Sup Forums, did the United States land men on the moon from 1969 to 1972?
Sup Forums, did the United States land men on the moon from 1969 to 1972?
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no, those gigantic rockets thousands of people watched live thundering straight up went nowhere
Nope, all the videos were fake and it's impossible to find clear copies of Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17 videos. They were hooked up to wires and you can see them being pulled from above. Also the camera never pans around or shows Earth. And you could also hear hammering in the original broadcast which is impossible.
Pretty sure the Soviets were watching and would've said something if you didn't.
they did land on the moon but the televised moon landings were faked
The first landing was fake, yhen we went secretly and found that aliens had already set up bases and have been monitoring us.
No one would have believed them.
They released satellite footage showing cloud seeding to block satellite imaging over Newtown a few hours before Sandy Hook and everyone said it was Russian lies.
Yes - next stupid question?
ISS is fake too. They still use wire harnesses.
What? What would cloud seeding even achieve?
the question to ask is "why havent we gone back?"
disclosure is coming.
And why are there no real pictures of Earth? They're all CGI composites.
No... they're not. Fucking retard. VSauce did a video on this.
Here you go. One of the most famous photographs in human history.
Everyone saying it’s faked without providing the sources or images to prove it themselves
>just because you WISH it was faked because that would be interesting, doesn’t mean it was
Show me one real photograph of Earth from space.
Block Russia from watching what they were doing. You realize they can read your t-shirt from up there, right? Doesn't work so well through clouds
I just showed 2 videos proving NASA uses wires and harnesses
Maybe "seeding" isn't the right word. "Making clouds" doesn't have a word yet because it's only a conspiracy theory. lol
Dome confirmed
I'm retarded. Here pic related
Cloud seeding doesn't create clouds, it creates rain thus thinning out existing clouds.
Interesting how the Earth always looks different
The Earth would be much bigger from the moon's perspective
Of course.
Even the Soviet Union the main enemy of the United States recognized this fact. Where did the lunar soil come from?
After this americans given part some of the lunar soil to many countries, including the USSR. The USSR get the lunar soil and recognized that it was real. When Putin was asked if there were americans on the moon, he answered yes. And he said it was would impossible to forge it.
Is Putin stupid after this?
Last time someone posted a link to some documentary that was supposed to be evidence they didn't land on the moon.
I watched it and every point they made could be explained with a 3rd graders knowledge of basic science. made me really question how little STEM is actually taught in STEM classes
Pic related only because it makes me kek every time I see it
The moon is only a few days away with modern propulsion systems. During the boiling point of the cold war, it's not inconceivable that the strongest nation in the world put humans on the moon.
I'm eager to see our return, or first landing, in the coming years.
No and if you believe it you have a very small brain.
Read all your (You)s next time, bucko
293,800 miles.... does that look like the fuel required to return?
I'm not a flat earther but the truth is the farthest we've gone is lower earth orbit. Everything beyond that is fake and NASA is full of shit. But if you want to believe space fantasies that's fine.
If by United States you mean Israel's number one puppet state
and holy shit somebody posted it!
Read a 3rd grade science book dude!
The 1978 picture is actually from 2001 and both are satellite composites. The second one is off.
So how is this cloud creation supposedly done?
This is why flat earth was pushed, nothing organic about it. The dune buggy was too much. Why bring it? That's what initially made me suspicious.
I'm not surprised. I just remember how the American continents look much different and are different sizes
are you fucking retarded
>what is Newton's 1st law
>what is zero-g
>what is friction
How would I know? Planes spraying something. Chemtrails are very real, even if you don't want them to be.
AstroNOT caught playing with a tennis ball in front of a blue screen
Simply and directly in your face.
They have live broadcasts of it every storm season.
Cloud seeding is actually real and admitted. One way is to run flares on airplanes. It ionizes the water in the air or something, creates rain.
We never went to the moon and the Earth is flat.
Thanks, CIA. Good job. #metoo
Here they come. Is that you Russianvids?
flat earth is the truth you brainlet troglodyte.
How does the lunar eclipse work on the flat earth model?
Fuck! post more.
I love these things
Yeah but a lot of people really fall for it
Flat earth faggots, show your flag
Refute it.
>Planes spraying something.
Water presumably. That's what natural clouds are made of and it's the cheapest liquid we have.
Nice of you to bring up chem trails. You know how those trails (of mind control gas whatever) only cover a tiny fraction of the sky? Can you imagine how much water you'd have to spray into the air to block a satellite?
It doesn't matter. You and I were never going to be an astronaut
It went somewhere, up and than down into the ocean
We are't just floating in space, the sun, the moon and earth are moving constantly, you just can't pump the gas and float back to earth....
What? I said
And show your flag faggot
I think the cloud seeding is just to get more rain for dry areas crops. I think the chemtrailing of metals is something else, what purpose IDK
here's a (you), faggot.
Magnets, there is a big one in the middle of the earth. Why don't humans jump in the air and fly off into space?
lol, no.
we shot shit to the moon, maybe people, but no man has ever walked on the moon and actually made it back to earth alive. don't be stupid
Fuck yeah we did. Best thing the US government's ever done.
Top secret NASA video. Kilrathi discovered
Its not water, and they will usually build on existing clouds. You can watch it happen. They do it all the time. It's hilarious that something as observable as chemtrails is debated.
>Dude what is solar radiation
The dune buggy was too much. It doesn't even make any sense. I can't believe our parents/grandparents were so stupid.
I don't argue with poo in loos subcontracted to shill for NASA
How does wind work then genius?
>during the height of the Cold War
>implying if we faked it Russia wouldn't immediately call foul
The fact that our greatest enemy didn't even attempt to refute it says a lot
I'm anti (((NASA))), retard.
Of course you stupid fuck.
You seriously think someone wouldn't have aimed a telescope at the moon and said "what a minute the americans were lying" in the last 50 years?
The question is fun but ultimately a waste of time.
Unlikely. The moon is about 250,000 miles out in space. Even NASA admitted they don't have the tech to send men out in space that far - Van Allen belt.
How did they broadcast that to earth when my cell phone has dead spots and a storm knocks out satellite tv in the year of our lord 2018.
And challenger and discovery happened.
yo fuck these globbies we got this, we are the true enlightened ones
>He thinks that wars are real.
You have no idea how telescopes work. The highest magnification for something as distant as the moon would enable you to see something that's about a fooball stadium in size. Scopes just don't have enough resolution. Not talking about IR scopes ofc, but optical ones. So no, YOU can't claim to have seen Armstrong's foot prints or some buggy left on the moon.
Why are you afraid to show your flag? Flat earth is still a psy-op by the gov't
That picture with the ship makes no sense, what is it trying to prove, that gravity doesn't exist?
(((Who))) tolf you that was are enemy?
I'm not even debating chemtrails right now. I'm saying you can't spray enough of whatever liquid to create a cloud clover that blocks satellites.
I'm still waiting for an explanation of how the lunar eclipse works on the flat earth model
Greatest Enemy to the Masses
Greatest Friend to those in the Know.
And this is how they control you goys. The U.S goverments has been Heavily infiltrated by communist since FDR and still is hell we haven't even been a country since 1933 when we went bankrupt but keep believe Jewish lies
What would they have done? Sent a newsletter to everyone? Our grandparents were building fallout shelters and hiding under desks. No one would have believed them.
There isn't one, because any model they present can never account for eclipses, seasons, or the lateral movement of the sun through the sky from winter to summer all at once. Only individually.
Show us a video of you seeing the footprints.
If we went to the moon in 1960 why haven't we gone back.
Why is the U.S the only country to ever go to the moon.
Really activate them almonds brainlet
Not an argument, poo in loo
>some of the greatest propagandists in modern history didn't even try to dispute an accomplishment of their greatest enemy
It isnt a ball. It is amorphis, it looks like a madball from the 80s
Why dont they just take a sunday stroll from the iss to go picnic on the moon since it is so pedestrian to go there?