Will they try to make the English language racist? First written, then spoken.
Next loony left idea?
This is the beard all of you fags should be aspiring to. Oh wait, you can't, because you're very gay.
Jew beard, meh.
Everything requiring a higher IQ is racist. Proper English is included in that. The answer is yes.
Nobody can beat Papa Mel.
Jew beard!? lmao. Do you even know who this man is, Jaden?
English is already inherently sexist. That we have to create new pronouns for marginalized folks is a constant reminder of the shame we should have for our people's history of sexism and misogyny.
They are pushing esperanto
They already have. See bbc buga buga
Spanish is based on male/female. Surprised SJW's haven't tried to ban it yet.
The proliferation of the English language is a tool of neo colonialism and is oppressive against those born in non English speaking areas.
>Pope looks into camera
>*records screech*
>Goyim, you're probably wondering how...
Ur doing it wrong
Do it better then, teach me.
Y'all faggots will be soon speaking french
>*Record scratch*
>*Freeze frame*
>Yep goyim, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation. Well you see it all started when my Jewish psychoanalyst...
>"Saki (H.H. Munroe) did not live long enough to see, as other reactionary satirists have done, that it is impossible to invent anything so ludicrous that liberals will not eventually make it come true"
-Peter Hitchens
I don't know, m8. I think mine worked too.
They are already trying to get make English multicultural. One open university YouTube video about the English language said at the end we shouldn't even call it English because other counties have different slang. Some 56%ers call it American.
those are the original roman walls, youf ucking retard
Do you have a point, faggot?
New national language: Hebrew
I think that they'll require that all Internet postings be recorded for future inspection.
When this happens, OP will be completely fucked.
I think you mean we'll all be speaking Arabic
the point is those walls weren't built by the vatican or the pope, you goddamn amerimutt
they were part of the city way before the lateran treaty
you're a typical ignorant muttlord
>simple google search
The Vatican City State has within its territory the Pontifical Swiss Guard or Swiss Guard. The Swiss Guard is a small force maintained not by the Vatican City State but by the Holy See and is responsible for the safety of the Pope, including the security of his habitual formal residence, the Apostolic Palace.
Good to know the pope has his own security force to protect him from the brown horde.
are you fucking kidding me
the swiss guard is dated back to 1500
they existed way before anything you limey sucking britcoon
even more, it was a personal papal army until the assassination attempt of 1981, that's when they gradually made the entire swiss guard corp into bodyguards and security team
fucking begone, you filthy anglo
You're not intelligent enough to understand that what you're saying doesn't matter or change the contradiction. Walls are useful.
yes, to wall up retards like you for execution
Who gives a fuck? He has walls and security, while you don't. Enjoy your niggers paddy
>Will (((they)))
found the conspiritard
t. (((Baiter)))
>teach me
Read Orwell.
no bully pleez, fren
>tfw spic gal in Portland
kill me.
I don't see it happening purely because most people in favor of banning shit only speak english and are too lazy to learn a second language.
Linguist's already claim ebonics is equal to proper English and to suggest otherwise is racist
>t.most pozzed post, ever
>t.Strayan Righteous Clay
hi, hello..
Mel is starting to look like Father Comstock.
Are you a nigger?
Usually user's make a point instead of babbling incoherently
There's already been protests when minorities have been marked down for bad spelling and grammar.
> A Brit fucking up the Irish flag
That's as bad as being a Burger
Literally cannot grow a beard at 36 years old.
T. Norwegian ancestry
I-is that a real thing?
They already are. Can someone link to that article about New York schools pushing to teach Ebonics?
>what is drunk shitposting
you fucking māori kike.... but... I still love you, you fucking bitch.
There was a thread in the last week about some women's studies professor who thought grammar was racist and sexist.
It might have had something to do with the patriarchy keeping her down with apostrophes n sheeit.
>Good to know the pope has his own security force to protect him from the brown horde.
Not knowing that the Pope colluded with the King of France on Friday the 13th to rip off and persecute the Templars
Not knowing that the Templars founded Switzerland with the gold the conspirators never found.
Not knowing that the Swiss guard is made up of Swiss special forces veterans.
Not knowing that they are not so much bodyguards as spies, there to keep an eye on the duplicitous cunt in case he tries it on again.
I bet you think Dan Brown is a historian.
the point is those people were christians and Pope trying to be smartass or antichrist is trying to say :
A) those people were not christians
B) is knowingly lying for his own agendas
nigga waippldum fug thishit imma fucyr ladees