I wish Kobeni was my wife...
I wish Kobeni was my wife
Kobeni has a fat ass!
First you need to be a dog.
I didn't realize she was Canadian
She has a nice sister in law
The OP song is still my wakeup alarm
Looking at this gif makes me think I have no idea what happiness is...
No one who frequents this site knows what happiness is.
I wish Mashiro was my wife.
you won't fit
Making out with kobeni's fat ass!
Kobeni is a miracle of the universe.
I wish Benio was my wife.
Great taste.
Good taste.
Shit taste.
>Still no second season
I wish you could use subjunctive mood.
Said no one ever.
Kobeni is the best!
How many pups will Kobeni have?
Mashiro is for daughtering only.
I am chinese and want to taste Mashiro's meat.
humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes
dogs have 39 pairs of chromosomes
My brother of African descent.
>manga is still running
>season 2 never ever
Konoha is such a cunt, she needs a good dicking and to fuck off never to be seen again
of course and I will grant it
Kobeni is my goddess and I worship her everyday.
The manga sucks ass holy shit
The pact is sealed
Those images are the greatest bit of fan service I've ever seen in a show.
Me too. Kobeni would be a better mom.
> When Grade A girls are stuck in a Grade F show
I want her to sit on my face
but she is the one being bullied
>see this
>what do
Kobeni is love
Someone spoodfeed me music videos of this show.
Kobeni reminds me of Akari in many ways
she basically is akari with long buns
Kobeni has large buns alright.
How can 3d compete with the perfection that is Kobeni?
>great cook
>perfect body to bear children
>very loving and kind
>I am a normal, heterosexual male
Literally everyone who isn't a dumb faggot wishes Kobeni was his wife.
This was Dogakobo's best show, you faggot.
>Dogakobo lost their best animators
It hurts to live.
Yes and that's why hatefuck is a thing
They lost some of their most talented staff after Sansha.
Where did they go?
I think all three girls have their own appeal. Kobeni would be good for my crippling lonliness, though.
Probably freelance.
Benio has no appeal.
Loli haet pizza
>not self inserting as Benio
Benio was alright I guess