Kino's Journey

I hope they do the coliseum episode justice.

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Yeah i hope they actually make it good instead of the cringey ham fisted original.

It was the worst of the original series desu. Don't why why they decided to re-adapt this one.

Wait, the new Kino's Journey is a remake and not just more adapted stories?

I really liked it.

They're adapting more stories but re-doing the coliseum one, as shown by the first episode's preview screen.

to introduce shizu

Was it better in the books? I hope the new animation doesn't look like garbage with action.


That looks really nice.

Kino is so disgusting

If you use mpv lower saturation to -70 and use this shader

I miss the big yellow coat.

I assume we'll see it later. They're doing Land of Adults, so it ought to show up when we get to that.

Do we know how many stories from the original are being remade?

I know they're doing Colosseum, Land of Adults, and A Kind Land. Not sure what else, someone had a more complete chart.

>CG literally everytime Kino MOVES

It's going to be shit

>I miss the big yellow coat.

I miss Hermes old voice.

you're kiddin right
i loved seeing kino in action

>cringey ham fisted
doesn't even make any sense. how was it cringey at all what the fuck?

How can opinions be so wrong? New one might be laughably bad either way.

People love to shit on the original series now for absolutely no reason.

It forced Kino to get involved with their culture with no good reason beyond showing off how badass Kino is.

Backlash against obnoxious nakamurafags.

Are you saying there are absolutely no countries that will ever do that?

I don't see the problem here. It was pretty great to see Kino tear down that system.

I'm saying that if they're going to do that, it's should be on a small scale there should be a profound reason, like A Peaceful Land. The Colosseum was just a dumb tournament arc that ended with Kino altering an entire country. Kino should have just won the tournament and made the new rule "I can leave".

In a normal story. yes, but Kino's passive nature and refusal to pass judgement is a core part of the series.

>In a normal story. yes, but Kino's passive nature and refusal to pass judgement is a core part of the series.
ok we sigsawa wrote it, so it's canon. not like it's anime original or some shit.

Yeah. I'm saying Sigsawa fucked up by writing it, the old anime fucked up by animating it, and the new anime is fucking by animating it again.

>but Kino's passive nature and refusal to pass judgement is a core part of the series.
this is what happens when a secondary watches a series that only adapts a small fraction of the stories decides to come to it's own conclusions.
I can't even think of another scenario where a country would put her through that and she wouldn't say anything about it, the country where they have the murder game between her and the prisoners is another one where she makes it known at the end that she is fucking pissed that they made her kill those people for entertainment.