If you really think about it, white kids are the problem, not guns.
low effort slide thread that subverts and distracts discussion on Sup Forums. Low T Aussie Faggot posting again
They bring the guns to school so they can shoot em after
Should have put it in all fields boyo
Ok lets roll with it, yes white kids have veen known for school shootings. But can everyone admit that the problem with the white kids is social persecution? Can we say that the cause of school sgootings hace a correlation to white kids being bullied?
oh i did;)
wh*Toids deserve bulling, mashallah
Blacks are 13% of the population. They commit 52% of the murders. Don't tell me that they are the non-violent ones. channel4.com
>when mud mek thred
Segregate the schools
Problem solved
Now we can get on with life
futile effort, you autists are going to punch this thread to 300+ replies in under an hour
Ok so they desrve the bullying as you say. Can you admit its not gun violence or video games ay fault but society bullying the kid?
He's right guys, white kids need to all bring guns and knives to school everyday and regulate on the off ones before they get out of line.
Huh those gun free zones didn't work then
>when more people are armed less people get hurt
The discrepancy becomes even bigger when you consider that black males commit the vast majority of those murders, and they are maybe 6-7% of the population.
And even bigger when you account for those who are of violent crime committing age. Its more like 4% of the population committing more than the majority of murders
nice copy pasta you been putting in every single thread.
Wow if that's true that's almost like the weapons were a deterrent wtf I love weapons now
He thinks Sup Forums is his private hugbox where only pizzameme and false flag threads belong.
Right you fucking retard, because they know other people are armed.
It's INFRINGED god dammit, fuck nupol
you really never hear about mass murders being committed by blacks desu.
Even I know it's infringed and I'm a Brit
Except for like every nigger music song ever made
profile pic is nog w hammer and sickle t shirt
yeah I'm gonna value what he says
>admits niggers come armed to school everyday (they dindu nuffin)
>white kids are the problem
damn nigger logic never ceases to amaze me
no because all these shootings have been fake
Niggers dont shoot up their schools because they kill all their enemies in the streets. White kids dont have that oppertunity.
>Can we say that the cause of school sgootings hace a correlation to white kids being bullied?
Not when the majority of school shooters aren't done by white kids. Thing is, the media only prints the story when "man bites dog", not when dog bites man. Niggers and spics kill each other every day, media doesn't say shit because its as newsworthy as "the sun came up today". Add to that leftist media anti-white bias, and bingo.
Yes, is true. Monkey child make more obiedent slave than white devil.
Blacks are just terrible at lone wolf mass shootings. Problem is they are consistently several times more violent year round
This. Niggers and spics bring weapons to school every day because they shoot and stab each other all the time, but the day the white kid finally brings a weapon, he kills the whole school.
That Nigger is full of shit. I was a poor White kid in a Black ghetto school. Seriously, my sister and I were 2 of like 50 White kids out of 2000. The Shcool was maybe 15% beaner and the rest were Black.
We had to have backpack checks and metal detectors to keep nigger and spics from killing each other. Still several kids got killed every year, just not in school. They killed each other after school in drive by shootings and stabbings.
If we did that exact same thing, checked backpacks and or sent kids through metal detectors to get onto school property, all the school shootings would stop tomorrow. But no, they'd never even consider that in their precious middle class and rich schools. Better to deprive us of our rights.
>black and latinx kids [went to] school everyday
Liberals truly live in fantasy
>white kids shoot other kids in school
>black kids shoot other kids out of school
I been to majority white and asian cities and people didnt get murdered every day
niggers are the problem