This confuses the gun-nut

Can you counter this, other than "B-B-BUT POSITIVE VS NEGATIVE ROIGHTS!!!" or "RIGHT =/= ENTIGHTELMENT!!!"

If you are OK with being given the right to own a piece of metal met to both kill and compensate for small anatomy, then you should be OK with poor people being given the right to healthcare

low effort slide thread that subverts and distracts discussion on Sup Forums. You posted this last night faggot. Exact same text and image.


Okay, so can you uphold your own health without needing someone else?
Congrats then you have a right to healthcare.

>kim kardashian norm-tier anime

not even reading whatever you posted

Nobody gets a free gun from the 2nd amendment. Nobody gets a free talk show from the 1st. Nobody gets free drugs from the "life liberty and pursuit of happiness". Everything is as it should be.


but seriously OP. Gun owners aren't asking for free guns for everybody. Their just asking for their right to defend themselves against government tyranny to not be infringed by the government. We agree that no one should be turned down from a hospital but surely you must realize that there's no such thing as free unless it's voluntary charity. Anything else is forced coercion of the government to take from the rich and keep the poor dependent on them in exchange for votes.

grammarfags are going to hate this.

something is going on
watch these threads

Oh look it's this thread again

What happens if there's a shortage of doctors? Do we round up smart people and force them to learn medicine?

Wow, great reply. Much conservative. Wow.

(typical fucking pro-Trump retards)

How many times are you stupid faggots going to post that same image?

Ill enjoy killing your family.


Meh, I wouldn't mind universal health care. The Czech Republic has concealed carry and universal health care, I don't see why we couldn't either.

Sup JIDF slide thread

Israel needs to be completely disarmed and all jews gassed, don't you agree?

imma filter that filename so i wont see this fucking thread again. go kill yourself retarded memeflaggot

I wish liberals were taxed to pay for my constitutionally mandated AR15

Reddit tier respones....why do you have to be such a subhuman braindead faggot nigger?!

Dude, as long as I don't have to pay for your healthcare, feel free to have as much as you want.
I won't ask you to pay for my ARs either.

>obvious slide thread
you're a faggot

In all fairness, we didn't actually expect you to reply to this and thought you were a bot.

If you want a serious answer, you have the freedom to BUY healthcare in the US, just as you have the freedom to BUY guns.

Until Republicans start demanding the government pays for civilians firearms, that comparison is pretty dumb.

now sage this faggot

Neither one is a freedom nor is neither one a right.
The Americans actively defend their "right" to own guns. It can be taken away and they know it.

You live in a society where the social contract does allow you firearms as a right and healthcare as a luxury. I don't want to pay for your healthcare, or anything you might buy for recreation or fun with your own time which would be a more accurate comparison to firearms. Spend your own fucking money on it because this country is a cold capitalist society and if you'd prefer to live in another culture that is closer to your own ideal with other things you'll likely be unhappy about and fuck off. The moment the door is opened to something being given to people freely, the door is opened towards future generations being entitled to it and wanting more quality-of-life rights that require money that isn't coming out of thin air and is presently something you buy with your own cash because people living here generally understand they don't wish to live in a system where they have far less money in their wallet at the end of the day because of carebear policies.

Fuck off and take your gibsmedat-motivated warped comparisons with you, nigger.

Sage for egregious weakness of logic.

>Can you counter this
The government does not provide you with free guns, nor does it provide you with free healthcare. The freedom to purchase a gun and pay for healthcare are one and the same.

Everyone has right to healthcare and guns. But neither are free. Both have a cost.

Literally says 'right to bear arms' in the constitution. What do you mean?

It sure does

>freedom to universal health care
What did he mean by this?

We believe in the freedom to buy guns. We also believe in the freedom to buy healthcare.

Dumb fuck, the counter arguments you listed are the truth. Owning a weapon if your natural right to self preservation. Health care is a service that you can't force people to give you.

why do the hero academia characters always have a shit opinion, can someone explain this meme to me


universal healthcare just means rich people paying for poor people to live longer. also means more poor people's children. why would I want to pay for somebody elses genetic line? fuck that.

your post doesn't make any sense you retard

I want the right to kill people, not save them

"People" like you should be gutted and thrown into the street like expired meat.

>freedom to guns
freedom to universal health care

You're not very good at revolutinary thinking.

You're confused, faggot.

Oh shit, the edge on this shill is just fucking cringy. Sage


Looks like your post is bretty bad, sowwy. :(

TBF, I am asking for free guns, because we have a constitutional right. We do not, however, have an amendment that guarantees healthcare, so there's no problem with receiving one and not the other. We should also have a right to speak freely across all available platforms, meaning NO bans from any social media under penalty of law applied to the platform.

one is getting free shit. one is not


Titty tiger strips.

Can't have universal health care in the Jewnited Snakes. Shlomo Shekelstein needs all the shekels he can get his hands on.

euros put expired meat on the street? no wonder it's attracting all the shitskins

>Paying for your own guns.
>Paying for other "People's" healthcare.
Find the failure, faggot.

As soon as we start receiving free guns from the government, you’ll have a point. Until then, aren’t you tired of posting the same dumb argument every night?

You have a right to a gun, But you have to buy it.

You have a right to healthcare But you have to buy it.


Remember, greed and insurance are the reasons why an X ray costs as much as a car payment.

these threads serve to only strengthen conservative views through annoyance and spite. Just like how media keeps pushing the liberal agenda down everyone's throats and now we are seeing the pushback.


How is the right vs entitlement an invalid arguement? In the US, we have the right to self preservation from enemies domestic and foreign, and can purchase with our own money guns and ammo to accomplish that end. Everyone has the right to purchase with their own money health insurance and healthcare. Some people (mostly conservatives) will use their own money to charitably help those in need, especially in a crisis. Where me and consersative leaning people like me have a problem is being forced by the government to pay for a horrendously mishandled healthcare system that drove up the cost for everyone.
>but muh millions of people covered through the ACA
It's astounding how many people sign up for something when they're being forced to at gunpoint.

It certainly could be if someone proposed to repeal the 2nd amendment. But no politician will because they know even bringing up the possibility is political suicide so fierce, not even Pelosi can soften the blow.

There's nothing stopping poor people from reading a book and performing major surgical operations in their own homes dipshit.

B-but muh MRIs!

Hey, if I can't afford the tools for the job I guess you're stuck with performing brain surgery with a broken beer bottle and a hacksaw.

Nobody handed me an M2 with belted ammo.

Just bought that game. Breddy good stuff so far


Elite tiddy

if you saw a man fire a musket it would scare the living daylights out of you, faggot kike

I don't need to justify my right to bear arms in my own country

B-but, goyim! You have to give up your guns because 17 kids were shot at a high school in Florida! Think of the children, goy!

That response is broad enough that im not convinced that this sill isn't a bot. It wouldn't be hard for the cunt programming it to notice how badly his yhread gets shit on and come up with a vague enough re baiting of the waters to get more (you)'s

fpbp this dumb fuck posts this shit every day like fucking clockwork.

you have the freedom to kys

This goy gets it.

At least gook moot is getting paid for all the spam bot Sup Forums passes.

bait of the lowest caliber.

those 17 kids probably deserved to be shot

not even the emo gazebo was safe