and then we won’t need tires anyway.
that is probably more related to the change in your racial composition
They would kill off the excess before automation became a problem, TO THEM.