How can we stop people from becoming citizens of more than one country? It's disgusting and traitorous.
How can we stop people from becoming citizens of more than one country? It's disgusting and traitorous
Nice try Mister FBI
You cannot renounce Mexican citizenship.
Even if you become the leader of a terrorist group somewhere in the desert, you're still a full-blown Mexican and the government will never revoke your citizenship.
then stay there you fucks
y u so meen owo?
>Be American
>buy vacation property in New Zealand
>spend the coldest North American winter months there every year
>get dual citizenship
But this doesn't bother you cause I'm (((white)))
only indios and low life go to usa to work in shit fields
I have never understood the animosity toward dual citizenship on this board. I have an American passport and an Irish passport. I was born a citizen of that country because my parents are from there. I am loyal to America and Ireland. So what?
Teddie Roosevelt, hyphenated Americans, etc. etc.
Tbh I'm much more concerned about the fact that we have politicians in the Senate who have dual citizenship with Israel. If that isn't a conflict of fucking interest and a foreign nation subverting our politics then I don't know what the fuck is.
Get the kikes out of Washington and all of the shitskins they brought in to destroy us will follow.
Your shit people are destroying this nation!
You cannot be loyal to two countries. What if Ireland and the United States were to go to war? Never mind how implausible you think it is, tell me which nation you would support. If you choose one, you are not loyal to the other. If you refuse to choose, you are not loyal to either.
Fuck off with your lies spic.
You mother fuckers always bring up the irish.
We know.
Sovereign Citizenship is the way of the future.
I have Irish blood yet I am loyal to one thing and one thing only Murica.
I love how they think that the Irish are somehow an example of a good immigrant group, too. They came in here, refused to help fight for their host country until they were drafted, and then when they were drafted, they rioted over being forced to work for their gibz and burnt down half of New York City. Then they subverted our politics and voted for all of the immigration bullshit that led to even more Slavs and wops and shit coming into the country.
America is for Anglo-Saxon/Scottish people only, with a few honorary krauts if they were here before the immigration boom in the mid-19th century.
If you're dual USA - Israel you've already made the wrong choice and shall lose your American passport. Cut the bullshit.
yea no shit pablo
that's retarded, because you're literally worshipping a government.
What if I am dual USA - Palestine?
>America is for Anglo-Saxon/Scottish people only
We should have never changed the fucking rules and yeah most people don't take into account the damage done by descendants of those initial irish.
Kek. I'm dual citizen. Keep crying, bitch nigga.
Like those three civil wars in 80 years America had?
>How can we stop people from becoming citizens of more than one country?
The how is by doing away with dual citizenship. The why is to keep people from having multiple allegiances.
Anglo citizenship When?
Ultimately find a crisis to pass a law which forces all those who hold duel citizenship to drop one, and deport any who refuse. It doesn't really matter which because it forces the options out of peoples minds and strips them of the, I am A but also B mentality.
Additionally, I'd say anyone with a criminal record and duel citizenship simply gets deported outright. No reason why.
Constitutional amendment?
>implying changing the constitution is feasible.
Sweden, focus on your own country first.
Only 13 state legislators need to block any amendment, and the Lib states will always block such an amendment.
>all this hate for dual citizens
what about tri citizens? am I even more traitorous? is my loyalty split 50/25/25? or 33/33/33?
Doesn't matter. Your leaf enough to qualify for this.
I have never lived in Canada and my last visit there was over 10 years ago. what's my traitor ranking? obviously I must be planning America's downfall at the behest of Canada, simply because I'm a citizen.
fuck chicano malinche and narco faggots, build the Wall!
>You cannot renounce Mexican citizenship
You are in a shit situation already.
his Father was born here, something you wouldn't understand
>traitor ranking?
noice trifecta Achmed :^)
>new zealand
why in the world would someone from the country of new zealand care if someone has 2 passports?
lol loser
He didn't suggest "murder them" or do something else illegal. More like change our laws or put pressure on other countries to give citizenship to children born to their citizens here.
No they're fucking neither
>we have politicians in the Senate who have dual citizenship with Israel
Who in the senate is dual citizen with israel? i think only dual citizen was cruz, who didn't even realize it, and renounced when he realized.
Americans with dual citizenship in one of the other four Anglo countries does not bother me because we are bound by a common language, common law, culture, and most importantly, blood.
Chinks having Aussie or Canuck or American or Kiwi or British citizenship bugs the fucking hell out of me.
then take responsibility for your shit people and stop pawning them off on the rest of the world
Basing my following question on your flag
Do actual Mexicans in Mexico understand why many Americans are upset with Mexico over the illegal immigrant problem?
This is perfectly reasonable and not without precedent. AU or NZ, I forget which, has a law forbidding Members of Parliament from having dual nationalities. A few people in the last few years have fallen foul of the law in recent years and had to renounce their additional nationalities.
Perfectly reasonable rule.
people have essentially done this for thousands of years. the nobility of many european states, the aristocracy of the ancient world and the white bourgeoisie of the late 19th and early 20th did this excessively. Having multiple homes is a sign of power and influence, fearing these people is misreading the situation user. You hate chinese, israeli and indian immigrants who send money home to their families. You don’t actually hate dual citizens. Why punish the wealthy for the sins of the greedy?
Im already here amigo, spreading my seed and taking your jobs, taking back what I consider my stolen birthright. American migrants took our lands, we're just returning the favor in kind. The racewar began long ago, and whitey is already losing.
Fake news - this is a list is of jews - none are dual citizens with israel.
Why can't we just treat the borders like we did before the 1900s, where anyone could basically come and go without trouble from Canada or Mexico?
It's also pretty convenient, especially if you have to travel often. Fight me faggots.
Its fun to watch a cartoon about it but none of you poltards have the balls to do something about it. Larping in this Mongolian weaving forum is about the farthest most of you will ever get. Minority white by 2050 and its because you fags cant get laid and your women breed with minorities to 56% babies. Maybe even you aussfags will all be happas one day.
>I love how they think that the Irish are somehow an example of a good immigrant group, too. They came in here, refused to help fight for their host country until they were drafted, and then when they were drafted, they rioted over being forced to work for their gibz and burnt down half of New York City. Then they subverted our politics and voted for all of the immigration bullshit that led to even more Slavs and wops and shit coming into the country.
>America is for Anglo-Saxon/Scottish people only, with a few honorary krauts if they were here before the immigration boom in the mid-19th century.
Is this pasta? This should be pasta
Because that's dangerous shitlord
My borders my choice.
That's retarded
The kiwi is right, it's disgusting and retarded to have double nationality. I say we stop that increasing nationalism and fucking globalism.
Simply but a ban on dual citizenship. It's not that hard and for all the people complaining ''but muh country won't revoke muh citizenship'', they can just go back.
>If that isn't a conflict of fucking interest
But the interests of Israel ARE the interests if the USA, silly goy
We have a party in parliament that's loyal to Erdogan, get on our level burger.
>cannot renounce Mexican citizenship
This is actually incorrect. Mexican nationality by birth is what cannot be revoked. Mexico's Constitution differentiates citizenship from nationality. Take a gander at Article 34:
>Article 34
>Mexican citizens shall be those individuals who are considered as Mexicans and fulfill the following conditions:
>I. To be at least 18 years old, and
>II. To have an honest way of life.
Well shit, I told a lie once. Looks like I'm no longer a citizen! Fuck. At least the Mexikikes don't send you a bill like Uncle Sam does for taxation. Nothing of value was lost.
I agree but what about Australia and NZ? They are super close and similar ancestry apparently a huge amount of people are citizens of both and don't even realize it.
Maybe the Anglo-sphere needs a comeback?
Britannia 2.0 when?
Its not that easy because it needs to be bilateral. There are countries that forbid you from ever losing their citizenship.
>How can we stop people from becoming citizens of more than one country?
illegalize dual citizenship, easy as that
>mexican flag is above the US flag
I am triggered
Go back to England fatso.
We had one, the Supreme Court overturned it.